Love, Love, Love

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"I don't think we've ever spent two weeks on an assignment, Mr. Schue." Tina said.

"Hey, the Beatles are so epic that we need two weeks to do them justice. This week is all about the early years of the Beatles, when all they had was a belief in each other and a belief that together they could do anything." Mr. Schue replied.

"The school year seems like it's never ending, and now we're wasting two whole weeks on a band from the 1940s? Seriously, can anyone still relate to the Beatles?" Kitty asked, rolling her eyes.

"Pretty much the entire world." Blaine said quickly.

"Yeah, I can definitely still relate." Ryder nodded.

"Why? Were the Beatles dyslexic and catfished by transsexuals?" Kitty said, as Haley rolled her eyes, hitting Kitty's chair gently.

"And you wonder why everybody hates you." Tina muttered.

"When George Harrison was a kid, he was made fun of 'cause his dad was the bus driver." Marley said.

"John Lennon's dad wasn't even around. He walked out of John's life when he was five." Jake added.

"I don't really know the Beatles; I'm a little on the black side." Unique pointed out.

"And Ring starr was a sickly little kid, which probably means he was sitting down a lot." Artie said.

"And they decided to form a band. Which changed the world. Now, you guys are really gonna have to challenge yourselves this week. Bring your a-plus games. Perform those classic songs in new and exciting ways. If we can push ourselves to a whole new level, like the Beatles did constantly, we can win back-to-back National championships and form a New Directions dynasty."
The New Directions had decided to hang at the carnival that was in Lima that week. All of them were having a blast, and Haley and Sam were off to spend some time together, until they ran into her least favorite person, beside Rachel.

"Hey, Shortstacks." Bree said smirking at Sam, as Haley rolled her eyes.

"Hey Failure Flipper, get your eyes off my fiance." Haley replied, as Sam wrapped his arm around her waist, afraid that she would probably pounce on Bree, if their meeting progressed.

"I wanted to say that I think you suck, you're worthless, and don't deserve to be getting married. Plus I also wanted to ask why Kitty is spending time with crippled wheels." Bree said, gesturing to Kitty and Artie.

"First of all, I don't suck, you're just jealous, and you're projecting that envy onto others, by hurting them. Secondly, don't you dare call Artie that. Kitty is allowed to spend time with whoever she chooses. You aren't to make the decisions or judge. Who was the person that couldn't flip and was too scared to stand on the top of the pyramid. Another reason why you are at the bottom of our Cheerios pyramid." Haley spat back.

"Kitty is already in a lame club, which you happen to be in as well." Bree pointed out as Haley laughed sarcastically.

"It's not lame, and you will leave her alone. And you aren't allowed to do anything, because I'm the captain of the cheer squad until graduation in a few months. So.... move your ass, and back off." Haley replied.

"Ugh, fine! You are so on my list for people to ruin at prom." Bree tried to shoot back, as Haley flipped her off.

"You okay, babe?" Sam asked looking down at her.

"I'm fine, I guess. I've learned to build a tough exterior around my bullies and other teammates, when they try to break me down." Haley shrugged.

"Well.... okay...why don't we go to the Ferris Wheel?" Sam asked, as she laughed.

"I was just going to say that." Haley laughed, as the two ran towards the line of the Ferris Wheel.
"Okay, listen up, everybody. Come on. Blaine has a very special announcement to make." Mr. Schue announced as everyone turned to Blaine.

"That's right. So, as most of you know already, Kurt and I are officially back together." Blaine began, as everyone clapped.

"I know, but what most of you don't know, and this is top secret, is that I'm going to ask Kurt to marry me."

There was silence, as Haley smiled, clapping lightly, as she kicked Sam's leg to get him to clap. Instead, Sam got up from his seat, trying to get everyone pumped on the idea.

"Yeah, guys, come on! Get up! Come on, guys! He's my best friend. Gay marraige... Good. It's good, it's good. They're all happening so fast. Let's go!"

"Sam, not now." Blaine said as everyone, remained in utter silence.

"Anyway, I want this proposal to be just incredible, so I'm asking for all your help, but I'm also asking for some of our competitors' help. Like the Warblers and Vocal Adrenaline and the Haverbrook School for the Deaf." Blaine continued.

"Vocal Adrenaline?" Unique shook her head. "No, ma'am."

"The Warblers are evil incarnate little craps." Ryder added.

"I don't want to see the patriarchal Warblers... that means Meerkat too." Haley sighed. "I'm on board though with the marriage thing though." She assured Blaine.

"Are you crazy> Are you insane? Good God, have you lost your mind?" Tina asked, walking towards Blaine, as Sam stopped her.

"Tina, everybody, hear him out." Sam said.

"Look, I want this to be more than just an ordinary proposal. I want this to be a cultural statement." Blaine explained.

"Our generation is at a turning point. People everywhere... Except, like Russia, are beginning to see that it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from or even what God you believe in. They're beginning to see that people really aren't all that different. And honestly, if we can get a bunch of cutthroat show choirs to stand side-by-side and unite in something, then anything is possible."

"Okay, okay, but Blaine is just using the world of rival glee clubs as a metaphor for this incredible time we're in right now." Artie said, as Blaine nodded.
Haley sat in the empty astronomy classroom alone after school, working on homework. She thought she was alone since Glee Club had finished an hour before, but she heard a knock on the door. She looked up, smiling when she saw Sam at the door.

"Hey." She said as he entered.

"Hey, Haley." He smiled.

"I thought you'd gone home. I just decided to work alone on homework here." Haley said, gesturing to her homework laid out on a desk.

"Well, I wanted to ask you a question." Sam said.

"Oh yeah, and what would that be?" She asked, as he smirked.

"Let me sing first." He said as the Glee boys came into the classroom, as the Glee girls came in behind.

"Oh wow." Haley sighed, as she smiled.


As soon as the song was over, Sam stepped in front of Haley as he took her hands in his.

"Haley Aldrin, will you be my date to Senior prom?" He asked looking down at her.

"Sam, of course, I would love to." Haley smiled, as he dipped her over, pressing his lips to hers.

All their friends cheered, as the couple enjoyed their moment, Haley waving her hands at their friends to get them to stop.

"Can we leave now Sam?" Tina asked.

"Let them have their moment, Tina." Blaine whispered.
The next day, Tina couldn't stand a thing, especially Artie and Kitty's secret. She marched to the middle of the choir room.

"Look, I'm sorry, Artie, but this is for your own good. Everyone, Kitty and Artie are dating, but Kitty's making Artie hide it because she's embarrassed by him, and I think that's emotional abuse. Artie is a great guy, and he deserves to be loved openly and proudly and without conditions."

"For once we agree. It's true. Arthur and I are dating." Kitty spoke up.

"We are?" Artie asked, as Kitty smiled. "Officially?"

"And for the record... And not that it's anyone's business especially not yours, Tina Cohen-agitator... I did want to keep it hush." Kitty said.

"Because you were ashamed." Tina accused.

"Yes, memories of a lame geisha, because I occupy a certain place in the McKinley hierarchy, and you, all except Sam, and Haley, occupy a different lesser place in that hierarchy, and before exploding said hierarchy by jumping up and down on Oprah's couch, declaring my undying love for someone who is, let's face it, not my usual body type... I wanted to be sure."

"Of what?" Tina asked.

"That I really, really like him. And that I would be willing to risk not just my social standing but also getting hurt by letting him wheel into my heart. And even though I know he's getting ready to graduate, and we're probably just as doomed as every other sad, broken, backwards relationship that's ever started in this Jesus and love-forsaken choir room." Kitty said looking into Artie's eyes.

"Kurt and I will have a happy ending." Blaine interjected, as Haley nudged him, to stop.

"But I do like you, Artie. You make me laugh, and not just with those stupid YouTube fail videos you're always showing me. Look, asking you to keep our stuff private wasn't cool, and I'm sorry.

"It's okay Kitty. But, hum, as far as, like, updating my Facebook status..."

"Yes, we are officially, publicly, shockingly a thing."
Blaine's performance at Dalton was heartfelt, even Haley had to admit. She was merely happy at the prospect of another engagement, aside from her's and Sam's.

Blaine began to give his speech, as both him and Kurt were tearing up.

"We met right here. I took this man's hand, and we ran down that hallway... And for those of you that know me, know I'm not in the habit of taking people's hands. We'd never met before, but... I think that my soul knew something that my body and my mind didn't know yet. It knew that our hands were meant to hold each other, fearlessly and forever. Which is why it's never really felt like I've been getting to know you; it's always felt like I was remembering you from something. As if in every lifetime that you and I have ever lived, we have chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over for all eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime, because all I want to do, all-all I've ever wanted to do... Is spend my life loving you.'' Blaine said, as Sam handed him the ring box.

"So... Kurt Hummel... My amazing friend, my one true love... Will you marry me?"

"Yeah." Kurt said, quietly, smiling. "Yes I will."

As the engaged couple embraced, everyone cheered. "I'm so happy right now. On cloud nine." Haley said as Sam wrapped his arms around her. "Me too, Hay."
Season 5!!!

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