Paths that Cross

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Dylan tore into the instant noodle curry, ignoring the look of the two other trainers in front of him. His mightyena scarfed down the poke food, sending pieces of it scattering around the bowl. Luke cast Kayden a small look before shifting against the stone wall. The outcrop sat the trio comfortably, hiding them from prying eyes. They were close enough to Stow-on-Side to make it there in only a few minutes' run but staying at the center or a hotel would get them found faster. Salandit made a small noise before burying her head into Kayden's hood, settling there.

Flygon gave off a content sigh, its eyes scanning the three trainers from time to time before it moved a bit closer to the fire that salandit lit. Rotom buzzed around Luke's shoulder, its crackling matching that of the fire.

"You don't have to just stare at me." Dylan stated as he gazed up at the two trainers. He was a few years olders than the two thirteen year olds, at most he was sixteen. Running a hand through his hair, Dylan set the curry down and slowly got to his feet.

"How are you awake?" Luke asked.

"Pure luck." Dylan answered. Mightyena licked her lips, finishing up her meal before sitting back watching the group of trainers.

"So why exactly try to find us?"

"You're Kayden, the champion of Kalos's daughter." Dylan stated, his mightyena getting to her feet and pressing herself against its trainer's leg. Salandit gave a hiss, catching the bite pokemon's attention and a snarl escaped the dark type. A rumble escaped the ground type, as it shook the rocky terrain around them, getting the two pokemon to settle.

"Yes, I am. But what does that have to do with anything?"

"I was a part of Team Void." Dylan responded, noticing the look of slight horror on the faces of the others. "Was... Our gracious leader is the one who did this to me." Dylan stated gesturing to his injuries that still seemed far too fresh for him to be up and about as he was.

"What?" Luke asked.

"Our leader, Cadel, is a psychopath. I should have known long before but I just got caught up with everyone else... now..."

"What does this have to do with me?" Kayden asked as she crossed her arms.

"If he captures you, he will kill you." Dylan admitted getting stunned looks from the trainers.

"What? Why would he kill me?"

"Because he thinks that it will break your father and cause him to go on a rampage like how he let rayquaza years ago. He doesn't just want to disband the elite four or the champion, he wants to get rid of the gym leaders as well. He wants the world to be filled with chaos, by killing off the strongest trainers in each region." Dylan informed and the horror on the others' faces kept getting worse.

"Why? Why would he want that?" Luke questioned.

"Because he's a psychopath. He thinks that people fearing him is how he'll make an army and that he'll rule when it's all over and done with. I just... I needed to warn you." Dylan whispered as he rubbed at the back of his neck. Kayden shifted a bit before looking at flygon and walking over to the dragon type, running her hand against the mystic pokemons head. Luke stared over the edge of the outcrop and to the drop below them, his thoughts going elsewhere.


"I'm not leaving you, if that's what you're going to say." Luke stated.

"No not that. I think my uncle was right." Kayden pointed out as Luke cast the dark haired teenager a look.

"You want to go back to Kalos?" Luke questioned as Kayden shook her head before grabbing a pokeball from her side. Expanding the ball she lightly touched flygon on the head, and the energy surrounded the ground type. Disappearing into the pokeball it shook in her hands for a few moments, before settling and giving off a faint click.

"No, that's not what I meant. If we want to stay here, we might need an army at our back."

"Wait, you want to build an army? To fight back against Team Void." Dylan muttered for a moment before running a hand through his hair. "ARE YOU FUCKIN NUTS!" Dylan screamed startling his mightyena a bit. Salandit gave a small snarl in response before scampering down from its trainer's shoulder. Another growl came from the toxic lizard pokemon, the appendages rattling a bit from the back of its neck.

"Stop it." Kayden snapped getting the poison type to fall silent before curling up beside the fire. "Look, I don't know what else to do. Unless either of you two have any ideas, that is maybe our best option." The trio stood in silence for a bit, thinking.

"Well you know... you have my support." Luke stated before looking at Dylan.

"Like I have anywhere else to go, I'm sort of trapped here. Yeah, I guess I'm in. So... where do we start?" Dylan asked.

"Well, I have some friends who might want to join." Luke smiled.

"Wait, you have friends that want to die?" Dylan asked as Luke rolled his eyes.

"No! I mean they are pretty strong and pretty much bored all the time. I'm certain they'd be up for something like this." Luke informed before digging out his phone.

"Alright, I guess we should start figuring this out then."


All the poketubers!

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