Movin' Out

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Movin' Out

Sue Sylvester had set up a career fair in almost every hallway at McKinley. There was an unfortunate amount of arts representation.

"And that's why this week is about a funny looking child who had a hard time in the music industry." Mr. Schue said. "Billy had to fight for his entire career for a very long time. He failed and disappointed, wrote numbers that nobody wanted, he played piano in bars just to pay the rent, people said he wouldn't make it because he didn't look right."  Mr. Schue explained, as he wrote Billy Joel on the whiteboard, and turned to talk to the group.

"Translation --too Jewish." Jake added, sighing when he didn't get a laugh from Marley.

"But he ignored them." Mr. Schue continued. "And he continued to follow his dreams and become the third best selling artist ever. He's a true inspiration for anyone who wants to pursue a career in the arts. Just like our very own Mr. Blaine Anderson, Mr. Sam Evans and surprisingly, Ms. Haley Aldrin."

"Surprisingly? I got permission." Haley commented.

"As you all know, my NYADA audition is this week. It's terrifying so I leave today to get some last minute tips from Kurt and Rachel." Blaine explained.

"And I'm coming because I have an interview at the theatre department at Hunter College. They loved my tornado of talent impressions reel and I'm up for this awesome scholarship, the Channing tatum Former Male Stripper Grant." Sam smiled excitedly.

"I'm coming to tour NYU, and just find my way around. We're also going to look for our apartment." Haley added, smiling up at Sam.

"We have talked with Mr. Schue and because we're having to miss this week, we thought we should..." Blaine began.

"Kick it off with a classic BJ!" Sam announced, noticing everyone's weird looks. "Billy-Billy Joel. Unless..."

"Oh Sam..." Haley muttered, smiling at him fondly, as Blaine began to play Movin' Out on the piano.

The three soon to be graduates, left the school and headed off to New York.
Haley had joined Sam and Blaine after her tour around NYU and sightseeing. The three ended up meeting each other at Spotlight Diner, where Rachel, Kurt and Santana currently worked.

"Do you guys think I'm wasting time applying to NYADA?" Blaine asked the two of them.

"No, of course not. Why do you think you're wasting your time?" Haley asked, confused.

"I just worry that you can only study performing arts at NYADA, what if I wanted something else?" Blaine continued as he put his straw into his milkshake.

"Like what?" Sam asked.

"I dunno...maybe something like teaching or writing-like Haley. Or pre-med, I've always been interested in medicine."

"Medicine? We know you love operation but that doesn't mean you've ever been interested in medicine before." Sam stated, as Haley nodded.

"Well, my first guy crush was George Clooney-Dr. Ross. Just want to explore my options, you know?"

"I believe that you have a reasonable chance of getting into NYADA. The stakes may be high, but you are talented. Are you sure you aren't scared?" Haley asked.

"No... of course not. I'm not scared." Blaine said defensively

The three continued to chat when Kurt came up to them. "So, did you like the historical sights I recommended?"

"I loved them! What can I say? Kurt knows me well." Haley was the first to respond.

We checked out those deconstructed bathrooms on St. Marks where Tennessee Williams got in that fistfight with Tallulah Bankhead. That was cool." Sam answered, grinning.

"But it was mostly campus visits for us. NYU, Columbia." Blaine added.

"Why? You're going to NYADA?" Kurt asked, confused.

"Well...I wanted them to come with me." Haley said, as both the boys wrapped their arms around her.

"And I need safety schools, Kurt, I haven't been accepted yet." Blaine shrugged.

"But you will once you audition! The way I've talked you up to Madame Tibideaux, she'll practically offer you the spot! Speaking of which, how about a trial run? I don't to throw you into the lions den unprepared." Kurt said.

"I dunno. I haven't rehearsed anything." Blaine stammered.

"Come on! Go!" Haley and Sam cheered pusing him.

"Come on! It's perfect time for another classic BJ!" Sam added, as Haley nudged him.

"Can you stop that!?" She asked.

The two focused their attention on Blaine as he played his rendition of 'Piano Man'. Sam began to play his harmonica, as Haley swayed to the music.
Haley sat with Sam on the couch as they talked about the earlier events that day.

"I mean...Hay, give me the honest truth. Do you think I could make it as a male model?" Sam asked, as Haley thought for a minute.

Sure, he was hot, she knew that from earlier when she had to oil him up for a shoot. She didn't have much of a problem, right? Her insecurity was a factor, but it was what he wanted to pursue. How could she stop that? "Yeah, honestly, I think you could." Haley finally answered smiling to cover up her insecurity.

"You aren't mad I'm not going to college or anything?" He asked as she laid down across his lap, looking up at him, while he stroked her hair.

"Honestly, no. If this is what you want to pursue. Go ahead." She encouraged him.

"Thanks did you find NYU?" He asked.

"It was alright. Kurt's friend Elliot was very kind, I think I'll manage." She smiled. "It's just a little scary, and will take some time to get used to."

"Of course Hay. We will be fine. I know it."  Sam assured her, leaning down to capture her lips in his, as the kiss began to heat up. As he began to kiss Haley's neck, she hummed in content. Unfortunately, Santana saw, and just had to comment.

"Wanky." Santana commented. "Guys get a room." She added, as Haley waved her hand at the annoyed Latina.

"Okay, we'll stop." Haley said, pulling away, as She pushed Sam off her a little. "We need to sleep. You have an interview tomorrow." She said to Sam, who sighed, before they eventually fell asleep, cuddled up to each other.
Haley pushed a piece of Rachel's bread towards Sam as he pushed it back to her. "No can do...I'm on a diet of mentos and flavoured air."

Haley exchanged looks with everyone before taking his hand in hers. "Baby... you are fine just the way you are. Perfectly imperfect. Not eating isn't okay."

"She's right. You don't need to lose ten pounds." Rachel added.

"Yeah Sam, we all agree, you don't need to be prison camp skinny. We think you should find another agency." Kurt commented.

"But House of Bitchette is the best agency in town." Sam sighed.

"I mean...if you are so fixated, I'll do this air diet thing with you." Haley muttered.

"No, Hay, absolutely not. You aren't going to. You don't need to lose weight." Sam argued.

"See!? You don't either!" Haley exclaimed.

Blaine smiled. "I think this argument is better done in song." He said as he walked towards the piano.

"No! No! No! I can't take this! Do you see what's gonna happen? Every argument, discussion or meal from now on is gonna end with a freaking sing-along! It's bad enough that we have to be singing waitresses! I can't have this at home! I need my peaceful peace!" Santana said disappearing into her bedroom. Haley laughed at her as Blaine began to play the piano. All of them singing 'Just the way You Are'

"You don't have to sing Santana." Haley called out.

"But I dare you not to!" Kurt added, as he began to sing alone.

Haley sang along, while she danced with Sam. She sent him loving looks hoping that he'd realize that he was perfect just the way he was. He did, because she swore his smile grew throughout every note.
A short chapter, enjoy!

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