A Perfect Day

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- Elizabeth's Pov -

I woke up on my side of the bed, staring directly into Meliodas's bare thigh. He was sitting up in bed, reading, breathing so completely steady and even he may as well have been sleeping. I rarely woke up early enough to catch him sleeping, but more often than not, the comfort of knowing he was watching over me while I slumbered outweighed the joy I got from seeing his face totally at rest.
"Morning Ellie and Merry Christmas" Meliodas beamed at me.
"Merry Christmas Meliodas. What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes. Meliodas picked his phone up.
"8 in the morning. So, what are the plans for today"
"I want to have a completely perfect day," I said, fingertips crawling up against his thigh to prod him lightly. Meliodas raised an eyebrow but didn't look up from his book.
"And what, exactly, does that entail?"
"You have to be extra nice to me and do whatever I want" I listed my demands.
"What do I get out of it?" Meliodas countered, turning a page idly.
"I'll let you do what you want on New Year's Day" I bargained. Surprisingly, Meliodas made a noise of consent and put his book down, turning to look at me. My chest tightened under his piercing gaze.
"Okay, what do you want first?" he asked, voice quiet and I bit my lip, thinking.
"Kiss me and say good morning," I said bravely despite the heat prickling in my cheeks. Meliodas's mouth twitched into a smile.
"Do you want to pretend to be asleep?" Meliodas indulged me. I murmured my assent and shuffled back on my pillow, closing my eyes and willing myself to relax. The minutes seemed to drag on as I tried to keep my eyes shut without squeezing them tightly together. My body was hypersensitive to the feeling of the bed, overly aware of the little aches, and yet I couldn't feel the air around me, moving to indicate Meliodas had shifted at all. I was about to open my mouth to tell him to get on with it or just forget about it altogether, when the bed creaked and his lips brushed softly against mine, barely touching. Unconsciously moving towards him, he kissed me more firmly before pulling back to whisper against my lips "Good morning. Was that what you expected?" I felt him breathe more than speak. My eyes flicked open, but he'd already moved back to upright, colour high on my cheeks. I buried my face in the bed covers, Meliodas grinned knowing my face would be as red as a post box. Meliodas cleared his throat, determinedly looking at the opposite wall "Eggs and bacon for breakfast?"
"You can't cook!" I mumbled against the pillow. Meliodas slid out of bed fluidly, reaching for his joggers. He looked over at me, almost analyzing, before running a hand through my wayward hair.
"Oh, ye of little faith. Come down when I call you" he said, letting himself out of the bedroom.
"Okay" I called in hesitation "The house is going to burn down" I wriggled down further into the bed to soak up the last of the heat before I had to face the downstairs. Tentatively, I stuck my legs out the side of the bed, making a high-pitched noise in the back of my throat at the coldness of the floor. I'm seriously contemplating getting carpet in this room. I dressed in a hurry, bouncing on the spot to stay warm as I pulled on black jeggings and a tight pink long-sleeve jumper. I fumbled to put on a pair of fluffy socks. I shoved my hair into a low ponytail before I went downstairs for breakfast.

Once I got downstairs, I went into the front room to open the curtains to let the sunshine in. I looked out the windows and saw that it had snowed overnight. I grinned while I added playing in the snow to my plans for Christmas. It was only going to be me and Meliodas for most of the day. Essy wasn't a Christmas person. Mary and Bard were back in their realm for The King and Queen festival. Zeldris was home resting with Gelda by his side. Ban said that he might pop over later but I wasn't to hold my breath. King and Diane went to King's parents for the Holidays. A few neighbours walked past and waved so I returned the favour. The smell of eggs and bacon filled the room so I wandered over to the kitchen.
"Wow, It ain't on fire" I leant against the door frame. Arms folded against my chest.
"Thought I said don't come down till I called you" Meliodas pouted as I sat at the table.
"I didn't think you would actually be cooking and that Ban had snuck in to cook"
"Well, I like to surprise you but these are the only things I can cook" Meliodas smirked as he dished up the first plate "For you my dear" I took my fork. It smelt amazing and looked it. Which did worry me but I still took a bite.
"This is awesome!" I cheered with my mouth full.
"Told ya. Now eat up" Meliodas ordered as he placed a glass of orange juice next to me.
"What are we doing after breakfast?" Meliodas asked, sitting down next to me.
"It's either snowball fight or presents?"

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