Guilty Pleasures

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"I should be hearing about now if I got accepted into Columbia or NYU." Haley said, as her and Sam were standing at his locker.

"I'm sure you'll be accepted. You haven't heard anything?" Sam asked looking down at her as she shrugged.

"Not yet. Honestly, what happens if I don't even get in?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"Don't think about that yet, Hay. They'd be crazy not to accept you. And even if you don't get in, you can reapply." He reassured her, bringing her into a hug, as Blaine approached them.

"Here. Don't tell anyone and you don't have to thank me." Blaine smiled, giving Sam fifty bucks. Both of them frowned.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Sam asked, pushing the money back towards Blaine.

"It's only fifty bucks, take the money. I know what you're up to and it has to stop." Blaine said.

"Um...Blaine, what are you talking about?" Haley asked.

"Last week I found a shortcut between my locker and the parking lot, walking through the cafeteria cuts fifteen seconds from my daily routine and yesterday I saw something. Look, I know your dad's been struggling and I just want to help. Hunger's a big problem in this country, but so is obesity which is confusing." Blaine explained.

Looking at Sam as he nodded, Haley reached her hand up to stop Blaine from rambling. "Okay, can you promise you can keep a secret?"

"Yeah of course." Blaine said.

"It's art." Haley smiled, as Sam led them to the art room.

"So...what do you think?" Sam as Blaine looked through Sam's portraits.

"Are these macaroni portraits?" Blaine asked.

"They're my guilty pleasure. My art teacher thinks I'm some sort of genius." Sam explained.

"Look, he even did me." Haley said gesturing to her portrait, proudly.

"Is that Emma Stone?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, and that's LeAnne Rimes, Ralph Macchio, those guys from Duck Dynasty and I even did uh - Kurt." Sam explained.

"The macaroni really captures him." Blaine sighed, quietly. "Thank you for sharing this with me, this is really incredible."

"Woah, woah, woah! Not so fast! Now it's your turns." Sam said, stopping Haley and Blaine from leaving.

"For what?" Haley asked, frowning.

"For your guilty pleasures."

"I-I don't have a guilty pleasure." Blaine insisted.

Rolling his eyes, Sam was persistent in getting them to admit their guilty pleasures. "Liars. Come on, you really think I don't know you that well? Blaine, you're doing your little unconvincing laugh and Haley, you are avoiding eye contact, which means your lying. Everyone's got that one thing that they like that they're so ashamed of, that they refuse to admit it to anybody."

"I love... Wham. they're like my favorite band of all time." Blaine said, awkwardly trying to come up with a cover story.

Both guys turned to Haley who was still avoiding eye contact, and looked down at her phone. "Oh, look, I have to go now." She said making a run towards the door taking Tina down with her. "Oof." Haley sighed, getting up, and helping Tina up, as they laughed and apologized to each other.

Tina then went on to announce that Glee Club was cancelled due to Mr. Schue being sick.

"Hey, uh- just curious, are you gonna go over to his house and straddle him whilst he's passed out and rub some ointment on his chest?" Sam teased as she rolled her eyes.

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