*--- Getting Married ---*

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- Meliodas's Pov -

I woke up at just gone 10 in the morning. My head was a little sore. Me and the guys had a couple of drinks last night. I rubbed my eyes and waited for everything to come into focus. That's when I saw it. My suit hanging up on the wardrobe door. I clapped my hands together and jumped out of bed. King, Ban and Estarossa stayed over last night. Ellie and the girls slept at the hotel. Ban was downstairs making some big ass breakfast for everyone. I think Estarossa was helping him. I knew that Zeldris had Tristan as I could hear his little giggle.
"I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I ran around the house. I was like a kid in a candy store "I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!!!!"
"Brother, Will you calm down!" Estarossa yelled from the kitchen. I slid down the bannister and went into the front room.
"Is that all you can say?" Ban folded his arms "Do you want food?"
"Yes please," I nodded as I sat at the table. I was literally bouncing on my seat.
"Did someone shove a Pogo stick up your ass?" Estarossa tilted his head at me.
"Now come you lot. You know how he gets when he is excited" King yawned and placed his head on the counter "Man, I'm tired"
"You're always tired" I rolled my eyes "I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!!!!" I squealed. I wolfed down my food.
"Meliodas. You need to go get in the shower" Zeldris poked his head between me and King, Causing me to jump and fall off my seat. I looked up and Zeldris was smirking at me. Tristan bounced on his hip.
"Will you stop doing that? You sneaky little ninja!!" I scolded.
"Go get in the shower" Zeldris ordered as I ran back up to my room.

I had an hour to get ready before the car came to take us to the hotel. I jumped in the shower. The water calmed me. I quickly got washed and dried off. I put black joggers on and a red t-shirt. As am drying my hair, I noticed my hands were shaking. My chest was beginning to tighten "Okay now am nervous" I placed my hand on my chest.
"Brother, breathe" I spun round to the voice. I couldn't even manage to put my signature poker face on. Zeldris was standing at the door. He had black joggers on and a blue tank top on "How are you holding up?"
"I'm really nervous" My voice came out all weird "Where's my boy?"
"I can tell. You're gonna be fine" I heard Zeldris move from the door. I walked to the window "Estarossa has him"
"You say that but I have never been this nervous. Is this normal?" I asked as I stared out the window.
"Yep. Well from what Dad said. I ain't getting married for another two years as my vegas wedding doesn't count" Zeldris walked up behind me.
"How do you go from 'I wanna run for the hills' to 'I can do this'?" I quizzed as I lent on the window frame.
"Just take it one step at a time. You get to be with Elz till the end of time"
"At least I know that I am being normal. This is huge and scary" I ran my hands through my hair.
"Nothing is too big that we can't handle" Zeldris patted my shoulder "And yeah this is huge and it is scary but by the end of the day, You will have someone that will hold your hands through the worst days and the good"
"When did you get so insightful?" I turned around to face him.
"Well I had practice, Having to deal with Mum, Dad and your shit 90% of the time" Zeldris joked. I chuckled.

We sat on my bed for a short while, We just chatted about random shit when I heard a car beep.
"CARS HERE!" Ban shouted as everyone grabbed their gear. We legged it down the stair and carefully placed the suits in the back of the car. We hopped in and drove to the hotel.

The hotel itself was a beautiful building. Was an old country estate with a massive garden that looked like it had come from Japan. The trees were cherry blossoms. There was a large Koi pond that had a wooden bridge over it. Frog, Dolphin and Fish statues. Colourful plants. Rose bushes. It was just beautiful. I love the Japanese style. We got out of the car and Ban handed his suit to King.
"I need to go see my sister for a minute. Estarossa came with me. You can be my assistant" Ban ordered as he grabbed his case.
"I'm already your assistant with the catering!" Estarossa called as he ran after Ban.
"You better not be late!" I shouted after the two men. Ban shouted something back. Didn't quite catch it but whatever. I shuffled Tristan on my hip, I turned back to my brother and King.
"I doubt those two will be late. Diane will kill them" King had his pillow out and used that to carry the suits and shoes. We went to reception and approached the front desk.
"Hello and welcome to The Britannia. How may I help you"
"Hey. I have a reservation under the name Blackwood" I said as the others wandered around.
"Ah yes. You must be the Groom. Here are your keys to your suite and to the Honeymoon suite" The receptionist handed the keys over "Your suite is on the first floor. Room 346 and the Honeymoon Suite is on the third flower. Room 643"
"Thank you" I nodded as I walked over to Zeldris "Got the keys to the suite"
"Excellent. Gelda texted me and said that all things are running smoothly" Zeldris grinned "Where's King?"
"Over by the desk" I pointed as King was given a load of keys "What is he doing?" I asked as he walked back over to us.
"Here you go" King handed Zeldris a room key. Zeldris frowned and looked at King funny "As Diane requested. Zelda, Kiane, Blaine and Estarossa are to have their own rooms. That way, Those who want to get shitfaced, can without risking waking anyone else up"
"Diane really did think of everything" I mumbled, "Let's get up to the room" We walked to the elevator "I get Zelda for Zeldris and Gelda but Blaine and Kiane. That's plain ass dumb" I scoffed.
"She has a ship name for you and Ellie too"
"Am I gonna wanna hear this?" I folded my arms.
"It ain't that bad. Melizabeth" King floated around. Blowing raspberries at Tristan. I nodded as I stuck my bottom lip out.
"I'll give her that one. Right. Come on. Let's get this day rolling!"

We all got dressed in no time. My suit was like any other suit. It was black with a white shirt. The only different thing about it was the jacket had a tail. I had a dark purple tie and pocket handkerchief. It took me and Zeldris to get Tristan ready as the little monkey didn't want to get dressed. Ban came back and I tried to get him to tell me what Ellie looked like. Ban said if I asked him again, he would poke my eyes out. I squeaked as I hid behind Zeldris.
"It's my wedding day and I am being threatened" I mumbled. The guys laughed. I looked at my phone. It was half 1. I had half an hour to get downstairs.
"I ain't telling ya what she looks like but I will say wait till you see her" Ban grinned.
"Right I need to head downstairs and make sure the flowers are set. See you in 20" King announced as he walked out the door. I shuffled across the room to the minibar and took a bottle of water.
"You know they will charge you like 10 quid for that" Zeldris folded his arms. I shrugged and took a swig.
"I'm thirsty and I ain't sticking my head under the sink" I insisted.
"Is that because your short ass can't reach it?" Ban called from the bathroom. He was still trying to fix his tie "Do I have to wear this thing?" He grumbled as he left the bathroom. He held his tie in this hand. Estarossa sighed as he took the tie off him and wrapped it around his neck.
"Make it even, Loop this bit twice and thread this bit through this section. Grip this bit and push this bit and there you go" Estarossa said as he fixed Ban's tie.
"Thanks, mate. Don't see why we have to wear them" For some stupid reason, May decided it was going to have a freak heatwave "One minute, Sun is cracking the pavement. Next, pissing it down. Dude, we are going to roast!" Ban complained. He hated the heat.
"England for ya. We can experience all 4 seasons in one day" Estarossa shrugged.
"You can take it off later" I waved my hand at him "Besides, the wedding hall has air conditioning. King insisted as he didn't want the flowers to wilt"
"I can see why Diane wanted to open a planner business" Estarossa yelped as he shook his wrist. He then checked his smartwatch "Diane has just texted me. They are good to go on their end and we should head downstairs" The boys took their feet. I let out a nervous breath. One by one we all left the room and went down the hallway.
"Remember to breathe Captain" Ban mumbled in my ear. I let out a small chuckle.
"I got this" I insisted.

I walked into the wedding hall and my mouth dropped. I know I 'helped' pick everything (And by help, I mean I stayed out of the way and let Diane loose) but Diane and King did wonders will it all. Estarossa was right, They should open a party planning business. King was flying around, making sure the flowers were healthy, They were white and red roses. The room edges had marble pillars which had red and white drapes over them. The floor was birchwood and had a red carpet going towards the altar. The place was already pretty filled. I hand Tristan to Zeldris and I walked up the aisle and held my notes in my hand. I had written my own vows, as did Ellie. I was lost in my own thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little. I went to yell when I saw who it was.
"Dad!" I said surprised.
"Hello Son," He said. He looked tired "The place looks wonderful"
"Yeah, Our planner did a wonderful job" I crossed my arms "And where is Mum?"
"Most Likely harassing the bride" Dad chuckled.
"Typical. Is Zhivago all set to do his part?"
"Yep. He's over there talking to Ban. Diane's already given him the third degree if he messes up" Dad waved his hand over to the back of the hall.
"CAPTAIN!" "BROTHER!" "SHORT ARSE!" I heard Estarossa and Zeldris shout. King floated next to them. Ban walked away from Zhivago, Tapping his watch.
"You best get over there. See you both afterwards" Dad went to walk away. I grabbed his wrist.
"Thank you, Dad. For everything. For being here. For making me the man I am today" I said to my Father. Tears filled his eyes.
"I wouldn't miss this day for the world. Now move your butt over there" Dad wiped his eyes. I went over to the boys.
"What did Dad want?" Both my Brothers asked. I shook hands with the vicar.
"Just to say hello and check if I am doing OK" I put my hands behind my back. King pulled his phone out as he pinged. King looked at Vicar and nodded.
"Green is go" The vicar nodded and stood at the front of the hall. Ban grabbed my shoulders and made me face the front. The Vicar raised his left hand and the music started. This is it.

"Do not turn around" Ban hissed as he pointed at me. Ban stood behind me as did Zeldris and King. Everyone stood on their feet, I could hear whispers.
"Look at the two babies. Oh, they look so cute!"
"I love the bridesmaid's dresses"
"Wonder if the Sins can plan my wedding?"
"Oh My God"
"She looks amazing"
"Oh my god. Meliodas is so lucky"
I smiled at the comments I heard. I really wanna turn around but I didn't want to risk Ban slapping me. I heard some footsteps get closer. I closed my eyes. A felt an elbow inside.
"OW," I winced.
"Look to your left, Idiot" Ban spoke. I opened my eyes and saw that Ellie was next to me. My mouth dropped. She looked amazing!
"Whoa," I said in awe. Zhivago kissed Ellie's cheek and gave her to me.
"Look after my Daughter" he whispered. His voice was hoarse. Like he was trying not to cry.
"I will" I nodded as Ellie linked her hand with mine "You look amazing!"
"You don't look so bad yourself" Ellie blushed.
"Can you all be seated?" The Vicar spoke up. Everyone took their seats "Are you both ready?"
"Yes," We both said.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Meliodas Blackwood and Elizabeth Liones in matrimony commended to be honourable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace" The Vicar spoke as I looked around the hall "Very well. I understand that the bride and groom have written their own vows. Meliodas, You may go first" I nodded as I took my notes out of my pocket. I took Ellie's left hand in mine.
"Ellie, I know I will not always be what you want me to be. I might forget to listen or forget to share. I might not always agree. I might be stubborn and I might be wrong, but I will always love you. I will always strive to be the man that you believe I can be. I do know that I love you. You are my best friend, and as I give myself in marriage to you I promise to inspire you and to let you inspire me, not to hold back or to hold us back. To comfort you in times of sadness, to always love you, even when love is difficult or when love seems too easy. I give you myself today and all the days I am yet to live. Ellie, You are the first person I want to see in the morning and the last at night. I look forward to loving the smallest moments, like your eyes while you toss your hair. Spin a coin into a fountain and make a wish for us. You are my wish come true" I read. Ellie had a grin on her face and her cheeks were a little pink. I heard some sniffles and a baby cry.
"Thank you" She muttered "I love you too"
"Elizabeth, May we hear your vows?" The Vicar asked as Diane handed her some notes. Ellie squeezed my hand.
"Meliodas, You are my sun and sky where the night will never set. I will always see your bright joy, burning in my heart, loving me, casting your grace on me, and with that joy and love, I will build a cathedral of our lives that we will live in splendour and joy. You fill my life with meaning. Thank you for taking me as I am, loving me, and welcoming me into your heart. I promise to always love you, respect you, and be faithful to you forever. You are my forever, my best friend, my dream come true, my shoulder to lean on, my Prince, and my husband. You are my everything" Ellie read her notes. She had a small number of happy tears dripping down her face.
"I love you so much" I muttered.
"Thank you. Who has the rings?" The Vicar quizzed as Diane handed Ellie her ring and Ban handed me mine "Thank you. Meliodas please repeat after me. I, Meliodas give you Elizabeth, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you"
"I, Meliodas give you Elizabeth, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you" I repeated as I slid the ring on Ellie's left ring finger.
"And could you Elizabeth please do the same? I, Elizabeth give you Meliodas, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you"
"I, Elizabeth give you Meliodas, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you," Ellie said as she slid my ring on.
"By the power vested in me by the Church, I now pronounce you husband and wife and husband. You may now kiss the bride" The Vicar proclaimed as I grabbed Ellie by the waist and planted my lips on her. The whole room squealed, cheered and clapped. I didn't care. The whole could have been on fire and I wouldn't have moved.
"I love you" We both said at the same time. We linked our hands together as we turned to the audience.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you, Mr and Mrs Blackwood!" The Vicar yelled above the crowd. We grabbed Diane and Ban as they were our witnesses. The Vicar ushered everyone outside. We took our photos. Since Ban and Diane were our witnesses. They signed their parts and left. Diane wanted to make sure everyone was getting their photo-taking before we got out there.

"WE'RE MARRIED!!" Ellie squealed. I grabbed her waist again, Flipped her over my knee and kissed her.
"My wife" I smirked. It felt good saying that.
"My husband" Ellie grinned.
"Ready to face the outside world?" I asked as Ellie stood on her feet.
"As long as you are by my side. I'll face anything" She nodded. We walked to the main doors and everyone cheered and threw rose petals in the air. Elaine used her powers to make the wind swirls the petals in the air. We got to the end of the people tunnel and Ban dropped a massive basket of petals on us.
"Hey!" "EEK!" Me and Ellie both said.
"Sorry couldn't resist" Ban grinned at us. He then pulled a face and went over to Elaine. I watched out of the corner of my eye. Elaine was hunched over a little. She kept insisting that she was fine. Ban didn't look so convinced. He ran his hands on over his face.
"Hey, Ellie. Do you know what's up with Elaine?" I whispered as Diane took more photos.
"No idea. Could be Wind. Or cramps?" Ellie shrugged. I kept my eye on the pair. Zeldris came over and one-armed hugged me. Breaking me out of my trance.
"Ya did it!" He exclaimed. He gave me a monkey scrub.
"Get off me" I pushed him off me. Estarossa came over and we had more photos taken. It was pretty much photos and high fives for the next half an hour till Diane announced that the dining room was now open and could we take our seats.

The dining room was pretty much the same as the wedding hall. Just instead of benches, there were a lot of tables and one large table. A cream carpet covered about 75% of the floor and oak wood flooring covered the rest. I presumed that was the dance floor. There was a stage for the band that was playing. The place was amazing. Ban and I had waited by the doors as our ladies had gone to the loo. Some had taken to their seats and some were at the buffet. Estarossa stood behind the bar. Zeldris was on the stage with his DJ set up. Diane was walking around making sure that everything was in order and King was following her around.
"Still can't believe that you are married" Ban sighed as many congratulated me. We greeted guests as they walked in.
"I don't know whether to be offended by that or not. But I would be lying if I said I saw this for myself. I can't quite get my head around it either" I grinned my widest grin. Ban kept his eyes towards the toilets "Dude, I have to ask. Is Elaine Okay? I saw her doubling over earlier"
"Elaine having stomach cramps," Ban said. His face looked a little off. That's when it clicked.
"Ban...." I moved sideways to face him. Ban's face lost a little colour.
"It's fine" His face blank "Change the subject please"
"You all set for your best man speech?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame.
"More or less" Ban reached into his jacket pocket and pulled a few pieces of card out.
"Please no corny or cheesy jokes. Or I might let Diane know that it was you that hit her with the snowball that made her face plant King's lap"
"Now I'm nervous" Ban loosened his tie a little.
"Nervous about what Honey?" Elaine said as she hovered through the door. Ellie was right behind her. I pulled Ellie into my arms.
"My speech. Everything really" Ban admitted, "Are you okay?" Ban looked at Elaine softly. Elaine said nothing but cupped his face. Ban's face softened as he eased into her hands.
"Honey, you will be fine. Now can we get something to eat?" Elaine asked as Ban nodded. Me and Ellie walked away and left the two of them be.
"Hey, baby. You okay?" I quizzed as I entwined my fingers with Ellie's.
"Yeah. A little warm" Ellie wiped her forehead "Though what is that smell? It smells divine" I pointed to the buffet.
"And I believe that smell is Ban's famous Ravioli" I smiled as Ellie practically ran to the buffet.

ReunitedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora