Blood and Misery

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Cadel growled as he stormed through the base, absol at his right side and gogoat on his left. Entering the main hanger he noticed his group of soldiers who had returned, each battered and bruised healing their partner pokemon.

"Lucien, Juliette!" Cadel called. The two admins were on their feet in moments crossing the distance to their leader before giving low bows. "How did you fail me again?" Cadel shouted his voice silencing the chatter of his soldiers behind his admins. All eyes were on the two as they stood up from their bow.

"We didn-"

"YOU DIDN'T WHAT! You didn't expect the champion to send someone to try to protect his daughter, then you two are idiots. The fact that my two admins were unable to prove themselves and bring me the one thing I require..." Cadel went silent as Absol stepped forward a low growl escaping the dark type. The team leaders hand shot out ordering the disaster pokemon back, which it did without hesitation. Cadel pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, thinking.

"We are sorry sir, it won't happen again." Lucien stated as Cadel's eyes snapped open.

"I'm certain it won't." Cadel responded as he grabbed a pokeball from his side. Calling out, tyrantrum the dragon type snorted looming above its trainer. "You won't make that mistake again, because someone is going to have to be taught a lesson. A lesson that all of you will understand. I do not accept failure." Cadel snapped. "So which of you accept the lesson?"

The two admins glanced at each other before steeling themselves and fully looking at their leader.

"I will take the punishment." Lucien stated taking a step forward. Juliette stopped her voice not coming out, she wanted to protest. She had already failed before and now Lucien was going to be punished for her failure. Lucien grabbed for his pokeballs, preparing to release one of his partners for the punishment.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. This isn't a normal punishment." Cadel stated as he snapped his fingers. Tyrantrum stormed forward, his teeth wrapping around the man's stomach. Screams filled the hanger as blood started to paint the ground, and Juliette was frozen before her voice finally came back. The color drained from the grunts' faces, each watching in horror as their leader's pokemon killed the admin.

"STOP! Please!" She begged, rushing towards her leader. Absol charged forward, knocking her to the ground and pinning her there with a clawed foot on her chest. "STOP! STOP!" She cried tears staining her skin, and she struggled under the dark types claws. A faint glow escaped the pokemon's horn as the disaster pokemon gave off a snarl.

"Are you all learning?" Cadel asked as his team watched in horror as the dragon type dropped the motionless body. The rock type huffed, blood dripping down its jaws coloring the white fur on its chin a crimson red. Cadel stood in silence as he scanned his team over, watching to see if anyone wanted to speak up against him. Satisfied after a few moments he recalled the despot pokemon, before he turned on his heels.

"Clean it up." He ordered over his shoulder, his two partners at his side as he left the hanger. Silence remained as the only noise was Juliette as she sobbed and crawled over to her friend's body. Anger ran through her for a moment before she ran her fingers through Lucien's hair.

"Find her..." Juliette whispered. "Find her!" She screamed to the grunts around her as they scrambled to their feet doing as their admin ordered.

"Bring her to me alive or bring me her head! Kill anyone who stands between you!" Juliette cried ignoring the tears that fell down her face. "I'm sorry." She whispered to her friend's body, her eyes trailed down to the few pokeballs that had fallen from his belt. She would take care of them, of course she would. It's the least she could do.


Team Void isn't a normal evil team.  

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