Somewhere ch-18

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Chapter 18 Somewhere

The house was to quiet to suit my mood. It was now past midnight and Aden was still gone. Normally I wouldn't be worried but the roads were really slick tonight. He never was too good about keeping track of time so he was always late. His brother had left around eleven after asking if I would be alright. I had ensured him I was fine but he looked worried as he pulled on his heavy coat. Even fully dressed I would have to been blind not to notice his firm body.

Lifetime was showing the usual sorted love affair movies but with Christmas twists. So I had popped a bag of kettle corn in the microwave and sit back to enjoy. I drifted off to sleep before the lady realized her lover was the next Santa Claus.

Despite the heat being on it was getting chiller in the living room and I woke up freezing. Rubbing my arms to cause some heat I glanced at the clock it was close to two now. Cleaning up the mess I had made first I picked up the kitchen phone to dial Aden's number. It was dead. The wind was causing a branch to scrape across the kitchen window in a repeated motion now. Checking the cords on the phone I finally decided it must be downed lines somewhere. Aden was beginning to piss me off by staying gone all night but then again what if he was hurt. How was I supposed to find out with the phone not working?

Biting at my nails as I sat down in the closest kitchen chair I tried not to let all the possible horrors flash through my mind. Seeing a lost noodle from earlier lying in the floor I decided to clean. That always let me sort out my mind. Even though it was so late I couldn't go to sleep worrying about him. The house wasn't that dirty so within an hour I had unloaded the dish washer, reloaded it, dusted and done a load of laundry. As the dryer tumble in the back ground I sweep the hard wood floors with a dust mop. The TV blared in the back ground to settle my nerves. Some new artist sung about dancing in the club to a heavy beat. After finishing my tasks I still felt restless. I refused to allow the bad things that happened to me to creep into my thoughts. No, I had a plan for a good future.

The shower was warm when I crawled under the spray. Closing my eyes I let the pulsating spray massage my face. Stepping back and letting it do the same to my front I slowly opened my eyes to search for the shampoo. Everything was dark and the house was silent except for the showers spurting. Panic grabbed at me for a second but the water turning cold quickly brought me back to reality. The power had been going out for the past few weeks because of the snow and ice storms. Charles worked for the utility company and said it was because of the more rural areas. The lines were older there and it was harder to get to fix the problems.

Switching of the water was not that difficult but finding my towel was a bit harder. The bathroom was still warm but I wondered how long the house would stay warm. Quickly drying my chilled body I danced around trying to put on my underwear. After bumping into the sink a few times and bouncing off the toilet I was dressed. I had a new appreciation for the visually challenged people in the world. With the towel twisted on my head I made my way out of the small room. My bare toe stubbed into several objects as I ventured to the living room. Candles or a flashlight would be useful but I had no clue where they maybe. Digging in the kitchen junk drawer I found a small scented candle only slightly bigger than a quarter. They were several of the tiny objects but they had wicks so they would work. Now how to light them was a good question.

The kitchen stove was electric so it was of no use. Aden was not allowed to smoke in the house but he used the front porch to. He normally left a pack of smokes and a lighter laying there by his ash tray. Moving across the floor with the miniature candle tucked in my hand I decided not to search for my shoes. The porch was covered, no snow would be on it and I would make a dash out there and back inside. Half way to the door I tripped on something and flew face down into the hard floor. Flashing lights and a squeaking sound informed me it was Charlie's favorite Big Chuck Tonka truck. My hands smarted a little but I was not hurt. Pulling my self back up, I felt my way towards the locked door. Twisting the locks I freed myself and held the door facing for balance.

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