New Directions

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New Directions

"You know, being here with everyone has brought so many good feelings and memories, and... I mean, look at Puck and Quinn." Mercedes said, gesturing toward the couple. "I mean, I have no idea what's going on there, nor do I know where her boyfriend ran off to, but it looks like we can be expecting another accidental pregnancy sometime soon."

Haley giggled, as Quinn shook her head no, while Puck made a face.

"Yeah, yeah. But, alas, with the old good feelings come the old bad one, too. Why, just today, Mercedes and I were in the lunch line when a battle from way back in the day came out, and we found ourselves at each other's throats again." Kurt said.

"Let me guess, the tots?" Haley asked, as they smiled at her and nodded.

"Yes, I know. It's really hard to see friends fighting, but I'm just glad that none of you guys were there to see it." Kurt continued.

"I was right behind you in line." Artie commented.

"Because the most upsetting thing is watching two people you love fight about something ridiculous and there not being anything you can do to stop it. But, thankfully, we made up and we have never been closer. And we've decided to heal our hearts with a song." Kurt explained.

{I'm Changing}
The 2013 seniors had gathered in the choir room, cleaning up the lilies from Brittany and Santana's talk a few minutes prior.

"My life is literally over." Tina complained, causing the others to look at her.

"What's wrong, tina?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing. Just the fact that I'm going to spend the rest of my life in Lima because I'm not Jewish enough."

"What do you mean? Since when were you Jewish?" Haley asked.

"Since I've tried to apply to Mitzvah University. I didn't get in, though, so I guess I'm the only one in this room who's not going to New York or college."

"Why? You don't need a college acceptance letter to get over that bridge." Sam said, as he pulled out a chair to sit in front of her.
"I can't just go there without some kind of plan." Tina shook her head.

"Well, hum, Kurt did, and I think he's doing pretty great. It's an adventure." Blaine pointed out.

"Not for me. You don't understand. Without some kind of direction, I just feel like a giant, free-floating loser." Tina explained.

"Yeah like me." Sam said, picking up on what Tina meant.

"And me." Haley smiled.

"And me." Artie said.

"And me." Blaine said sitting down at the piano to play a slower version of Loser Like Me.

"Ooh, that was nice." Blaine commented, praising their vocals. "Hey, please, please, please, please come to New York." He looked at tina.

"You don't need a plan." Artie agreed. "You'll figure something out once you get there. We can get an apartment."

"You guys are the best. Let's do this!" Tina said, smiling, as they all cheered.

Everyone watched, slightly shocked at the couple singing a duet.

"I'd like to make an announcement." Quinn said, as everyone stopped clapping. "Puck has asked me to go out with him as boyfriend and girlfriend. 'Cause, you know, we've never actually dated. So, hum, I decided to throw caution to the wind and say yes."

"Wait, what?" Puck asked, as Quinn turned to him, with a smile.

"Yeah, I can't make any promises, but, you know, you're the only guy who's actually been okay with me just being myself." She admitted.

"Well, once you've seen a baby come out of a girl's magic garden, everything else is easily acceptable." Puck shrugged, as everyone looked shocked. Haley rolled her eyes disgusted.

"I think I love you, Puck. And I know it's not gonna be easy, what with me in New Haven and you... Who knows where. But I'd rather do hard with you than easy with somebody else." Quinn said.

"Wanky." Santana smirked.

"Santana, for once, I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your inevitable snark to yourself." Quinn giggled, smiling softly.

"No, no. Look, I got to be honest, I really like this pairing." Santana commented.

"Come here." Quinn said, as her and Puck kissed. Everyone cheered, while Quinn waved her hand at them to stop. It didn't however.

After a little awhile, Haley got up.

"So, I know we are still singing former songs...but since there have been new renditions and this rings along the topic of goodbye, we seniors would like to leave you all, especially the underclassmen with a goodbye and a final song. If that's okay with all of you guys." Haley said smiling.

"Absolutely." Mr. Schue smiled, as Sam, Tina, Blaine, and Artie moved to stand beside Haley playing the piano.


Everyone clapped, tears in their eyes once the performance finished. Haley laughed, sadly wiping her tears, as Sam wrapped his arms around her.

"Well, in many ways, that brings us full circle, which is perfect because that was officially... The last song that will ever be sung in Glee Club." Mr. Schue announced, as the room grew silent. "We all have more songs to sing. We just can't sing them in here anymore. Glee Club... Is officially over. Thank you, guys. It's been an honor."
As Haley waited backstage with the first year glee club, she listened to the video being played.

"Hey." Rachel in the video said. "So, we don't actually know your name because this video was made before you were born, but you are the son or daughter of our teacher. Will Schuester."

"You know, many of us don't get to know our dads as men until they're older, past middle age, maybe a little beaten down by life." Kurt continued. "But we want to tell you about what your dad was like when he was young."

"When he could dance like Fred Astaire." Mike added.

"And sing like Michael Bluble." Marley commented.

"He was an amazing teacher." Quinn said.

"Your dad and I almost hooked up, which means I could have been your mom. Hit me up when you want your first tattoo. I know a guy." Holly said.

"If it wasn't for your dad, I would've been living life with a fake stutter. You had to be there." Tina said.

"Okay, it may seem a little weird to you, but back here in the Dark ages, it was still crazy for girls to love girls and guys to love guys, but your dad made sure that we felt safe loving whoever we chose." Santana added.

"He does this magic trick where he pulls a duck out of a hat. You should have him show you sometime." Brittany said innocently.

"Your dad had a passion for teaching." Sam said, as Haley giggled, recalling the memory of being in the room when he was recording. "He really loved that moment when he connected with a kid. And he was prone to overemotional yet often inspiring pep talks."

"To put it simply, I was not a particularly nice person." Puck began, before picking a book and handing it to the student who had dropped it. "That sweater's legit. And then your dad came along, and I became a man who was kind a relatively large portion of the time."

"I can say without a doubt that your dad saved my life." Kurt said. "Little Hepburn and Tracy wouldn't have a daddy if it wasn't for your dad. Those are the names of my kids who aren't born yet either."

"We used a surrogate." Blaine nodded, as the two laughed, and Quinn appeared next to them smiling.

"I donated the egg."

"Your dad made sure Glee Club was not only a safe space, but a comforting one." Haley said. "When I was dealing with abuse at home, I always had a place to run to."

"In the whole wide world, you'll never meet a man more accepting and open to nature in all wonders than your father. He's a gem." Unique said.

"The best thing about your dad and that horrible perm of his is that no matter how talentless, misshapen, ugly, miserable or sexually ambiguous you are, he will still love you unconditionally." Sue explained.

"Your dad made sure that everyone in this school understood what it was like to see the world from this chair, and he helped me see all that I could be even though I was in it." Artie added.

"He is the most genuine..." Quinn began.

"Honest." Kurt continued.

"Kind..." Puck added.

"Creative..." Haley smiled.

"Generous..." Santana said.

"Sand dollar..." Brittany said.

"Amazing man any of us have ever met." Rachel finished. "He loved and looked after every one of us with as much care and concern as he does for you. We love your dad. We love him very, very much, and no matter where we are or what we're doing, he's with us. Because we have his name tattooed in our hearts."

The curtains opened and the first few notes of Don't Stop Believin' began playing. Haley teared up, as she only felt love and appreciation for everyone in the auditorium. She hoped that it would never fade away, and that their bond would stay strong for years to come.
Graduation had arrived, and Haley sat anxiously waiting to make her Valedictorian speech.

"Now please welcome to the stage, valedictorian Haley Aldrin." Principal Sylvester announced, as everyone clapped. She saw her friends cheering and clapping, making her laugh.

Haley smiled walking onto stage, and walking to stand and make her speech.

"Good afternoon, faculty, friends, families, visitors and class of 2013. It has been quite a whirlwind ride. When we walked into high school 4 years ago, none of us expected we would even make it to graduation. Well, here we are.

When I look out into the audience, I see every student, even if I haven't particularly got to know them. Each and every face brings a memory and a name that I can't for the life of me remember. You all played a part in my high school journey, and whether we bonded or had encounters, thank you. I genuinely cherish the fact that I get to graduate with some of my closest friends, I don't know where I'd be without them. I didn't even think with all the adversities I endured, that I'd make it to graduation. But, I stand here before all of you proud and strong.

I want to encourage you all to reflect on your high school journeys before you go your separate ways. Sure, you may be rushing to get back to a simplistic and soon to be habitual routine, but take time to reflect and celebrate your journey and accomplishments. Be proud of yourself, and think of how far you've come. How deserving you are to be up on this stage tonight.

Accept that we will always be learning through life. As we enter the real world...The learning never ends, and the growing does not either. It will continue to prolong as we dance through life's ups and downs. We're humans, we are perfectly imperfect, a work in progress, and we are allowed to make mistakes. Most importantly, have fun, be kind, be generous, be genuine, be loyal, and be adventurous and open to new people, new experiences and new surprises.

Congrats, class of 2013!" Haley finished, as everyone cheered and clapped. As she received her certificate, she smiled, flipping her tassels of her cap. She smiled as she saw Quinn, Kurt, Mercedes, Puck, and Carol and Burt all tearing up, and waving at her. She saw her friends from her graduating class, and Sam smiling at her.

"Blaine Anderson."

"Tina Cohen-Chang."

"Sam Evans."

"Rebecca Jackson."

"Blaine, you guys, I can't go to New York with you." Tina said, as Haley frowned, holding onto Sam's hand.

"I'm confused T." Haley said.

"Tina Cohen-Crazy. You can't get cold feet on us now!" Blaine said.

"No, it's not that. I was gonna tell you later, but the Dean of Admissions from Brown called me this morning..." She began.

"And you got in?" Sam asked, excited.

"I got in! I'm going to Brown!" She cheered as the group pulled her into a hug.

"Oh! Tina. Congratulations!" Blaine exclaimed.

"Wow, that is great." Artie smiled.

"Thank you guys." Tina said.

"And, finally...Brittany S. Pierce." Sue announced, as the group looked towards Brittany shocked.

"Yay Britt!" Haley cheered, as Britt picked her certificate before rushing over to them, and hugging Haley.

"You guys, I'm graduating!" Brittany explained, surprised.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the William McKinley High graduating class of 2013!"

Sam dipped Haley over, as Finn had done the previous year with Rachel. Haley laughed, as Sam captured her lips in his, as she held her arm around his neck for balance.

After he pulled her up, she smiled at him, as he smiled down at her. "New York, here we come!" Haley squealed, as he chuckled.
We're getting closer to the wedding y'all!

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