Jagged Little Tapestry

937 21 8

SEASON 6 Ep: 3

Haley sat alone in her and Sam's apartment with yet another pregnancy test. She paced back and forth waiting for the 10 minutes to be up. "Why do the things that shouldn't take long, are always so prolonged?" She muttered to herself. She heard her phone timer buzz, and went to look at the test. "Still negative." She sighed.

Haley and Sam had been trying for a baby for the past few months. They had been keeping it on the down low, from their friends, because they didn't want to announce false news.

Haley let out a frustrated groan. "Why do I keep getting negatives?" She asked aloud. She had kept her pregnancy tests hidden from Sam, because she didn't want to get him excited about false positives. 

"Well I'll have to call the doctor, and go for a visit." She thought, wiping her frustrated tears. She scolded herself, hoping it wasn't her that was the issue. It wasn't Sam, he already made sure it wasn't him. It would be her. She didn't like how this was going, and she had already tried over 8 pregnancy tests. No solutions or results satisfied her quite yet. She sighed, before wrapping the tests up and throwing them in the trash, and heading out to the school.

Everyone clapped after the girls finished performing their perfect mashup. Haley couldn't help but smile, knowing what was coming next.

"And that is how a mashup is done, everyone!" Rachel clapped, about to stand up, when Santana stopped her.

"No, actually, this is. Britt, can you take a seat? So, I figured that this is as good a place as any to ask you this question. Mainly because it's going to really upset all the single guys and gals in here. But I want to mashup with you forever, Britt. Some people love someone because they make them a better person and that's not why I love you, because you've always just wanted me to be myself. You're my favorite person in the whole world and we're a big deal, you know? I don't want to live my life without my one true love." Santana said, opening up a ring box, as everyone, including Brittany gasped. "Brittany S. Pierce, will you marry me?"

"Wait, what is happening?" Roderick questioned.

"This kind of thing happens in here all the time. Just go with it." Puck smiled.

"Oh my God, I would love to!" Brittany nodded, after letting the pure shock settle in.

Everyone clapped as Santana slid the ring on Brittany's finger, and the girls embraced in the middle of the room.

"I'm sorry. I just have to speak now or forever hold my peace." Kurt spoke up.

"Normally you save that kind of thing for the wedding." Quinn laughed calmly.

"Did you learn nothing from me and Blaine? We're too you to get married. All of us!" Kurt said angrily.

"I'm sorry Kurt, but Sam and I are married, and we're doing just fine." Haley pointed out. "Please, let's just celebrate the happily engaged couple."

"You guys are perfect together." Tina smiled.

"Thank you, Tina, and Haley." Santana said.
Haley sat anxiously in the doctor's office, impatiently waiting for the doctor to come with the results. Good or bad, Haley wanted them over with.

As soon as the doctor entered, Haley snapped out of her day dream, she was having.

"Haley, you know how we ran some tests almost a week ago?"

"Yes, I do." Haley smiled, clearly very stressed.

"Well, there's some news, from the test results." The doctor said.

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