"Daddy! I found yoooooou!" Shizuka squealed, realising who was holding her now. She giggled happily. "I want more yakisoba daddy! More yakisoba!"


"Talk about loving your daughter too much... at least thank the kid who found her." Zak flicked Amatsuyu's forehead.

"Ow..." Amatsuyu looked at Zeon who stood there awkwardly. "Thank you so much! As a token of my gratitude, you can get the next volume of Circumstances for free!"

"T-that's not necessary! I'm just glad I could help."

"Do you know why everyone's gathered here, Zeon? I thought the concert didn't start until ten." Izanoku said.

"Not a clue. Did you get told to come by?"

"Yeah, Ayato said he and Callum would be here... but I can't see them."

"Maybe we spoke too early. Look, they're backstage." Zak pointed out the orange jumpsuit that stood out from behind the stage.

"Since when could they sing?!" Izanoku squeaked.

"Dunno. Let's check it out."

Izanoku and Zak jumped over the barriers and poked their head backstage, where lots of people who were preparing for the concert were now packing up and evacuating from the scene.

"Sorry about the inconvenience, sorry about he inconvenience." Ayato and Callum were bowing to the people who had to temporarily leave due to Lucine's plans.

"Pffft, Callum looks like a dork!" Izanoku giggled.

"And here I thought Callum learnt the drums or something in jail." Zak said.

"Shut up, I'm only doing this cos Ayato forced me to, you dip!"

"Ryuzaki's orders. His pay is mighty. Sorry for the inconvenience." Ayato bowed.

"Inconvenience doesn't even begin to describe what a tragedy this has been! You told us that we could begin preparing for the concert at 8pm! Now you're saying that the times got mixed up with a stage play and we're on the 10pm time slot? The management here is appalling, simply appalling!"

The one acting like a drama queen backstage was the male idol, Kyouya Tsubasa.

"Just shut up and deal with it! It's only a two hour delay! You can even kill time at the festival, you ungrateful prick!" Callum growled at Kyouya.

"And the fact management had the gall to hire a criminal to apologise over this mess of a schedule... oh, is this what cheap labour has amounted to these days? My heart weeps for your soul! I am truly devastated this is what the world has come to! Someone, catch me, please, I feel faint~" Kyouya continued his overdramatic spiel.

"Can I shank him? I wanna shank him." Callum grumbled.

"You're on parole, don't say these things while I'm around..." Ayato said.

"He's like this normally, don't worry. I'd be more concerned if he wasn't acting like a weirdo." Chiharu explained, walking up to them.

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