I Got My Brother Back

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- Meliodas's Pov -

"What are you doing here?" I spoke as I cleaned the Bar.
"I was maybe hoping to catch a glance at Estarossa before he arrives" Mum admitted. She was pouting and had put her hands behind her back.
"Stalker" Bard rolled his eyes as I sat in the bay window for the next 40 minutes "Any sign yet?" Bard came and sat next to me.
"Nope... Not yet" Mum shook her head. I sighed as I continued to wipe the bar down. Mum and Dad were pacing the floor. I sighed as my head looked like I was watching Tennis.
"You two are going to wear a hole in that flooring if you don't sit down" I wiped the bar surface. I had to keep busy or I will end up going out and finding Ellie.
"We're nervous" Mum spoke quickly. Dad agreed.
"Any word from Ellie or Ban"
"That would be one of them" I threw the cloth down and picked up my phone "It's Ban"
UnDeadBan: Sis is with Essy. He is your double just taller. I read to the others.
"He took after you for height then" Mum smiled at Dad. Dad's phone rang.
"Hello" He spoke as he walked out of the room. Mum continued to pace the floor.
"Mum, Will you just sit down?" I pointed to a chair "There's a chair by the window if it makes you feel any better" I had a strange sense of Deja Vu "Huh?" I let out a little chuckle.
"What?" Mum replied as she sat at the window.
"The day I was reunited with Ellie, I was like you. Pacing up and down. Ban made me sit at that window box" I chuckled at the memory. Dad came back into the room "Who was on the phone?"
"Gelda. She's picked Zeldris up and is bringing him here. She wants to ask Ellie if she can heal Zeldris" Dad put his phone in his pocket.
"Don't forget that Ellie struggles to heal Demons" Mary stated.
"Otherwise she would have healed him last night" I straightened out my glasses.
All heads spun to me as I looked at my phone.
UnDeadBan: Sis and Essy r on their way 2 u lot. just left the market "They are on their way"

10 minutes had passed and there was no sign of them yet. Mum and Dad were at the window. I was about to leave the room when Mum started fretting. Scrambling around on her knees, Pressing her palms against the window.
"They are here!" She screamed. She tried to scramble to the door but Dad held her in place "Wow. It's really him"
"Yeah. It is. Ban wasn't lying, He is tall" Dad smiled as Mum scrambled off the seat "Where do you think you are going?" Dad grabbed Mum's hand.
"To see my Son" Mum tried snatching her hand away. Dad pinched his nose and jumped in front of the door.
"You are going to scare him away if you go running out there. Wait until he walks in the door" Dad guarded the door.
"Bard, Get out of my way" Mum demanded.
"Mary, Sit. He needs to walk in first" Dad grunted as he struggled against her. He ended up using his darkness to hold her down.
"I don't even think I was this bad" I sat on the counter. I like to stress the word 'think'. Ban would be the best person to ask about that day. Mum went back to the window and pressed her face against it.
"He looks so sad" Mum lent her head against the pane.
"Remember what Ellie said The Masters only ever gave him town names. He got his hopes up and was let down" Bard hugged Mum from behind.
"Dad's right. He's probably thinking this going to be a waste of time" I put my elbow on my knee and lent on my fist "You know I wouldn't put it past The Masters to be the ones that did all this" Dad frowned as he looked out the window.
"What's going on out there?" I questioned.
"I think Ellie has told him. He's started pacing" Mum whispered "He's now facing the door"
"He looks scared" Dad let go of Mum. They both moved away from their spots at the door and window.
"What's going on?" I tilted my head. My first thought was that Estarossa hurt Ellie.
"He's at the door" Dad took a deep breath in.

The door opened slowly and Estarossa stuck his head around the wood. Mum and Dad climbed away from the window once he was fully inside.
"Urm... Hi," Estarossa waved awkwardly. I heard someone sigh and Ellie pushed Estarossa forward.
"Get in there, They don't bite" She hushed. She shut the door behind her. Mum took a few steps towards Estarossa.
"Estarossa?"Her hand reached out to his face. He flinched away "I won't hurt you"
"I think you're my Mum?" He muttered. From where I sat, you could see the tears forming in his eyes.
"You got your Father's eyes and height" Mum smiled as she got to place her palm on Estarossa's cheek.
"But your Mother's hair" Dad put his hand on Estarossa's shoulder.
"I thought you guys gave me away. That's what I was told by The Masters" Estarossa grabbed both parent's hands with his. Dad grabbed them both and pulled them into a tight hug.
"You are our son. We would never give you away. We loved you. We still love you" Dad cried. I have only seen that man cry 3 times in my life. Ellie smiled and came over to me. She kissed me on the lips.
"Hey baby"
"Hey baby" I murmured into her mouth "FYI, I bite" I whispered into her ear. Ellie's face reddened as I pulled her close. I turned my head back to my parents. Mum was now sobbing and Dad was trying to hold it together.
"Shouldn't you be getting some of those hugs?" Ellie whispered.
"When he is ready, I will. don't wanna overwhelm the man. That's Mum's job" I sighed "Are you getting a sense of Deja Vu?"
"It's like the day we were reunited" Ellie nodded "Only I'm where Ban was and I don't know how to make a swan out of an apple"
"That had to be the most random thing he has ever done" I rolled my eyes. Ellie agreed.
"Gelda's here" Ellie whispered. I was about to question how she knew but the door flung open. Gelda was pushing it with her back while helping Zeldris. I hopped off the bar and put my head under Zeldris's arm. Helping to steady him. We hobbled over to Estarossa where we had to crane our necks to look at him.
"So this is Estarossa, My other big Brother?" Zeldris said weakly as he lifted his hand up "I'm Zeldris"
"I'm Essy. Not quite sure what to make of Estarossa yet" Estarossa took it gently as he could "Let's get you to the chairs" Estarossa said as he helped me sit Zeldris down.
"Son, You should be home resting" Dad crossed his arms over his chest.
"I wanted to meet my Brother" He panted "Hey Elz, Any chance you can heal me?"
"I can try" Ellie came and sat on my lap. She put her hand on Zeldris's chest and closed her eyes. It took a moment but Zeldris glowed a little.
"Ellie, Are you okay? You look a little pale" Essy put his hand on Ellie's forehead.
"I'm fine. Just a little tired" Ellie whimpered. I wrapped my arms around her and supported her, In case she fell.
"Why are you struggling?" Estarossa pondered "You have one of the strongest healing powers in The Goddess Realm"
"A Goddess's power are not that effective against Demons. Their powers are designed to hurt us" Mum explained "It takes an enormous amount of energy to heal us" 
"I didn't know that. You're the first Demons I have ever seen. Anything and everything I knew about you guys was from stories" Estarossa shuffled on his feet. Once Zeldris stopped glowing, Ellie collapsed against me "You should get her home"
"I'll be fine" Ellie yawned. She put her head on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm taking you home now" I soothed as I pulled Ellie onto my lap.
"You need to get to know your Brother" Ellie panted.
"There is always another day for that" Dad sighed.
"I'm fine" Ellie grumbled.
"Wasn't a request. Meliodas, Take her home" Dad ordered. I wanted to stay with the family but everyone was glaring at me. I went into my pocket and threw the Bar's keys at Dad.
"Make sure you lock up" I nodded as I picked my girl up.
"I need to stay, I'm meant to be showing Essy around" Ellie's head started dropping. Estarossa walked over to us.
"Elz, I'll be fine. I'm with my family" Estarossa patted Ellie's knee. I felt a little jealous. Only because Ellie is mine. Estarossa looked at me, He raised his eyebrow at me "Don't get jealous. I'm gay" Estarossa stared at me.
"It's true. He was literally the only gay in the Goddess Realm" Ellie said in a really bad Welsh accent. Everyone laughed. Not at Estarossa but at Ellie.
"That has to be your worst attempt at a Welsh accent ever" I rolled my eyes. She did that cheesy grin face and then passed out "And she is out of it"
"Get her home. I'll ring her tomorrow" Estarossa put his hand on my shoulder "Catch you later, Brother" Estarossa struggled to say the word Brother. Can't say I blame him, He's spent the last 20 years being told he was abandoned.
"Laters Bro" I lifted Ellie in a bridal grip and walked out the door. I flew us both home quickly as it was on the verge of raining.

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