It's just a hunch

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- Elizabeth's Pov -


I groaned as I lifted my head upon the arm of the sofa. I grab my phone and see that Ban is ringing me.
"Hello" I whispered as I was still half asleep.
"Hey, Sis. did I wake you?" Ban quizzed.
"I was only dozing. What's up anyway?"
"I need to go Christmas shopping and Meliodas said I should ask you since I don't want to go by myself"
"Do I have a choice?"
"Not really. I'm parked outside your house. Door open?" Ban chimed as he hung up. I groaned loudly as the door flung open "Hey Sis" Ban cheered.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw me.
"Girl, You are looking rough" Ban jumped on the sofa and say next to me.
"You sure you ain't looking in the mirror?" I jested.
"Nice comeback" Ban shoulder-bumped me. I let a small smile creep on my face "So what do you want for Christmas?"
"Sleep" I ran my hands over my face.
"I could knock you out, I got a mallet somewhere" Ban put his arm around me.
"Do it. I beg you" I clasped my hands together.
"Ellie, What's going on? Meliodas said you were sleeping badly"
"I have. Mary thinks I have depression. So do I" I yawned.
"Given all the shit you have been through. I ain't surprised" Ban kept his face blank "What else is getting you down?"
"Everything. I feel like I'm the problem!" I hung my head so my hair covered my face "What even am I? A monster? An abomination? Every single fucking day I have to fight myself, I have to stop myself, From hurting you, our friends. Hurting Meliodas! I hate being a child of two races!"
"This is the beast side talking, Isn't it?"
"I don't know, I just feel numb" I started to cry.
"Yeah, You got Depression. Come here" Ban pulled me into a hug "There's no point saying it will get better or you'll be fine. I know you, You are strong enough to face this and I know the Captain and me will be right behind you"
"Ban..." I stuttered but he just held me.
"It's fine. Just cry and let it all out" Ban soothed as I sobbed harder, For a good half hour, I cried. We pulled apart once I calmed down "Feel better"
"A little" I wiped my face with my sleeve "Thanks Ban"
"What are big Brothers for" Ban did his famous grin "Now, Go wash your face and clean up. We need to go buy Christmas presents" Ban pointed to the door and I nodded. We both walked into the hallway. I went upstairs and Ban went to the kitchen. I heard him go into the fridge and sigh "When was the last time you ate?" He called up the stairs.
"Last night when I brought takeaway" Not that I ate much, Meliodas ate most of it. I raced up the stairs and went into my bathroom. After washing my face, I put my hair in a ponytail. Went over to my side of the wardrobe and picked out my dark blue jeggings, White T-shirt and white converses. I made sure my necklace was on and grabbed my handbag. I walked downstairs and grabbed my black leather jacket "I'm dressed" I twirled around.
"Yay. Come on. Let's get to the shops"

We had been shopping for a few hours now. We stopped at the water fountain for food and a cup of Hot chocolate. I managed to get everyone a Christmas present. I got a white off-the-shoulder dress for Elaine and white dolly shoes. I got Ban some personalized nunchucks. King got a sewing kit. He claimed his kit was broken. I brought Diane a backpack that she has been banging on about. A Bracelet for Gelda and Zeldris got a sword cleaning kit. Bard got a beard grooming kit. I got Mary a nomination bracelet with the charm awesome on it. I did struggle to find Meliodas a gift but I got him a dragon key chain with a green eye. I phone case with his sin symbol. New jeans and a tankard with a dragon on it
"See? Retail therapy works" Ban tapped his drink against mine.
"I feel a little better. I think being out of the house helps. I know I have my garden and I can come shopping whenever I want. But I need to get back to work" I took a sip of my drink "This tastes funny" I thought to myself. I kept drinking it as I was thirsty and didn't want to get up to get another.
"Captain won't like it. He doesn't want some man eyeing you up and you breaking the place when the slag walks in" Ban sipped his drink.
"He can't cover me in bubble wrap forever. I just put a hoodie on when I work at the bar and try not to kill anyone"
"Can I please be there when you tell him you are going back to work?" Ban quizzed.
"I would say yes but I gotta feeling Meliodas is going to need some persuasion" I looked down at the water and Ban covered his face.
"I really don't want that image in my head" Ban complained.
"Ain't you bending the knee tonight?"
"I am, I'm doing it behind closed doors because for the last 5 times I have attempted this, Shit has got in the way. My plan is, I'm shopping here with you, Going home, Hiding all my presents and then going for it so you will find out tomorrow if it went well or if I fucked it again" Ban took a bite of his Greggs steak bake.
"You are going to be fine. Might give King a hint to ask Diane"
"Or the Captain" Ban did a side glance at me. I nearly spat my drink out.
"We've only been together 6 months"
"And been trying for a baby since the 2-month mark" Ban raised his eyebrows at me "The topic of marriage never come up with you two"
"Yeah but we said we would wait till we had a little family"
We both jumped to my phone ringing. I took it out of my bag and saw that Essy was ringing me.
"Hey, Essy. What's up" I answered. Ban mouthed the words, Essy, at me.
"Hey, Els. I coming to the Human realm on Friday. Masters told me, Gainsborough? It's your home town, Ain't it?" Essy replied. I hid my face in my palm.
"Yeah it is"
"Great, at least I will know someone there. I've been booked into the Hickman hotel for the Weekend. Will you show me around the town?"
"Yeah, of course, I will. I need to go. I'm shopping with my Brother. Ring on the day you arrive. Bye Essy"
"Bye Els" He hung up. I rolled my eyes.
"What sort of name is Essy?" Ban scrunched his nose up.
"It's my friend from the Goddess realm. He was stolen away from his real family when he was no older than 6 months. Essy is the only name he has known. It was on a bracelet that he had" I explained "The Masters in the Goddess realm keep giving him names that get his hopes up and then he gets let down"
"The Masters? Are they from Doctor Who?"
"No lol. They run the Children's Care Home"
"So they are social workers? Great. I love them already" Ban spoke sarcastically.
"They practically run the place. Mael is their puppet. They never liked me because I have my own mind"
"How does Essy feel about them?"
"His mind is clouded but sometimes he listens to me"
"How old is he?" Ban frowned. He looked like he was working something out.
"11 months younger than me. So he would be 20"
"I see. Hmmm. Does he like you?"
"God No. He's Gay"
"You're sure?"
"Pretty sure when I caught him going at it with some dude behind the Temple" I took a sip of my drink "Either this is rank now or my taste buds are off. Taste it for me"
"Oh that can't off been pretty" Ban winced. I handed my drink to Ban and he tasted it "Taste fine to me"
"Must just be me"
"Odd. You normally love that brand of hot chocolate" Ban pinched his lips together "Anything else that you love tasted funny?"
"Just chocolate" I shook my head and shrugged.
"Been craving anything?"
"I mean food-wise?" I thought about this.
"Mushrooms. And those orange triangle lollies. Ooh and strawberries" I made a triangle shape with my hands. Ban crossed his arms and frowned "Why? What's wrong?"
"It's just a hunch but I think we need to get you a test"
"A test?"
"Yep. As I said, It's just a hunch but I think you are pregnant"

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