Freddy Gordon - Hazel+Nico

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Freddy Gordon:

I am the king of Long Island Prep. School. I have everything, the looks, the popularity, and the money. Girls go crazy when I walk by and if I were one of them, I would too.

"I don't care that you love me, you're not pretty enough for me!" I broke up with the third girl this week. She ran away sobbing into the bathroom where I could still hear muffled cries.

I had dated every girl at this school at least once. All except for the hottest one. I had my eyes set on Hazel Levesque. Almost every boy has asked her out, they all got politely rejected when Hazel said she had a boyfriend. I'll be different. She will drop the boyfriend act, or else I will kiss her until she admits it was fake and is ready to date me for, like, two weeks before I dump her.

Oh! That's her walking by. I ran up, with my jock friends sprinting behind me. I turned her around and pushed her shoulders gently against the locker, pinning her in front of me. I stood very close and breathed warmly on her neck. "Hey, Haze," I whispered.

"Hi..." She said. It almost looked like she was trying to weasel her way out of my grip.

"Whatcha doin', Babe?" I asked, lowering my lips so they were centimeters from hers.

"Getting away from you!" She squealed as she ducked under my arms and sprinted to class. Luckily, it's Greek, and we take that together.

I strutted over to her, like the king I am and put my hand on her shoulder, making her flinch. I looked down at her phone and read her texts.

Baby Man: How r u Haze

Hazel: Hangin in , u?

Baby Man: Reyna just attacked me for taking a jelly bean!

Hazel: hahaha!

Baby Man: I'm Praetor also now, shouldn't I get some?

Hazel: You'll survive.

Baby Man: That makes it sound like you wont!

Hazel: Αυτός ο φρικτός θνητός μου χτυπά και φοβάμαι ότι θα χάσω την ψυχραιμία μου και θα τον χτυπήσω ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ! (This horrible mortal is hitting on me and I am afraid I will lose my temper and ACTUALLY hit him!)

She quickly glanced up when she remembered I was there and gave me a forced smile. I wonder what her text said, and what language it was in? It looked the faintest bit familiar. (Maybe it is the language you were learning IN THIS CLASS. But, what do I know?) My mom and dad always say that if I'm curious, to find out. But at the moment, I'm trying to think of the best way to ask Hazel out after school.

"Mr. Gordon!" Mrs. Smith shrieked and I realized that either class was over, or everybody was playing a prank on me because I was the only student still in the classroom. Did I fall asleep? "Mr. Gordon! Please get out of my classroom and to whatever you have next! NOW!" She ushered me out the door and into the emptying halls. I got to my classroom seconds before the late bell rang.

At lunch, I saw Hazel sitting with a bunch of nerds that she must pity. I smiled my million dollar smile and started to stroll over. I was stopped when I saw movement in the shadows. I saw it again in the hallway. I followed farther and farther away from the cafeteria into an empty classroom.

I could see a person moving now, but I could only see the dark silhouette in the dark corner. Maybe I should have been more scared than I was. "Stay away from Hazel Levesque!" The mysterious person warned in a voice just a tiny bit higher than I expected.

"And why should I listen to you?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"Because, I will not hesitate to send you to the Underworld if you don't leave the poor girl alone!" The voice yelled. With that, the person seemed to completely dissolve into the darkness.

When I got to the cafeteria, I could have sworn I saw Hazel hug and thank some emo dude before he melted into the shadows. No! My brain must still be thinking about that encounter.

"Hey, Hazey baby!" I said, that dude may have scared me, but he wouldn't go through with the promise and I always get what I want!

She looked frustrated when she sighed, "Hi. Didn't think you'd be asking me out for a while!" Hazel didn't know about the threat, did she? But, I was glad we were on the same page now, now I didn't need to ask, just get a response.

"No." She said bluntly. If she rejected me, I at least wanted an easy let down like the other boys. Well, I wouldn't stay rejected for long, remember how I said she'd eventually give in? Now it's time for plan B: kiss her until she kisses back.

"Fine," I pretended to give up and she seemed to let her guard down a bit, "Can I just privately tell you something first?" When I added the ending, she eyed me suspiciously, but nodded and followed me into an empty room.

"What's up?" She asked. I just smirked and grabbed her waist. I pulled her body touching mine and shoved her back against the wall. "HELP!" She shrieked. Before I could kiss her, Hazel kicked me "where the sun don't shine" and sprinted to the door. (By the way, this is in no way acceptable at all and I will make him pay for it. "HE HAS TO PAY FOR HIS BEHAVIOR" Get the Hamilton reference anybody?)

I looked to see a dark emo kid with his arms wrapped around Hazel. That couldn't be her...boyfriend? Could it? "Ah so you're my bae's other boyfriend! The one who she wanted to get away from with me!" I lied smoothly.

"No, actually. But I do know that you are the boy who just tried to kiss my little sister without her permission! And, you did it even after I warned you!" The boy growled at me. His angry, dark eyes were the last thing I saw before a hole opened up beneath my feet and the world turned to darkness.

Now, I am a mindless soul sewn into the underpants of Lord Hades/Pluto. (I am laughing so hard!)

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