Team Void

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 Water rushed along the side of the three speedboats, a talonflame flew overhead over the lead boats through the churning water. The speedboats were painted black with a series of purple lines twirling around each other to make the top of a spiral. In the middle of the three was a large yacht, that cut through the water as they headed off towards the shore in the distance.

"Sir." A voice says breaking the leader from his view on the approaching land. "We will be arriving in Galar in half an hour." The leader didn't respond for a minute as he ran a hand through his crew cut hair.

"Good, let's hope that our intel is correct. " He responded from his central chair, his right hand on his gogoat's leafy mane. The grass type moved more into its trainers hand, as it hummed at the touch. Cadel pushed himself to his feet, his black jacket falling a bit from where it was hung on his chair fixing his black shirt as he went. His black boots with silver metal buckles ran up the side, his black combat pants were tucked into the top of his boots.

"It is correct sir, our scouts said that the Kalos champion went to Galar with his wife and daughter but when they returned their daughter was missing." A woman in a black coat said from her seat, before turning her attention back to what was in front of her. Gogoat snorted from his spot as a whisper came from behind the Team Leaders chair. Bright red eyes glowed in the shadows of the ship, and absol stepped forward coming up to its trainers side.

"Excellent, the faster we get the girl the faster we can get cooperation with the champion." Cadel stated his fingers combing through the dark types' fur.

"What about the legend?" A grunt asked at the front station. Cadel stopped his hands going behind his back as he watched the grunt for a few moments.

"What about it?" Cadel retorted as absol turned its attention to the grunt.

"How are we going to beat it? Also we have to deal with a champion who has never lost a battle before." The crew was staring at the grunt as he brushed some of his red hair from his face and under the cap he wore. Cadel started chuckling, a chill filled the room they hadn't really seen the leader laugh. Gogoat got to his feet, a snort escaping the grass type as it eyed the grunt below it. Its hoof scraped against the floor as the pokemon shook its head, scattering leaves around it. Vines started to reach out, as the pokemon continued to fume and the team leader started towards the grunt.

"You are overthinking. The champion of Galar wouldn't care about a single child, let alone bother us if we are SILENT!" Cadel shouted as absol growled, taking a step forward, its teeth baring. Gogoat slammed its front hooves down racing to its trainer sides as the absol stayed put. "The legend can be defeated if not, then we will capture it. It won't be an issue." Cadel said before turning and walking back to his seat. Absol rushed forward its horn aiming at the grunt as he stumbled backwards falling over his chair as the disaster pokemon leapt up on the seat.

"I don't enjoy being questioned." Cadel hissed as the rest of the crew returned to their duties, ignoring the vines that came from gogoat and wrapped around the poor grunt. "Gogoat, absol, I believe someone needs to be taught who is in charge." Cadel ordered as the two pokemon took the grunt from the room and the team leader focused his attention on the approaching land. 


Here is the next chapter guys, and sorry for the wait.

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