Happy wife, Happy life

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- Meliodas's Pov -

We were 3 weeks into the season. Ellie was sleeping in the bed as it was 2 in the morning here. I couldn't sleep so I went on my laptop. I had a WiFi adapter with me so I could get on the internet. I saw that so I messaged him.
Me: Why are you still up?
UnDeadBan: It's only midnight here. I ain't proposing till you get back in like 10 days. I don't have a reason to get up in the morning.
Me: I suppose. How's things over in England?
UnDeadBan: Raining. We had a heatwave last week so we doubled the Bar's intake as Diane said it would a good idea to make the garden accessible.
Me: She would. She loves a beer garden.
UnDeadBan: King and Elaine made it look pretty.
UnDeadBan: Oh yeah, The door has been fixed this morning. King's happy about that. he doesn't have to put the glowy ball thing around the place all night.
Me: Good. I wasn't completely paying attention to the chat, I was a little distracted by the naked girl in my bed. But she needed her sleep.
UnDeadBan: So hows the holiday?
Me: Been great. Ellie has dragged me everywhere. Going to take a cruise up the Nile tomorrow. the boat picks us up right outside our door. I could hardly say anything else. I mean, I don't know if Ban knows about the Season
Me: You heard from Zeldris?
UnDeadBan: Have I hell. He sent me a message saying that they were in Paris but that is it. Have you?
Me: No. But it is that time of year where he ghosts us all. I took a sip of my ice tea that was next to me.
UnDeadBan: Ah yes. It's mating Season for you lot. I spat my drink back into the glass.
UnDeadBan: Has it affected you?
UnDeadBan: Wait don't tell me.
UnDeadBan: Am I going to be an uncle?
Me: Dude, Slow down with the typing. 1. How did you know its the season? 2. .... 3. Make your mind up 4. Don't know yet.
UnDeadBan: How do you think? I have been your best friend for 21 years. I know more about Demon history then I do humans or even werebeasts.
UnDeadBan: what do you mean you don't know???? Can't your Demon sense anything?
"Huh, I never thought about that" I looked over at Ellie. I couldn't sense anything.
Me: I can't sense anything but then again, It might be too early to. Why do you wanna be an uncle?
UnDeadBan: ..... I don't know. I feel like it is too soon for you 2. But then you have know each other since year dot.
UnDeadBan: if Ellie is happy then I am happy. I did that face that gives you a double chin.
Me: What about my happiness????
UnDeadBan: Happy wife, Happy life
Me: That has to be the weirdest saying you have ever said! And Ellie ain't my wife.
UnDeadBan: Bard is the one that told me that phrase. Also, if you knock Ellie up. Bard will make you marry her, Or at least get engaged. I sighed and pinched my nose.
Me: On a major technicality. In the eyes of a lower Demon, I am married to Ellie. She does bare my mark after all. I waited for his response. He is going to flip... I saw the 3 little dots keep popping up.
UnDeadBan: You marked her??????? you marked my little sister!!!! I knew he would react this way.
Me: She willingly let me. I asked several times. I gave her the choice.
UnDeadBan: You better off. I find out that you didn't. I'm ripping those seven hearts out. That was the last message that Ban sent before he went offline. I heard stirring from the bed. I shut my laptop down and climbed back into bed. I spooned up behind Ellie and draped my arm over her.
"Shush, Baby, It's me. Go back to sleep" I kissed her temple.
"Why are you still up? It's so late" Ellie rolled onto her back and rubbed her eyes.
"It's only 2 in the morning" I stated "I was talking to Ban"
"What did the nugget want?" Ellie yawned.
"He was letting me know that the Bar has a new door. They had a heatwave. No one has heard from Zeldris since he left for Paris" I listed.
"I have... Well, Gelda, They were taking selfies on the Eiffel Tower this afternoon" Ellie smiled "Does Ban know about.... this...."
"Demon Mating Season. Yeah, He knows. One minute, He is like as long as you are happy, He doesn't care. The next minute he wants to rip my all seven hearts out. I don't think he is impressed about this all thing"
"Well, he wouldn't be. He's torn between being your best friend and my big brother" Ellie shrugged. She then wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her "I wouldn't let Ban tear your hearts out. I would have thrown him out the door"
"I would pay to see that" I chuckled "I love you"
"I love you more" We made out for a little bit before I pulled away. I had one more thing for Ellie.
"Babe, I hate to say this but you need to get dressed. I want to take you somewhere" I kissed Ellie one more time before jumping off the bed to find my clothes. Ellie's eyebrow made a cute little crease before climbing out of bed. Once were dressed, I flung the balcony's doors open and activated my wings.
"Where are we going?" Ellie went to turn her wings on but I shook my head.
"You don't need your wings, I'm carrying you there. Trust me. You will love it" I grinned as I picked Ellie up in bridal style and flew out the window.

We had only been flying for about 5 minutes. We were above the clouds so Ellie wouldn't see where I was going. Knowing that Ellie would work out where we were going, I suddenly stop mid-flight.
"Are we here?" Ellie looked around.
"Not quite. I need you to close your eyes and no peeking" I ordered. Ellie closed her eyes and hid her face in my neck/shoulder. I shuddered as I could feel her breathing on my skin. I took a deep breath and nose-dived down. I honestly felt like playing Aladdin's A whole new world song on my phone. Ellie made a lot of Eeps and eeks as I flew. It was just like when we were kids. Little did my woman know, I was taking Ellie somewhere she always wanted to go. I flew slower as I approached our destination.
"Meliodas, Can I look now?" Ellie quizzed. I started to descend.
"In about 30 seconds" I kept my eyes on the ground.
"Why did we come out here in the middle of the night?" Ellie spoke as my feet touched the ground. I let go of Ellie's legs so she could stand "Now can I open them?"
"Sure" I smiled as Ellie lifted her head. Her hands flew to her mouth as she spun on the spot. I grinned.
"We are on top of a pyramid!!!!" Ellie squealed "I can see why we had to do this in the middle of the night. We are breaking all sorts of laws doing this"
"It's not like they could catch us. I mean we can fly after all" I wiggled my eyebrows.
"You can. I still suck at it" Ellie gazed up at the sky "Wow look at all those stars" I loved it when Ellie was like this. She sunk down on the spot. I sat next to her.
"So do you like your middle-of-the-night surprise?"
"I do. I wanted to do this since I was a little girl"
"Did it live up to your expectations?" Ellie leaned her head on my shoulder. I instinctively wrapped my arm around her.
"It did. These last few weeks have been amazing. I'm almost sorry that we go home next week" Ellie sighed as I let a chuckle out.
"Babe, Can I ask you something?" I looked at the sky.
"When we get home, After the season ends, Do you still wanna try for this baby or do you wanna wait?"
"I still want to have a baby with you. I ain't gonna change my mind. We are mates. Your mark proves it" Ellie pointed to her neck "Did you think that I would change my mind once the season was over?"
"... Yes" I admitted.
"It's like you don't even know me" Ellie pretended to be shocked. She laid down with her hand over her heart. I turned my head over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow at her. We held each other's gaze for about 10 seconds before we burst out laughing.
"Sit up you mad head" I pulled Ellie back up to the sitting position.
"Okay okay" Ellie giggled "I will admit that if I was in your shoes then I would be thinking the same thing"
"I didn't mean to doubt you" I looked up at the stars "Hey baby?"
"While we are here, Fancy breaking one more law?"

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