Leek Fields

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Rotom flickered forward, as yamper scratched at the ground his paws digging deep into the dirt. Dreepy watched the electric type with amusement, farfetch'd grumbled under his breath irritation on the pokemon's face.

"Drizz." Drizzile called as he pushed his way into the opening, stumbling a bit. Salandit peaked out from the bush, before rushing to the water type a small hiss on the fire types tongue. Corvisquire flew past the water type as sizzlipede hurried to the salandit's side, hunkering down beside the toxic lizard pokemon.

"Yamp." Yamper barked before backing away from the hole he had dug. "Per!" Yamper snarled at farfetch'd.

"Dree..." Dreepy floated down towards yamper. Yamper launched forward aiming for farfetch'ds wing but the fighting type easily dodged the attack. Drizzile grabbed yampers back legs yanking the pokemon backwards.

"Zile!" Drizzile hissed as yamper lowered his ears still growling. A loud roar came from the sky, and the flame pokemon landed with a thud his wings folding in.

"Char." Charizard said as the group of pokemon looked up at the champion pokemon. Drizzile released yamper as the puppy pokemon huffed, and salandit rushed over to the electric type.

"Sal... andit." Salandit hissed towards farfetch'd. The fighting type rolled his eyes huffing a bit, getting charizard to lower his head towards rotom and corvisquire who landed beside the flame pokemon.

A small call came from the fire type, before the pokemon raised his head into the air sniffing. Salandit rushed forward sniffing the ground, small sparks of flame rushing along the poison types back. Yamper lowered his ears going to the other pokemon's side and following on a scent. Farfetch'd just watched as the group of pokemon started away from him before the fighting type followed after, him grasping for his leek that wasn't there.

Corvisquire, took to the air with charizard as the two flying types searched the area. A sharp cry escaped corvisquire as the pokemon dove its feet missing the leek growing in the ground by mere inches. The vegetation spurted upwards dodging the raven pokemon, and forcing it back up into the air. The blue snapping pokemon held the leek in its mouth as it started forward passing through the tall grass. The pokemon looked up at corvisquire before picking up its pace.

"Squire!" Corvisquire called getting the rest of the pokemon's attention. Yamper came bounding over, with the rest of the party pokemon. A low snarl escaped yamper, getting sparks to come from its fur before it charged forward electricity surrounding it. The pokemon dropped the leek, before spinning its glowing tail as it slammed into yamper throwing the electric type into a tree.

Drizzile grabbed yamper off the ground as it whimpered. Salandit hissed the fire rushing up its back as it distracted the water pokemon. The chewtle gave a small noise before stepping towards the toxic lizard pokemon. Sizzlipede slipped behind the water type, grabbing the leek in its pincers and started dragging it back towards where farfetch'd waited. Chewtle turned before charging at the fire type, its mouth clamping around the radiator pokemon's back. A small cry escaped sizzlipede before it was thrown into salandit knocking the two pokemon over.

Charizard rolled his eyes before landing next to the little water pokemon, just as it picked up the leek. A low growl ripped from the flame pokemons throat, threatening the snapping pokemon. The little pokemon paid the fire type little mind as it started wandering away the stalk in its mouth. Smoke escaped charizard's nostrils as the flame on his tail grew larger in irritation but the water type kept trudging forward.

Dreepy swooped low to chewtle as it chirped but the snapping pokemon cast a small glance at it before moving forward. Dreepy moved forward grabbing the end of the leek causing chewtle to drop the vegetable as it clamped down around the dragon type's tail. A scream escaped the lingering pokemon, a blur rushed forward knocking the water type off dreepy. Farfetch'd scooped up the dropped leek as chewtle, wrestled with yamper sparks flying off the electric type. Yamper yowled as chewtle clamped its jaw down on the pokemon's back leg. Farfetch'd raised the leek and swung striking the snapping pokemon throwing it into the air. The leek aimed downward hitting chewtle in the underbelly forcing it into the ground.

Farfetch'd placed the leek on its shoulder before gazing at yamper as the puppy pokemon watched the fighting type. Giving a small bow the wild duck pokemon turned heading off deeper in the wild area, preparing to leave the group of pokemon


Farfetch'd stopped, glancing over his shoulder at the little puppy pokemon seeing its white teeth. "Fetch." Farfetch'd hummed as it turned to fully look at the electric type, noticing the bruises on its body. A low rumble came from the air, charizard landed behind the little pokemon, his tail burning bright. The flame pokemon's eyes almost glowed in the dust as it slowly settled, fire licked around its mouth. Yamper perked his ears up waiting for the fighting types next move, electricity surging through the puppy pokemon's fur.

"Per!" Yamper took a step forward, his ears folding back as farfetch'd fully turned to look at the other.

"Fetch." Farfetch'd raised its right wing begging the electric pokemon on. Yamper charged forward, sparks fluttering around him as farfetch'd swung. The leek connected with yamper's jaw sending the puppy pokemon sprawling to the right as it kicked up dirt. A small groan escaped yamper as he pushed himself to his feet, shaking the bits of dust from his fur.

"Far." The leek swung down as yamper leapt backwards dodging the incoming attack. The leek slammed into the ground as yamper charged forward, flames wrapping around its body before slamming into the fighting type. Farfetch'd skidded backwards before digging its leek into the ground and stopping itself. The wild duck pokemon steadied himself, just as yamper crashed into him, electricity shocking the pokemon as the paralysis effect took hold.

"Salan." Salandit wrapped its tail around yampers back legs pulling it off of farfetch'd. Corvisquire flew above them, heading towards the trees and returned a few moments later dropping a red berry in front of the fighting type.

"Corv." Corvisquire landed before pushing the berry closer to farfetch'd with its wing. Farfetch'd hesitated before plucking the berry off the ground and swallowing it, the effect disappearing.

"Charizard, it's time to go!" Leon's voice echoed as the fire type raised its head. A beat of its wings and it was off into the air, and heading back to its trainer.

"Salandit, yamper, corvisquire!"

"Rotom, dreepy, sizzlipede, drizzile. Come on." Corvisquire swooped down scooping up sizzlipede as it went, flying back. Drizzile, and rotom waited for dreepy as the little ghost pokemon floated towards the other two before they disappeared into the undergrowth.

"Yamp..." Yamper whined before lowering his ears and letting salandit guide them back.

"Far." yamper glanced back at the duck pokemon. "Fetch'd" Farfetch'd gestured to itself as yamper yelped back its tail wagging. Yamper grinned as farfetch'd nodded, another day.

"There you two are." Kayden laughed as yamper leapt into her awaiting arms. Salandit scrambled up to her shoulder, as she stood fully up.

"Alright, then good luck with Nessa guys." Leon stated as charizard lowered himself enough to let Leon on his back.

"Bye." Luke waved as rotom flickered around his shoulder.

"Did you guys have fun?" Kayden asked as the group of pokemon chirped in response and they started towards Hulbury.


First chapter with just the pokemon. 

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