Opening Ceremony

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 "So the Opening Ceremony, are we required to go to that?" Kayden asked as Luke guided them to the lift up to the second half of the city. The sun was starting to lower now, the falling sun creating almost a golden glow over the city.

"I mean its tradition. But normally there are more of us that come around, so I'm not exactly certain what we'll be doing. We aren't starting the gym challenge at the right time, so I don't know. But Leon said to head to the arena." Luke informed as Kayden nodded as the lift started moving. Salandit curled itself tighter around her neck, the heat coming off the pokemon's body warming her just enough to be comfortable. Rotom buzzed around them as the machine swung upwards showing off the lower half of the city. It was gorgeous, the buildings were all red brick, with dark lanterns started illuminating the pathways.

"It's gorgeous here." Kayden whispered. Luke chuckled as he leaned on the railing of the lift, looking out to the city below them. The smell of the restaurants rose up towards them but she wasn't really hungry anymore, especially after the two swung past a bakery.

"You're not from here, are you?"

"What gave it away?" Kayden smirked as Luke laughed.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you don't know where you are going." Luke pointed out.

"Leon didn't know where he was going." Kayden said as the lift came to a halt on the upper half of the city. Luke couldn't argue with Kayden at that, as the two got off the lift. A massive clock tower loomed far above them, as a glass wall almost glowed in the sunlight. People passed them, not noticing the two as they entered the upper city.

"That's the arena." Luke pointed before gesturing to the left. "That's the Budew Drop Inn, it's where a lot of traveling trainers go for the night."

"Wait, you guys don't just crash at a pokecenter?" Kayden asked as Luke shook his head no.

"We have no reason to, at least not when hotels are around the gyms." Luke said as the two headed towards the gym in front of them. He yanked open the door allowing her into the entrance of the arena. A bright red carpet with orange flames was sprawled along the middle, as faint orange carpets covered the rest of the floors. A large television loomed above the brick stone desk, as a worker in sports gear sat at a computer.

"Can I help you two?" The worker said as she fixed her hat.

"Um... the champion told us to come here." Kayden informed the worker as she blinked up at them. She opened her mouth to speak before as a loud bang came from the front door as Leon sprinted into the arena, two others on his tail.

"Leon this is a bit extreme." A black and blue haired woman said as she swished the long strands out of her dark face. Her eyes were a glassy blue as she turned her attention to Kayden and Luke. She smiled strutting forward as her sandals clicked on the ground, before she offered her hand to Kayden.

"You must be Kayden." The woman stated as Kayden took her hand. "I'm Nessa, the gym leader of Hulbury." They broke off the handshake as Nessa looked to Luke. "Oh... and you are?" Nessa asked.

"Luke." He said, taking her offered hand. Leon walked up behind the woman as another man tailed behind the champion. This man towered over the teenagers, as he smiled under his farmers hat. His white sport uniform contrasted greatly with Nessa's blue swimsuit.

"Milo." The man smiled as he shook Kayden's hand. "I'm the gym leader of Turffield." Milo said as he quickly fixed his hat and his grin didn't falter as he took Luke's hand.

"I thought I heard a commotion. What ruckus have you brought into my gym?" An older man said as he walked into the main area from the double doors. His hair was a silver grey and his uniform was a bright fire red with white shorts. A white and red towel wrapped around his shoulders and his black undershirt sported red flames as they disappeared under his uniform.

"Some challengers." Leon smiled as the man raised an eyebrow as he stopped a few feet from the group.

"Challengers? The gym challenge isn't for a few more months. What do you mean by gym challengers?" The man stated as Leon rubbed at the back of his neck.

"I mean we have two challengers, Kabu." Leon grinned but the glare from the older man didn't waver.

"Yeah, what exactly is going on? Champion." Nessa said, turning to look at Leon.

"Luke what are you doing here?" Kabu asked as Luke sort of shrunk away a bit as Leon stepped forward.

"I'm endorsing him." Leon chuckled, wrapping his right arm around the blond's neck.

"It's not time for endorsing, Leon." Kabu stated.

"So about that... I kind of need these two to actually take part in the challenge." Leon said as he pulled himself from Luke.

"And why is that?" Milo questioned.

"Because... because..." Leon mumbled, casting a glance at Kayden. "Alright, look... They have to do this, I'll talk to you all about it in a bit. Alright..." Leon whispered as the gym leaders huffed something under their breath but ultimately agreed.

"Very well. We will have a discussion later. For now it appears you two are on your way to Turffield. If you head to route 3 and through Galar mine you should make it there without issue." Kabu stated as Kayden glanced at Luke before he nodded and they thanked the gym leaders heading out of the gym.

"Care to explain, champion." Nessa said as she crossed her arms giving the champion a glare. Leon huffed as the double doors slammed shut behind the two trainers as they headed out on their journey.

"You all know about Team Void in Kalos." The three gym leaders nodded. "Kayden is the daughter of Champion Ryder, and she was sent here to be safe and away from the chaos going down over there. You know with the growing threat of total takeover, the champion didn't want his daughter in the crossfire. I thought if they went on the challenge, then if something does happen she could be able to defend herself. Luke happened to be someone who helped us out when we got into the city and another trainer with her would be nice." Leon informed as the three gym leaders stood in silence. Nessa was the first to step forward before she spoke softly.

"I don't see any harm in it." Nessa admitted as she glanced at the other gym leaders.

"It would be fun, not as chaotic as usual." Milo stated. Kabu was silent for a few moments before rising up a bit on the balls of his feet.

"What happens if Team Void comes?" Kabu questioned as the champion met the fire type gym leader's eyes.

"I'll take care of it."

"Champion as strong as you are, you can't be following them. You also are quite busy." Milo stated. Nessa was silent as she took a breath, her eyes falling shut as Kabu tried to think.

"We'll take care of it." Nessa said as she opened her eyes a smile on her lips. Leon looked a bit stunned at the statement before he opened his mouth to object. "No, you are the champion! You don't have the time to be babysitting, Leon. These two are trainers now, they can handle themselves and if something comes up we," She gestures to Kabu and Milo, "will take care of it."

"I don't know Nessa, Ryder trusted me to take care of his daughter."

"You are going to need help." Kabu stated as Leon relented as he nodded in agreement, some help would be appreciated. "So you better catch up to them champion after all you forgot to give them their dynamax bands." Leon's eyes widened as he started rushing to the exit, yelling his thanks over his shoulder.

"So...." Milo started before looking at Nessa and Kabu.

"We need to learn more about this Team Void." Kabu said. 


I'm going to be honest guys, I actually love this story! As slow going as it is, there is going to be a lot of cool and terrifying things that I have planned. So hope you guys are ready for a crazy adventure. 

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