Rising Wildfire

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"Shit." The grunt hissed as he ducked under the fallen tree, hoping and praying that it would hold. Three others slipped under with him, their fear and panic overwhelming as the flames rose too high around them. They hadn't heard their admin yell her orders for retreat until the fire had already cut off their path.

"Houndour find us a path." He ordered the pokemon at his side and it energetically raced ahead trying to get around the rising flames. The houndour gave a yelp as a fallen branch struck it. The grunt panicked, rushing to his pokemon and carefully peeling the limb from its back and picked the dark type up in his arms. He scanned the three others, he was the only one with a fire type.

"We gotta get outta here." A female grunt asked as she glanced around the area trying to see past the burning flames.


"Flygon, sand storm." A voice called as the four grunts stood stock still trying to find the direction the voice had come.

"Drizzle, water pulse."

"Scald croconaw, clear a path for everyone." A familiar voice yelled as the four glanced at each other once more. Dare they? Dylan was gone, if what their leader said was true he fled. For some reason the four of them highly doubted that they had been his friend and for him to just up and leave. It didn't seem like him.

"DYLAN!" The female grunt screamed before her own hands clamped over her mouth. Fleur wasn't one to get loud but she was panicking as the fire grew closer to the group, what else could they do?

"Dylan what was that?" A male voice asked and it didn't sound familiar.

"I don't know. Liam, help me clear a path in the direction of the voice." Dylan stated.

"Sure, mate." The voice stated, that must be Liam. A burst of flames grew closer, making them warmer and moving together. Fleur whimpered as she scooped up her purrloin pulling it closer to her chest. The two others pulled their nuzleaf's in front them, shielding the grass types from the growing heat that seems to fill the space around them. Smoke raged through the air assaulting them and trying to drown out their life. The embers burnt and flickered against their gear, trying to catch fire but not taking to it.

Water slowly overwhelmed the fire as a poliwhirl sort of waddled up to them, its eyes blinking up at them slowly. Opening its hand it offered it to the group of grunts and slowly Fleur took the tadpole pokemon's hand allowing it to guide them away from the worst of the fire. A rapidash sprinted past them, its hooves creating an obvious trench in the dirt as it drove the fire away from the rest of the forest. Wings beat in the air as a frosmoth sent another gust of icy wind into the slowly catching fire leafs, stopping their spread. A noivern swooped low, its ears creating a hyper voice that cut through the ground helping to make another trench.

"What are you guys doing here?" Dylan asked as croconaw finally puts out the last of the fire around the small group of grunts.

"We could ask you the same thing." Arthur hissed as his houndour snuggled more into his arms.

"Doesn't matter, just get back to your team." Dylan snapped footsteps coming from behind them as Liam approached the group. The older man gives the group a once over, before glancing at Dylan.

"You lot look lost." Liam stated, he glanced at Dylan once more seemingly seeing something that was there a moment before. "I'm certain we can get them out of the forest in a timely manner." Liam informed before he gave a shrill whistle.

"Are you good over there?" Kayden shouted at the sound of their distress call.

"We got some lost people." Liam yelled back. Salazzle was the first one on the scene, a low growl escaping the poison type, the flames rolling down the pokemon's back. A crackle comes from a loose rotom as it chases after the other pokemon coming to a stop above the pokemon.

"Oh great." Luke hissed as he caught up with the group, Sophie at his side.

"Just what we need." Sophie whispered to him as he gave a small shake of his head.

"So you are a part of Team Void and you're the reason for this fire." Kayden pointed out as she crossed her arms, her fire type growling at her side.

"We are just doing as we are told." Arthur stated as Dylan scoffed.

"And doing what you're told is going to get you killed." Dylan snapped. "Your mighty leader would willingly let this place burn down and with you in it!" The four grunts were kind of glancing at each other, not certain what to do in this situation.

"Look..." Kayden started as she stepped towards the four of them. "I get that you guys are trying to be loyal and all but is this..." Kayden gestured around her as the flames finally were put out. "Is this what you want to do? You're killing people and pokemon, where does that loyalty end?"

"We were just doing what we were told." Arthur responded before getting a groan from Dylan.

"That isn't an answer!" Dylan shouted. "You are just blindly following Cadel! You are following him into your fuckin graves!"

"How would you know you, traitor." Arthur snapped. Kayden stepped forward putting herself between Dylan who was starting to get angrier and the Team Void members.

"Look we are ju-"

"Traitor? Is that what he told you!" Dylan exploded. "I didn't fucking leave! He almost fucking killed me and then left me on top of the mountains to die. If it wasn't for them," Dylan gestured towards Kayden and Luke. "I would be dead!!"

"You're ly-" Arthur started before Fleur put her hand up stopping her friend.

"We watched Cadel kill Lucien." Fleur stated as everyone just stared at her gobsmacked.

"I'm sorry, what!" Liam yelled. "And you still follow him?"

"Well we didn't know at the time that he was like that." Fleur responded.

"How do you not know!" Luke hollered. "Why didn't you leave?"

"It doesn't matter." Arthur snapped, cutting Fleur off. "Thank you for your help but we got to get going." Grabbing Fleur's wrist he started dragging her off in the direction the fire was cleared. The four grunts remained in silence as they slowly got out of the woods leaving behind the thoughts of the day.

"We shou-" Fleur started only to get cut off by Arthur.

"If Cadel finds out we'll get killed. I'm just trying to keep us alive." Arthur stated and the three others nodded, being quiet was the best option at this point. 


Here is the next chapter!

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