I Kissed a Girl

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"You know I really miss you." Haley sighed as she chatted to Sam over Skype.

"Same here Hay. I miss you too." Sam replied, sending her a small smile.

"This school year's been quite difficult, it's not the same without you. I might need to come visit you sometimes." She continued.

"Oh yeah." He almost choked on his drink. "Definitely you will, or I'll come find a way to visit you." He replied. He knew if Haley would know about what he was up to, she wouldn't be too pleased.

"Yeah, well I'm glad our long distance relationship is going strong." She commented. "I'm surprised it is lasting, not that I thought it wouldn't. That's what I call trust and commitment." She added.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Well, I have to go, Santana needs my help with some stuff now, she's been going through some challenges lately." She said.

"Okay...Bye, I love and miss you." He said.

"Bye, love and miss you too." She replied before exiting the video chat. She felt tears fall, as she closed her laptop. Things hadn't been going well, she really needed him.
Haley rolled her eyes as Finn slowly joined her as she walked to the choir room. She began to give him a scolding before he could speak.

"I'm still disappointed in how you completely disrespected Santana. You violated her secret by outing her. You know she wasn't ready. I know I can't stay mad at you for eternity, you're like a brother to me, but that's no excuse for the actions exerted. And please, I know you are trying to be helpful setting me up with guys, but I'm still in a relationship and you know that. I'm not ready to move onto some other guy, I've committed and dedicated myself to Sam, and I'm choosing to remain faithful and honest. Plus on a different note, I'm sorry for the harsh talking and for punching you." She finished.

"I know what I did was wrong, believe me. And your apology is accepted, I know you were only trying to talk sense into me, making me see what I did was wrong. I've realized my actions, unfortunately after I committed the horrible action, which I will regret for years to come. Now I think you will believe me when you hear the assignment for this week." Finn assured her as they walked into the choir room.

As Haley walked to sit down by Santana and Brittnay, Finn walked to the middle of the room. "This week, the Trouble Tones and New Directions will both be singing music created for ladies and for ladies." Finn announced.

"Oh, hell no, next week, all of us will be going to sectionals, and one of us is probably gonna win." Santana commented.

"Santana, frankly, we are worried about you, especially me." Haley said as Santana's eyes softened.

"Glee's about learning how to accept yourself for who you are no matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about." Finn said, causing Santana to roll her eyes.

"So wait, I don't even get a say in this? Not cool." Santana said.

"Tana, don't think of this as an intervention, but instead, think of it as a celebration." Haley explained.

"Everybody in this room knows about you and Brittany. And we don't judge you for it. We celebrate it because it's who you are. Look, I know not everybody outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you want to be." Finn continued as he motioned for Blaine and Kurt to come to the front of the room.

"Santana. Kurt and I have a song we like to sing to each other in the car, and we want to sing that for you right now." Blaine said.

"While there's nothing more than having to pretty ponies serenade me, I think we'd get further stage a 'gel-ervention' for Blaine singing lady music." Santana commented.

"I know it's hard. It was hard for me, too. But you can get through this. If you could just stop being so defensive." Blaine said.

"I'm trying, but your hideous bow ties are provoking me."

"Wait, are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl?" Asked Puck.

"Pay attention, Puck." Haley said sternly.


After they were finished Santana smiled. "Thank you, guys. Thank you, Finn, especially. You know, with all the horrible crap I've been through in my life...Now I get to add that."
"Hey, are you doing okay?" Haley asked as she approached Santana at her locker.

"Yeah, just more crap to add to my list of life struggles." Santana muttered.

So, what do you think of the new assignment? It's pretty sweet right?" Finn asked, approaching the two.

"Do you realize you're basically forcing me out of the flannel closet? Salazar's ad's going to run, that's what's forcing you to deal with this." Santana said. "Why are you  getting so worked up about this?"

"What Finn is trying to convey is that he doesn't want you to die. Neither do I.  A few weeks ago, some kid made one of those 'it gets better' videos and killed himself. You deal with your anxiety surrounding this stuff by attacking other people, and someday, that's not going to be enough and you might start attacking yourself. Trust me, I know." Haley said.

"Well, thanks, but that's never going to happen. I'd miss me too much." Santana said.

"Look, you were my first. That means something to me. You mean something to me. If something ever were to happen to you, and I didn't do everything that I could to try and stop it, I'd never be able to live with myself." Finn said, lowering his voice.

"Plus, you were there when my struggle with anxiety and depression happened.. You are there for my rants, the list is prolonged. Point is, you matter, and you aren't alone. We want you to be happy." Haley added, bringing Santana into a hug.


As Finn was singing, Santana couldn't help but let her tears fall. She finally realized and comprehended why they wanted to do this for her. After he had finished, Santana got up, as he did the same, pulling her into a hug. "We love you, Santana." Finn said. "So much."
As Santana stood in front of a locker, a guy named Josh approached. "Saw the commercial. Whew, smokin'" He commented.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked.

"Josh Comen, sophomore rugby captain. Girls like you are a challenge. You just need the right guy to straighten you out, and I'm just the man to do it."

Luckily the Glee girls approached both of them before Josh could harass her any more.

"Move your busted creeper ass, now!"

"Easy, girls. I'm just trying to make her normal."

"Excuse me dumbass, she is normal. And you know what? We celebrate her for embracing who she truly is. What you are doing is harassing her, and I now order you to leave her alone. Go, shoo." Haley said as she stood looking up at Josh.

"It's not a choice, idiot. But even if it were, you'd be our last choice." Quinn added.

"Oh, I get it, you're all a bunch of lesbos." He replied as the girls scoffed.

"So what if we are? You don't stand a chance either way."


As the girls performed, the boys cheered. Haley saw Kurt and Blaine filming with their phones.

Santana decided to share the update. "Okay, okay,  update. I told my parents last night, and they were okay with it." Haley hugged Santana, causing her to laugh. Santana then went on. "I just have to tell my abuela before she sees that stupid commerical, but luckily she only watched univision."

"I'm so proud of you." Haley whispered as Santana smiled.
Haley sat outside on her balcony when she saw Santana running towards her house. Haley immediately ran downstairs and opened the door as the Latina crashed into her sobbing.

"Hey, hey, Tana. Shh...I'm going to need you to take a few deep breaths okay?" Haley whispered, rocking the girls back and forth, like Sam would do with her whenever she was crying, or dealing with stress and anxiety attacks. She continued to hug Santana, rubbing her hand up and down on her back.

Once Santana had calmed down, she began to speak. "My abuelita didn't accept me when I came out." She sniffled as the tears began to flow again, her breathing increasing.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. So your abuela doesn't support you, yes that's horrible, but I believe that she will come around, she needs time. For now you have me, Britt, the glee club. We love you and support you. We celebrate you. You will always be the sarcastic, headstrong and honest cheerleader I met freshman year. Nothing is going to change in our friendship or the way I see you. I am proud of you, proud to be one of your best friends. I count the stars every night, because I'm lucky to know you and everyone I have bonded with." Haley finished. "Now can I see a smile?"

Santana laughed, and sent her a small smile. "Awe there it is!" Haley said, bringing her into another hug.

"Thank you for everything Haley. I am grateful, in fact I'm fortunate, and I don't know what I would do without you and your constant support, love, loyalty, encouragement and friendship." Santana said softly.
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