Theme Park

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- Meliodas's Pov - 2 months later -

I woke up with the sun shining on my face, I looked at the clock and it was 8 in the morning. I was snuggled into the back of Ellie. She was zonked out. I smiled softly as I leaned over her and kissed her temple.
"Morning baby" I muttered against her skin.
"Morning baby" Ellie grumbled in her sleep. I tried to sit up but Ellie's arms wouldn't let me "No, stay. You're warm and cuddly like a teddy bear" I rolled my eyes.
"But I need a wee" I wiggled out her grip and went to the loo. Once I had finished my business, I looked in the mirror and fixed my bed hair. I didn't look too bad for once. My hair wasn't that messy. As I walked out of the bathroom, Ellie was sitting upright in bed. She was around 5 months now. We find out tomorrow what gender little munchkin is. Ellie then frowned and her hands flew to her stomach "What is it?" I went into nearly enough panic mode. I went straight to Ellie's side "Is it the baby?"
"Baby just kicked" She muttered. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her bump. I frowned as I didn't feel anything at first but then there it was.
"Midget is having a right rave in there" I grinned as I wipe a tear away.
"Little nugget is kicking so much" Ellie rubbed her belly.
"Does it hurt?" I tilted my head.
"No, It feels weird but it's a good weird" Ellie smiled. We put our foreheads together. I grabbed Ellie by the waist and pulled her close to me. I kissed her on the lips. It was full of passion and I didn't wanna move. But We had to stop kissing as we needed to breathe.
"Well worth it. Been waiting to do that since we got up" I smiled. Ellie kissed me once more and then went to her side of the wardrobe. She put on her white summer dress and denim jacket and white sandals "Damn, you look good. Is there anything you don't look good in?" Ellie blushed as he went to put her hair up. I looked in my half of the wardrobe and since it was warm summer's day, I decided on wearing black jeans and a black cotton vest with a black and red open checkered shirt. Normal white trainers.
"Red is deffo your colour" Ellie did this sideways smirk at me "Come on, Let's go to the diner for breakfast. I hear Ban's cooking" I rolled my eyes again.

We arrived at the diner and like always, everyone was arguing.
"Coco Pops" Ban argued.
"Shreddies" King replied.
"Weetos" Diane stated.
"Frosties" Zeldris ranted.
"Cheerios" Elaine suggested. I rolled my eyes. These idiots were arguing over cereal.
"You are all wrong, Coco pops is god tier" Ban leaned back on his seat "Morning Captain, Morning Princess" Ban did a two-finger wave.
"So what is the plan for the day? Are we opening the bar?" King yawned.
"You can if you want. I'm thinking of heading to the theme park for the day. Anyone wanna join me?" I put my arms behind my head.
"I will. Not been to a theme park in years" Ellie raised her hand.
"I'm down. Love a good roller coaster" Ban grinned.
"Sure. Oh! Can we get some candyfloss?" Elaine nearly screeched. Ban nodded and Elaine screeched.
"Owww my ears" I covered my ears.
"Nah, I'm gonna go spend time with Mum and Gelda" Zeldris folded his arms.
"I don't have any plans today" King shrugged.
"Come hang out with me. I was going go up to the city for a bit and do some much-needed retail therapy" Diane smiled at him. Her big purple eyes pleaded with King.
"Sure" King's cheeks pinked a little. Ban and I chuckled a little. It was always funny to see King all flustered.

It was around half 10 when Me, Elaine and Ban all jumped in my car.
"I call shotgun" Ellie shouted. Ban wasn't happy and started complaining, Elaine told him off for being a baby. Since it was gonna take half an hour to get to the theme park, I put the radio on and it was playing the No 1's of the last 20 years.
"Ooo I wonder if they have played Take That's one, Urm Oh what's it called?" Ellie clicked her fingers.
"Everything changes? Never Forget? Sure? Back for good? How deep is your love?" I listed.
"How deep is your love? I love that song" Ellie cheered. Ban lent forward and his head lent on the side of our seats.
"You do know that How deep is your love is a BeeGee's song"
"Take That did a cover of it" I pointed out.
"Meliodas is right" Ellie nodded along with me.
"Shush you, And no they didn't!" Ban protested as he put his hand on Ellie's mouth to shut her up.
"Don't tell me to shush" Ellie snapped "And Take That did a BeeGee's Song"
"Does not exist!"
"Yes, it is. They did the song after Robbie left. It was where some crazy bitch kidnaps the 4 of them and by the end of it, She pushes Gary Barlow off the cliff and it cuts out before you see her push the others off"
"Bullshit. That song doesn't exist" Ban sat back in his seat.
"I'm telling you that it does!" Ellie insisted.
"Doesn't!" Ban yelled. Elaine's head kept flickering between the two. It was like watching a tennis match. This was not gonna end well.
"I've had enough of this! I am going on YouTube!"Elaine raised her voice, Immediately on her phone. 30 seconds later, Her phone was in Ban's face "Sorry Ban but these two are telling the truth" Elaine held her phone up as I turned the radio back down. I might have had a smug face on. Ban watched with a very confused face.

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