"Haha haa, you're Sesshoumaru-sama, aren't you. Inuyasha's older brother," Byakuya said. "And you're Katsumi."

"And you're Byakuya," Katsumi said, surprising him.

"!" Inuyasha said when power stirred in the meioujuu.

"It's youki got stronger!" Miroku said.

"It absorbed the armor's youki?" Sango said. The rounded protrusions on the meioujuu's shell became spikes.

"You see..." he said. "This is my armored shell as it should be."

"That meioujuu is merely the bones of a corpse," Sesshoumaru said. "However... When I followed after Mouyoumaru's scent, that thing had been revived. What is Mouryoumaru trying to do?"

"I'd also like to find that out, you see," Byakuya said.

"You little brat... your Kongōsōha... can no longer hold up against me..." the meioujuu told Inuyasha.

"What did you say!?" Inuyasha said.

"Try firing it, boy... your Kongōsōha," the meioujuu said. "And this time you won't be safe."

"Very funny! Come on, and don't hold back!" Inuyasha said, preparing to attack with Kongōsōha. The meioujuu jumped up into the air. "Take this!! Kongōsōha!!" Inuyasha fired a barrage of adamant spears at the meioujuu, but it tucked into its shell and spun around, deflecting all of the spears.

"!?" Inuyasha said.

"Wha...!" Kagome said.

"It repelled the Kongōsōha!?" Sango said.

"!" Katsumi said. Inuyasha had to dodge his own spears as the attack was sent back at him.

"Heh, remarkable," Byakuya said. "I'd heard that the meioujuu's shell is the hardest of all youkais... it's true, isn't it."

'Bastard repelled my Kongōsōha...' Inuyasha thought, staring up at the meioujuu.

"Do you get it, boy..." the meioujuu said, floating in the sky. "This is my body as it should be."

"It's pulled back into its shell," Shippo said.

"We can't make an attack against that!" Sango said. The meioujuu formed more spheres of black lightning.

"Raimeihou!" Inuyasha said. They were crackling mercilessly with energy.

"!" Shippo said.

"It's jyaki is getting even stronger than it was before!" Miroku said.

"Gah!" Inuyasha said, dodging.

"Look out!" Sango said, shielding Kagome with hiraikotsu.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha said. "!" he was startled to realized the meioujuu was throwing its whole shell at him. He quickly dodged. "Dammit!"

"He isn't doing so well, is he," Byakuya said. "If this goes on... that meioujuu might just defeat Inuyasha." Katsumi put her hand on her sword.

'Selective Strike... may be able to cut him,' she thought, wondering if she should intervene.

"So that's why Meioujuu is staying here, huh?" Sesshoumaru said.

"Huh?" Byakuya said.

'It's armored shell is enough to repel Kongōsōha... Mouryoumaru is thinking of absorbing that into his own body...' Sesshoumaru thought. 'Does it mean... he's still after something!?'

'That armored shell... Mouryoumaru probably wants to absorb it, since it can repel Kongōsōha...' Katsumi thought. 'But... I get the feeling there's something more...' "Inuyasha! I may be able to cut him!"

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