Telling The Last Few People

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

It was now the 20th of January and I was standing at the window in the study. I only had a few more people to tell. I unlocked her phone and dialled the desired number.
"Elizabeth, What is going on?" The person on the other side answered after a few long rings.
"Hello, Uncle Denzal, it's nice to hear you too" My tone was firm and didn't give away any disappointment. He may not be my Blood Uncle but I don't have the heart to tell him that Bartra is not my Father. Not that it would make a blind bit of difference, We hardly speak anyway.
"Skip the small talk, please, I'm quite busy" The voice of my Uncle was impatient.
"Fine. Would you have time have this week for a cup of coffee?"
"I already told you that I'm busy. And since when do you want to meet up for a coffee with me?"
"I want to tell you something" I rolled my eyes. Meliodas had come into the room with two cups of tea. I whispered thanks as I sat down at the desk.
"Can't you just tell me on the phone since we are already talking?" He pressed.
"I'd rather tell you in person" I tapped my fingers on the desk.
"Oh for God's sake, Elizabeth, just tell me"
"Fine. Meliodas and I are expecting a baby. I thought you might want to know" I blurted out quickly, not expecting exactly rainbows and fireworks.
"You are still together with that Demon" I could hear the disapproval in my Uncle's voice.
"We are to be married, Uncle" I hissed through gritted teeth, trying to stay calm.
"Which is something I don't understand. There is nothing special about that man and now you're going to have his child?"
"Could you at least pretend that you are happy for me?" I was raising her voice, the calmness leaving me fast.
"You can't expect me to lie. But you're an adult, do what you want, you never listen to me anyway"
"Oh Well, Thanks for your blessing then. Bye, Uncle" I snapped at him and ended the call. I crossed my arms over my chest as I let a tear roll down my cheek.
"I guess it didn't go very well?" Meliodas tiptoed from behind and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I didn't say anything, just shook my head and leaned back into the embrace.
"It went as well as you could expect from that man"
"I am sorry about that. Anything I can do to make you feel better?" Meliodas whispered into my ear.
"Just hug me" I turned in his arms and smiled at him, My eyes still wet.
"Okay," Meliodas smiled at me too and just pressed me to his chest, hugging me tightly and placing a soft kiss into my hair.

Once I had calmed down, I pulled away from Meliodas.
"Got anyone else to tell"
"I don't get why you want to go back there" Meliodas rolled his eyes at me "Why do you need to tell him?"
"When I left the realm. I promised Mael that I would let him know when I have a family" I explained. I was making a trip to Goddess Realm so I could speak to Mael "We were good friends before I left" I pulled away from Meliodas and went into the bathroom to wipe my face.
"Even after what they did to Estarossa" Meliodas looked down his nose.
"I don't like how he has treated Estarossa but I always keep my promises"
"Erugh. Don't expect me to be nice"
"Just don't blow your lid" I kissed Meliodas on the cheek "You don't have to come with me"
"I ain't leaving you with them. From what I heard, the Masters will try and keep you there"
"I am only visiting Mael, Telling him the news and then coming home"
"Wouldn't stop them. Me being there will scare them away" Meliodas folded his arms across his chest "And as for Mael, He says one word I don't like. The Cloud District will have a new viewing station" Meliodas activated his mark.
"You are not ruining the place so it looks like The Ravens District" I put on my light blue coat and walked out the door. Meliodas locked up at the house behind me.
"You do know that technically wasn't me" Meliodas pulled a blank face.
"And I also know that I am also not responsible for what Mael says"
"I'll try and behave for you"
"I wouldn't expect any less" We linked hands and we both flew over to the Goddess realm.

"God, This place is too white" Meliodas looked around the place. His hands were in his pockets "I wish Raven's looked this clean" We had flown to the lower part of the Cloud District so Meliodas's wings wouldn't get spotted.
"It would have if you hadn't blown it up" I poked his nose. We walked through the Market place.
"Again, Wasn't technically me" Meliodas looked around the place "I much prefer the Human's market" He grumbled as he looked at all the stalls "Smells better"
"I agree"
"Remind me why can't I blow this place up?"
"Because you said you would try and behave"
"Damn it"
"Come on. Let's get his office" I grabbed Meliodas handed and went up a long flight of stairs.

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