The miracle of birth is a total snooze fest

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- Meliodas's Pov -

I couldn't tell you how long Gelda was in labour. Ellie had fallen asleep in the chair. King took Elaine and Diane home as they both were snoring on the floor. Mum, Dad and Essy were arriving in the morning. Only me and Ban were still standing. To keep myself awake, I went and got some sort of caffeine from the vending machine. Ban came with me.
"Hey, How are you holding up?" I gave him a cup of coffee.
"The miracle of birth is a total snooze fest" Ban yawned.
"Everyone is different. I am surprised that the doctors have left Gelda in labour this long"
"From what Zeldris told me, It's because of the Gelda race. Something about she's a Vampire and has a higher pain tolerance" Ban rubbed the back of his head. He downed his coffee in one go "Liquid cocaine. This stuff tastes like shit"
"Hospital food and drink always does" I jested as we sat down outside the room.
"No shit" Ban scoffed "How are you still here? You hate hospitals"
"Fuck knows. I think it is because Ellie is here. I ain't leaving her"
"Whipped much"
"You know, I think you may be right"
 "So has anyone phoned your folks?" Ban sipped his drink.
"I think Zel did earlier. The message a while ago saying that they were going to be here tomorrow" I shrugged.
"Just think in a few weeks, You'll be back here" Ban lent on the door.
"I know. I'm so nervous" I down my drink.
"You'll be fine. You are gonna get a bit of practice in now that Zel's little midget is here"
"I guess"
"Don't worry. You'll do fine. And all first-time parents get cold feet" Zeldris stuck his head out of the room, Making both of us jump. We went to yell at him "Don't you even think about it" He warned.
"Don't scare us then" Ban snapped.
"Whatever. So, Do you wanna meet the little one?" He grinned a rather toothy grin. I jumped up and jogged into the room. Ban woke Ellie up.

"Brother, Ellie, Ban. Say hello to Zelda" Zeldris said in a soft whisper. He gently lifted the tiny pink bundle out of the cot.
"She looks like a bald version of you" I replied spoke as Zeldris handed the baby to me. "Welcome to the world, Zelda Blackwood" I cooed. Ellie yawned. Sitting slightly up, Her eyes looking all droopy. She came and stood next to me.
"Need a pick me up?" She whispered to Gelda. I nodded and Ellie put her hand on Gelda's. She started to glow a little.
"I needed that" Gelda yawned.
"You should catch some z's while you can. The boys seem preoccupied with Zelda" Ellie grinned as she glanced between us.
"Oh Meliodas, Ellie. There is something we wanted to ask you both" Zeldris spoke as Zelda started screaming. Zeldris got a ready-made formula bottle for her. But I didn't want to let go "Do you wanna try and feed her?"
"Okay," I shakily replied. I've never fed a baby "Oh what was the question?"
"Will you be Zelda's Godparents?" Zeldris looked between me and Ellie.
"Really? You want me to be Goddad?" I raised my eyebrows. Zeldris grinned and nodded.
"What about me??? I'd make a great Uncle" Ban whined. I think he was 2 stamps away from throwing a hissy fit.
"You and Elaine are our second choice. Followed by Diane and King" Gelda sat forward a little.
"You should have led with that" Ban folded his arms. Ellie stepped in front of Ban and turned to Zeldris.
"Of course, I would love to be little lady's God Mummy" Ellie smiled. Zeldris hugged her.
"You already knew I would jump at the chance" I sighed "Urm midget has finished the bottle. I don't know how to wind her"
"Put this on your shoulder and then gently place Zelda's head on your shoulder and pat her back" Ellie instructed as she handed me a small purple blanket. I tried but I could see she wasn't comfortable.
"Bugger it" I muttered "I feel like I will break her"
"Hand her here" Ban wiggled his fingers. I handed the little lady over. I looked down at the floor. Feeling utterly defeated.
"Don't worry Captain, You will get the hang of it one day" Ban soothed.
"You will different when it's your baby" Gelda laid back on the pillows.
"I guess. I just need practice" I shrugged.
"Now that this one is here, You will get all the practice you need, You only have like 6 or 7 weeks left" Ban joked.
"Yeah" I grinned as I glanced at Ellie. She was rubbing her belly. She was still rubbing her eyes "Come on you, Let's get you home" I put my hand on Ellie's back.
"I wanna stay and have a cuddle" Ellie yawned.
"You ain't holding the baby till you are more awake" I insisted as I pulled Ellie to her feet "You can have cuddles another day"
"I'm fine"
"Ellie, Home now!" Ban pointed to the door "As your older Brother, I insisted that you go home and sleep"
"Bossy much" Ellie yawned "But fine. Congrats you two. I'll get cuddles when you two are home" Ellie hugged both Zeldris and Gelda once more before waddling out the door.

I flopped down on my bed when we finally got home. Ellie had jumped in the shower and was singing some Dua Lipa song. I don't know which one. I really love this girl. I do. I could listen to her all day. I put my phone on charge as Ellie came out of the shower in her towel.
"Feeling better?" I smiled as she dried her hair.
"Yes. Much better. Finally got that hospital smell out of my hair"
"You still smell amazing to me" I sniffed Ellie's shoulder. She smelt like marshmallows.
"I could roll around in a pig pen and still smell like a bed of roses"
"Now that would be pushing it" I stripped off my shirt since it was my turn to jump in the shower.
"Really?" Ellie tilted her head. I chuckled a little. I then put my hands on Ellie's sides "What are you planning?"
"Only this" I taunted. I started tickling her sides instead.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... PLEASE... MELIODAS... STOP... CAN'T... BREATHE!" Ellie struggled to speak as I was laughing so much. I laughed that much I fell off the bed.
"I love hearing you giggle and as for you smelling like a pig. You know I would jump in the mud with ya and have a mud fight" I nuzzled into Ellie's hair.
"Mud fight? If I wasn't pregnant, I could kick your butt at that" Ellie grinned as she calmed her breathing "Change of subject, Can I borrow one of your shirts? I cannot be bothered to walk downstairs to get a clean nightie?" Ellie groaned. I nodded and threw her a spare T-shirt.
"Right, I'm jumping in the shower" I rolled off the edge of the bed.
"When you're done, Wanna sit in front of the TV for the rest of the night? It is like 9 at night and I can not be bothered to cook" Ellie climbed under the quilt. I ripped my shirt off and creaked my neck.
"Yeah sure. I'll order takeaway once I am done"

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