Hold Onto Sixteen

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Finn knew that Haley had been heartbroken for weeks after Sam moved away. Sure, they were still committed to each other in a strong relationship, but that didn't stop Haley. She locked herself in her bedroom for a week after he left. She only allowed Santana, Quinn, Brittany, Kurt, Blaine, and Finn to comfort her. And she even wandered the hallways of McKinley eating chips, and wearing pj's for an entire week. She bawled her eyes out at The Notebook every night as Finn comforted her. Truth is she was lonely. He was determined to fix her problem.

Finn had come up with what he thought was a brilliant idea. He was going to figure out a way to bring Sam back for sectionals, and to surprise Haley.

"Hey." He said as he approached Haley at her locker.

"Hey." She sighed as she closed her locker to look up at him. "What's up?"

"Oh, I'm just wondering if you know where Sam lives or works? It sounds weird, but I am just curious." Finn said, trying to cover up his plan.

Haley frowned. "I mean sure we talk every night, as every couple would. Typical relationships, but he mentioned he worked at Dairy Queen, and then as of lately he said a bar... which was confusing because he's only 17. Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering, as I mentioned before. Because you have been keeping his name out of our talks every now and then. Just wanted to make sure you were fine." Finn assured her by, bringing her into a hug, and slipping his hand into her pocket, discreetly grabbing her phone.

"Well, thank you for the abrupt and out of the blue check in. I'll have you know, I'm great!" She said, hiding her pain and loneliness she was feeling, behind her happy facade.
"Mr. Schue, maybe we need to concentrate on our performer problem before we set a set list." Finn said after Mr. Schue had finished talking. "I mean, at least the cheerios can dance. We need star power. We need Sam Evans"

"Finn, you do know Sam transferred, his whole family moved. We don't even know where he is."

"Yeah, but Haley does." Finn smiled, pulling out Haley's phone and reading out a past message exchange between the two. He's in Kentucky, it's just across the border from Cincinnati. It's about a four hour drive from here." And yes, this is Haley's phone.

"That would be great if you could bring back Sam." Mr. Schue said.

"Just please don't say a word about this to Haley. She's been so heartbroken and lonely. If she finds out he doesn't want to come back, she'll be ready to wallow a hundred more times." He pleaded as Mr. Schue nodded.
As Rachel and Finn went to Kentucky, they got out of the vehicle and entered the bar.

"Sam works in a bar?" asked Rachel.

"Well, there just aren't a lot of theatres in Northern Kentucky, so theatre groups just have to perform in whatever space they can find." Finn answered, as they looked around. "There's a lot of ladies here, like older ladies." He pointed out.

"Finn, it's no secret that dinner theatre appeals to elderly women." She answered.

Suddenly the couple heard someone making announcements. "Good afternoon, ladies! Are you read to mean the man of the stallionz? Then please welcome to the stage, cobra!" The ladies who were by the stage cheered as an older man came out.

"I didn't know backdraft was a musical." Finn commented, as Rachel looked on shocked.

"Someone get the door, cause here comes Mr. Package." the announcer continued.

"Oh god no." Rachel mumbled, in realization.

"And ladies, let's give a warm welcome to white chocolate!" And there came no one else other than Sam Evans. Finn and Rachel could tell he was dressed in what looked like a construction worker costume, but with no shirt.

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