Bolt and Cover

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Yamper led them away from the city back towards the forest, as the sound of vehicles roared in the background. Panic rose through the two trainers as they swerved into the treeline pressing their backs against the towering trees. Kayden snatched yamper up into her arms as the puppy pokemon went silent, pressing himself against the teens chest. Rotom tucked itself against Luke's neck, trying to muffle the crackling of its body.

"Ka-" Kayden held up her finger asking for quiet as the sound of tires came too close for comfort. The trainers fell silent as they listened if someone got out of their transport. Salandit curled herself more around Kayden's neck, giving off a bit of warmth to relax the young woman. Luke licked his lips thinking about what they could do, how could they get out of this. The vehicles inched past, the riders looking out into the forest trying to see if they could find the two runaway trainers. Satisfied the automobile kept forward, Kayden and Luke didn't move until they didn't hear the crunching of the wheels.

"We need to get to the mine." Luke whispered. "It'll be hard for them to get to us there." Grabbing a pokeball from his side Luke called out drizzile, dreepy and sizzlipede.

"Okay." Kayden mumbled as she called out corvisquire as the raven pokemon took to the air. "Find us a safe path." Kayden ordered as the flying type nodded and rotom surged up after.

"Stick to the shadows." Luke muttered as he started moving his pokemon leading the way. Kayden took a shaky breath and set down yamper, letting the electric type help guide before she followed after. Every little bit the two trainers would slip along the trees wherever they heard a vehicle. After what seemed like an eternity, they could finally see the entrance to the mine.

"Luke, they are watching it." Kayden mumbled as she looked at her friend. Three people in black stood outside of the mine scanning the area making sure that no one entered the mineshaft. A houndour sniffed at the ground in front of them, getting it to shake its head unhappy with what it found.

"I see that." Luke responded as he looked around the area hoping to see a way around them but he kept coming up empty.

"Yamp." Yamper growled from between Kayden's feet as the two trainers looked at the puppy pokemon.

"Shhhh." Kayden hushed. However yamper was having none of that as the electric type burst from the cover and raced across the field.

"What is he doing!" Luke whispered. Sparks crackled off the pokemons fur as it slammed into a houndour sending it skidding backwards. Flames rolled from the dark pokemons mouth as it snarled before embers flew at yamper.

"He's creating a distraction." Kayden mumbled as she started creeping forward along the treeline getting as close as she could to the cave entrance.

"The hell is it doing!" A female Team Void member yelled as it called out a nuzleaf. The wily pokemon stretched its arms before darting forward throwing yamper off balance.

"Kind of dumb isn't it." A male member laughed as yamper gave off a low growl. A low cry came from above as corvisquire dove, snatching the nuzleaf by its arms throwing it to the ground.

"What is happening!" The third team member yelled as he grabbed a pokeball. The moment their pokemon was released, fire slammed into it sending it sprawling backwards. Sizzlipede chirped as the flames wrapped around it again and the purrloin pushed itself to its feet.

"Come on." Kayden grabbed Luke's wrist as the two trainers sprinted towards the entrance of the mine.

"Talon!" A cry came from above as a talonflame slammed into corvisquire, knocking into its wing throwing it off balance. The raven pokemon gave a cry as it tried to catch itself before hitting the ground, but failed.

The scorching pokemon spun its wing glowing silver as it slammed into yamper throwing the electric type. Spinning the flying type soared towards the two trainers as it grabbed Kayden by the shoulders picking her up off the ground. Salandit hissed as her teeth sank into the talonflames leg, getting the scorching pokemon to drop the young trainer.

"Wait, wait!" Kayden screamed as she fell. Talonflame dove after, snatching Kayden by her backpack, and knocking salandit off in the process.

"Kayden!" Luke screamed as yamper was thrown at his feet and sizzliepe skidded past him. Drizzile knocked the houndour away as more pokemon were called out by the Team Void members.

"Let go of me you oversized fletchling!" Kayden growled as she struggled. She was taken higher and higher into the air, perhaps struggling wasn't the best idea. Kayden glanced back at Luke noticing him struggling to keep the Team Void members away. She should be there helping.

A loud roar broke the atmosphere as reshiram soared down towards her, anger in the vast white pokemon's eyes. Kayden watched the pokemon for a moment before she reached up grabbing, talonflame's feet holding them tighter.

"No, go help Luke." Kayden stated as reshiram growled back. "You heard me! I'm fine. Go help Luke." Kayden ordered as the legendary blinked at the young trainer before slowing. The vast white pokemon made a slow turn, heading back towards Luke as Kayden smiled at least he'd be alright.

Flames soared across the battlefield as Luke stumbled backwards and his own pokemon followed him. Reshiram snarled above him, fire soaring from its tail in anger. Landing dust flew around the dragon type as it roared, more fire filling the area between. Drizzile scooped up yamper and sizzlipede bringing the two fallen pokemon to Luke as he recalled sizzlipede. Salandit clambered up his leg perching on his shoulder as it hissed at the opposing pokemon. The Team Void members recalled their pokemon retreating to the vehicle they were using, leaving Luke and all the pokemon alone.

"Reshiram, thank you." Luke said as the legend looked down at the blond haired teen, a small grumble coming from its throat. Yamper struggled in drizzile's arms, as corvisquire got up trying to brush the dust and dirt off. The raven pokemon chirped as it strutted over to the other trainer. After a moment yamper leapt from the water types hands bolting off in the direction that the talonflame had gone.

"Yamper, wait." Luke called before rushing after the injured pokemon. It wouldn't be able to fight right now and the trainer knew, if he had its pokeball he'd probably recall it. Yamper kept ahead, not letting up as reshiram and corvisquire took to the air. Drizzile rushed after its trainer catching up with ease before chasing after the electric type. The water lizard pokemon jumped onto yamper, pinning it down as the puppy pokemon tried to escape.

"Yamper stop." Luke yelled as he finally caught up. Yamper cried as a faint blue started to swim across the pokemon's body as it started to grow. It's legs grew longer along with its tail as small spikes grew along its back legs and tail. Slowly, the blue faded away as boltund snarled, throwing drizzile off allowing the dog pokemon to charge off leaving the trainer and other pokemon behind.

"How are we going to keep up?" Luke asked as reshiram landed, lowering its head towards him. Luke looked the legendary over, before recalling drizzile and slowly climbing on the vast white pokemon's back.

"Alright," Luke whispered as salandit warmed up around his neck, as rotom flickered beside the poison type. "let's go." Reshiram was in the air in a matter of moments, they had to find her. 

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