"Brooklyn rage and savage winds, become the typhoon that will awaken the great blue eyes white dragon! Ride into the field, like card games on motorcycles! Summon, Blue Wave Dragon, Tetra-drive Dragon!" Nin exclaimed.

"Stand and draw! Demon King of the other world, hear our plea, and open the curtains to the next act! Stride the Generation, Curtain Call Announcer, Mephisto!" Nhis exclaimed.

"Charge headfirst and grasp victory with your explosive tactics! Generation Stride, Black Horned King, Bullpower Agrias!" Ira exclaimed.

"Liberating the Generation Zone!! A beautiful voice resonates in the battlefield as the match begins to come to an end! Generation Stride!! Celebrate Voice, Lauris!!" Sakura exclaimed.

"The melody of despair that resonates in the dark! Strike, the dance of destruction that invites doomsday! I ride my avatar, Star-vader, Venom Dancer! Then, legion and seek mate, Star-vader, Sword Viper!" Hiruyu exclaimed.

"Generation Zone, release! The trailblazer of humanity's art, history, and culture guides us unto the stars glittering with wisdom; predicting the uncertain future. The star of life will one day form the shape of knowledge; reaching a conclusion already formed deep within her omniscient heart! Generation Stride, Ultimate Regalia of Almighty, Minerva!" Mizuho exclaimed.

"Liberating the Generation Zone! The sacred scripts of the forbidden dark arts have awakened, cower before the evil it possesses! Generation Stride, Evil-eye Vidya Emperor, Shiranui "Rinne"!" Chiharu exclaimed.

Tetra-drive had an extremely easy time attacking and defending due to his two shoulder mounted barrel cannons that compressed moisture in the air into pressurised streams of water he could shoot at his opponents like a powerful hose. However, Tetra-drive became distracted when he soaked Minerva's clothes, giving him a peek at her bare skin and naked body. This angered Shiranui "Rinne" greatly, who used the opening to repeatedly stab Tetra-drive in the back with his six swords, killing him in the process.

"Embodiment of doomsday that was born from nothingness, exterminate the hope across the world with the curse known as despair, and play the melody of absolute zero! Ride! Star-vader, Dark Zodiac! Submerge them in absolute zero, legion and seek mate! Star-vader, Astro Reaper!" Saaya exclaimed.

"No one can stop this overflowing dream of ours! Now make way for the true star! I ride the wall, Dream Team, Madre! When two with overflowing dreams unite, they become invincible! Legion and seek mate! Dream Team, Dios!" Yumi exclaimed.

"Exorcise the binds that incarcerate you, spread out your incarnadine wings, and break the three seals on your Raving Ogre of Cherry Blossoms! Incinerate the curse of sovereignty to ashes with the Raving Rebellion Ogre's divine lightning! From Sealed Demon to Demon Conquering, I cross ride my avatar, Demon Conquering Dragon, Dungaree "Unlimited"!" Asakawa exclaimed.

"Light within the human heart, gather and take form among the stars. Become the perfect machine that will banish the darkness of human's hearts! I am... GUNDAM! Generation Stride, Sonne Blaukluger!" Ai exclaimed.

"Liberating the Generation Zone! Black wings of the supreme destroyer, spread out and let the world see the power of the new you! I stride my true avatar, Black Seraph, Gavrail!" Serena exclaimed.

"Generation Zone, release. Suffer a graceful and violent death while you enjoy a cold slumber under the frost storm. Generation Stride, Sweetly Smiling Ice Petal, Shirayuki!" Kirikou exclaimed.

"Liberating the Generation Zone! Surge up from the abyss and awake from your slumber! Etch the dark legend into history! Generation Stride! Dark Dragon, Spectral Blaster "Diablo"!" Hinami exclaimed.

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