The Hurt Locker Pt. II

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A short chapter...but the Kaley friendship (Kitty and Haley) content is immaculate.


Haley made it her own mission to get Kitty to rejoin the New Directions. It was a good distraction from her upset moods. The two girls currently sat in Haley's apartment in the living room, chatting.

"Let me reiterate this. I'm not joining." Kitty said.

"I want you to join for yourself. Just taking everyone else out of the picture." Haley replied.

"What?" Kitty asked, confused.

"I want to see the Kitty that was so happy participating in Glee Club. It made you genuinely happy. You can't deny that fact." Haley said.

"I'd much rather be joining your duo club than be in the same room as those incest twins." Kitty shrugged.

"Please, don't call them that." Haley began. "Listen, I know it's been a rather unexpected and difficult year for you. You barely had anyone, so you use your bitchiness on everyone because you're lonely and hurt. However, I would like to take a minute to thank you for staying in touch with me."

"Well...what can I say? Haley you read my mind quite well. And thank you for staying in touch. You were the only one that did..." Kitty sighed, trailing off.

"The others are stupid for not wanting to stay in contact. It's okay to validate that you feel lonely." Haley assured her, bringing the blonde into a hug. "You can always talk to me."

"You mean that?"

"Of course. I promise! A promise is a promise, it's not meant to be broken." Haley nodded.

"You know, you're my best friend. You are really like a mom." Kitty giggled, as Haley laughed, slightly thinking about not being able to probably have kids.

"Wait, are you okay?" Kitty asked, as she noticed Haley's sad expression, which disappeared quickly.

"Of course I am, Kitty." Haley reassured her, as the blonde frowned.
While Blaine and Kurt had gone missing, Haley couldn't help but freak out. As she was wandering up and down the hallways.

Kitty saw her and began to walk towards her.

"Hey, what's up?" Kitty asked.

"Oh, Blaine and Kurt are missing...and we need a perfect setlist.. We're screwed." Haley rambled, trying to calm her breathing down.

"I know what to do. Follow me." Kitty winked as she unlocked the door to Sue's office.

"I'm going to get in big trouble if I'm seen letting you act on this pan. Seeing you're a student. What about the security camera?" Haley continued her nervous rant.

"No, I already cut the main line to her security cameras and the alarm." Kitty said casually. "I may not have lived in some vague borough of New York City, but there's a reason I was the only Glee kid to survive Sue Sylvester's regime at McKinley. Because I'm ruthless too." She continued as she sat down in Sue's chair, opening the computer.

"How the hell do you know Sue's password?" Haley frowned.

"I bribed Becky with a box of smuggled Mexican Twinkie's." Kitty answered.

"Right...well, she does have a thing for third-world snack cakes made from real sugar and animal shortening." Haley shrugged.

"Okay, Sue has a secret playlist of songs that she's so emotionally vulnerable to that they're hidden in an encrypted, password-protected folder, only she can access." Kitty explained.

"How the hell, did I never know about this when I was captain of the Cheerios?" Haley wondered out loud.

"She told me when you were suspended and we sat eating ice cream and I watched her cry for a while."

"Oh." Haley muttered.

"Take a look at these." Kitty smiled, as Haley grinned at the playlist.

"These will do the trick." Haley smirked.
Haley and Sam sat together, her head against his shoulder, as the New Directions performed 'Must've Have Been Love'.  Both of them jumped out of their seat as they saw Blaine coming from the wings.

"Where the heck have you been? We were worried." Haley whispered, as he brought her and Sam into a group hug.

"It's a long story." He smiled, as the three sat down and listened to the New Direction's rendition of 'All Out of Love' and Haley laughed quietly at Sue who was breaking down, sobbing.

"Guys look." Haley said, as Sam and Blaine looked at Sue, all three sharing smiles, and an exchange of inside jokes or comments.

It was finally time for the results. Sue went to announce them, after she had calmed down. "In third place and just not doing a very good job at all, ladies and gentleman, the Dalton Academy Warblers."

"What?" Blaine asked, clearly outraged by the results.

"And in second place, this year's runners up and winners of the bedazzled bowling pin I found in the dumpster, from Carmel High, Vocal Adrenaline."

"And finally, first place for this year's invitationals, I don't know how they did it because they were sitting on stools, singing in usion. Ladies and gentleman, the New Directions!"

Everyone cheered as Kitty literally grabbed the trophy from Sue's hands.

"It wasn't so bad after all." Haley whispered, as Rachel laughed.

"No, we're good. I think the kids feel more inclined to win." She responded.
Some good stuff coming up. I'm excited and I think all of you will be too!

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