Shooting Star

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I cry every time:/

Haley had not slept in two days, nor had she gone to school. She had received a rejection letter in the mail a few days earlier, and that really upset her.

To sum it up, Sam was really worried about her, as was the entire Glee club.

"Do we know if she's okay?" Tina asked, as she stood with Sam and Blaine by the entrance.

"Haven't heard from her...Have you Sam?" Blaine asked.

"No...but I wonder if this has something to do with university acceptance?" Sam muttered, as the door opened.

Haley walked in, wearing her Cheerios uniform and jacket, and her hair was in it's usual high ponytail. However, she was clearly wearing an exaggerated smile as she entered. People might've said she looked happy to be there, and that she was fine, but Sam saw behind that smile. He knew she was upset, and was feeling rejected and exhausted. He needed to talk to her.

"Well, there's your answer right there." Artie said, as he wheeled his chair over to the three.

As Haley walked right past them, Tina and Blaine pushed Sam forward so he would go deal with her.

"Hey, baby." Sam said approaching her as she turned to look at him, smiling.

"Hey." She said, as she frowned when he brought her into a comforting hug. Nonetheless, she wrapped her arms around him in return.

"You know very well, that I know you aren't fine." He whispered, as she pulled away. Sometimes she wondered how he knew she wasn't fine, but she persisted in lying anyways.

"Are you kidding? I'm great!" She said, lying.

"Yeah, well, we will talk later. Clearly you aren't in the mood." Sam said, as they began to walk towards the auditorium for Glee Club.

"Well we'll see about that." She replied, as he sighed.
"I have in my hand ladies and gentlemen, our competition for Regionals!" Mr. Schue announced, holding up an envelope.

Everyone clapped and cheered, as he tore the envelope open and began reading to the group. "From North Central High School in Indianapolis, the Hoosierdaddies! And from Our Lady of Perpetual Loneliness in Battle Creek, Michigan, the Nun-touchables!"

"We will win this thing!" Haley cheered, still covering up her upset and sad mood.

"Yes we will! But we still have a lot of work to do." Mr. Schue said.

"Mr. Schue please stop talking." Brittany interjected. "I have an announcement, I regret to inform you that a deadly asteroid is heading our way."

"Wait, didn't we just go through this at Christmas?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah!" Tina said. "And is it true that you two got married?" She asked turning to face Sam, who was looking sadly at Haley.

"Well, kind of." Haley shrugged. "Not for real though, we almost did."

"Shut up Tina and Haley! I'm naming the comet Tubbington-Bopp and it's headed straight for Lima" Brittany said.

" is it an asteroid or a comet?" Artie asked.

"It's both." Brittany explained.

"Wouldn't NASA know something about this?" Marley asked, while she raised her hand.

"We can't trust NASA. I mean last month, a meteor exactly like Tubbington-Bopp hit Russia with no warning at all. And when this meteorite hits, I will not be spending time in this room preparing for regionals, I will be spending my last hours making amends with someone I need to get right with, someone I love very much, Lord Tubbinton. So go back to your homes, hide your wife, hide your kids, and hide your wife! McKinley High, I salute you!" Brittany said, before rushing out of the auditorium.

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