Luke opened his mouth to respond but closed it shortly after. He did this two more times, attempting to formulate a retort but gives up with a small huff. Turning his head, he looks up at the stars to avoid my gaze. "You never answered my initial question,"

"What?" I snort, returning back to our previous position with me between his legs.

"Us. Do you think that in another world we end up together?" He clarified, voice softer than before. Humming back, I begin to fiddle with one of the rings on his finger.

"I'd like to think so," I finally say. Pursuing my lips together, I blow out a puff of air before a thought popped into my head. "I'm sure we're taller in another dimension, maybe you're not 5'4 in every universe out there,"

"Ha ha," Luke mocks dryly, rolling his eyes but there was still a smile that threatened to spill over his lips. "You're hilarious Inds,"

"I know, I'm funny, I could be besties with John Mulaney," I grin before abruptly sitting up with a gasp. Hitting Luke's arm, he lets out a whine but I quickly shush him. "Dude, do you think there's a place where I'm actually friends with thee John Edmund Mulaney?"

"Dude, he knows better than to be friends with a girl named after a color who has an addiction to Twinkies," Luke teases causing me to shove his shoulder.

"You know what, I hope when you cross over that you end up going down instead of up into the light," I shoot back. "Yeah... say hi to Satan for me. Tell him I want to be besties when we meet,"

Luke gives me a blank stare, shaking his head in disbelief. Biting at my bottom lip, I hold back my laughter but let out a small snort which caused Luke to begin to laugh instead. "Why are you like this?"

"Why are you not?" I retort through a few airy laughs. "My back hurts from carrying the comedy in our dynamic here Luke,"

"You're annoying," He tuts playfully.

"Yeah but you're gonna miss me anyway," I shrug. Letting out a puff of air, our laughter had died down. It had grown quiet once more, the lightheartedness crumbling back and the small chirp of a cricket in the distance was the only thing filling the space between us. It's weird again.

Settling my gaze on my hands, my fingers fiddled with the ends of the blanket that laid over my legs. I could feel Luke staring, his eyes burning into my side but I didn't look up. After a few moments, I heard him let out a small sigh. He shuffled closer to me, lightly reaching out to stop my hands from fumbling with the material.

"Inds," Luke began. Humming back, I don't look up. He dipped his head down, forcing himself to be in my range of eyesight. "Inds," He repeats in a soft tone. I noticed the change in his expression, before it was lighthearted, playful, but now he was back to looking serious. We were both avoiding the conversation but it seems as if he thought it was best to finally do it now. Running away from my problems sounds appealing at the moment.

Picking my head up, I drop my shoulders. Managing to keep my eyes holding his, I mustered up a nod. "I know what you're gonna say, we don't have to talk about it. Things were happy, maybe we should just.. do the ignorance is bliss thing. People who aren't self aware always seem so happy, that could be us," I offer, throwing in the small joke to lighten the air but he merely half smiles at it.

"I'm sorry," Was what Luke chose to reply with.


He shook his head, interrupting me before I could properly speak. "Indie I know you want to pretend like things are okay but they aren't, I can't leave you without apologizing for what I did," He reached for my hand, the coldness of his rings shot a shiver up my arm but I didn't pull away. Sucking my bottom lip between my teeth, I pinch the bridge of my nose but nod nonetheless.

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