Girls (and Boys) on Film

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Girls (and Boys) On Film

"Everyone loves movies. They don't just tell us stories, they transport us to other worlds, they're inspirational, they provide comfort, help us escape from our day to day anxieties." Mr. Schue said, as he wrote on the whiteboard.

"Like getting left at the altar?" Kitty asked, receiving glares from everyone.

"Kitty!" Haley exclaimed.

"Too soon." Ryder added.

"Exactly. Or in your guys' case studying for exams or worrying about regionals. In any case, this week's assignment is to pick your favorite songs from your favorite movies!" Mr. Schue announced.

"Yes!" Haley cheered, as Sam threw his fist in the air, in pure excitement.

"Unique knows all there is about The Crying Game!" Unique said.

"You don't get dibs on Les Mis just because you are the poster." Kitty said to Marley.

"Finally! I get to do my Nicholas Cage impression!" Sam said, excitedly. "Oh, not the bees! No! The bees! No!" He said using a Nicholas Cage impression.

"That was the worst Nicholas Cage impression I've ever seen." Kitty said.

"Shut up, McCurly Fries, you haven't even heard what Nicholas Cage even sounds like." Haley said. "So before you judge, watch your mouth." Haley finished, as Sam pressed his lips to hers. They quickly pulled apart, before things got out of hand.

"It's not that simple. This is a group competition, boys against girls and we're doing mash-ups. Now remember, movies are visual, so it's not just about the vocals, it's about the performance, the theatricality. It's about the language of cinema."
During the boy's incredible mashup of Danger Zone and Old Time Rock and Roll, Haley couldn't help but blush as Sam sang directly to her, and sent her winks.

"He really loves you." Tina giggled, as Haley nodded.

"That he does." She added.

As they finished, everyone clapped. "Wow. Okay. That was awesome!" Finn praised the performance. "Where'd you come up with the inspiration for that?"

"Well, it's our tribute to the early macho cinema of one Mr. Tom Cruise." Artie explained.

"You can't handle the truth." Joe quoted.

"That's not right." Haley muttered, knowing her knowledge of movie history, from all her and Sam's date nights during the past 2 years.

"That's actually Jack Nicholson, not Tom Cruise." Corrected Jake.

"Girls, you're up." Mr. Schue said, as the girls got up to go get ready.
As Haley was wandering the hallways waiting for Brittany, Sam walked out of the choir room

She laughed, as he stood staring in awe at her costume.

"Like what you see?" Haley flirted, as he came up to her.

"Very much." Sam replied as he dipped her over, giving her a kiss. It escalated, just as a certain Brittany S. Pierce walked out into the hallway, witnessing their moment.

"Guys...come on, otherwise diamonds won't really be our best friends." Brittany stated, as Haley frowned, when Sam brought her back up to standing position.

"Yep, coming Britt." Haley said, as she gave Sam one more quick kiss, before smiling at him.

"Girls rule as usual!" Sugar called out.

Falling (A Sam Evans Fan Fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora