"Well We Have A Concert in a few weeks but right nwo since its summer we can partay!" Niall said . I looked at him and smiled .

''Yea well im staying at Perries Place for a little and Louis Staying with Elanore and Liam is staying with Danielle . Zayn Said .

"I stayin with Demmi tonight but ill be back tomorrow morning ." Niall said softly . Harry looked at me while i was still looking at the other lads that walked out the door with a bag of clothes . 

"Do You wanna watch a movie?" Harry suggested . I looked at him and shrugged my sholders .

"What ever keeps us busy ." I said with a smile . He got up and walked up stairs . i looked around the room and waited for Harry to come back down . He came back down with 'The Notebook' In his hand .

"This is my favorite movie ." He said as he placed it in the DVR . He crawled back over to the couch from the T.V .  He raised himself on the couch and pulled me into  him . I looked up at him just thinking howdid i get this far . I was just lucky enough to go to the concert and be in the from row!  Wow . My life has completely changed . He looked down at me , still looking at him .  I sat up striaght and pushed myself into him still looking at him . I leaned in closer as Harry's lips came upon mine . He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me on top of him , still not paying attention to anything else but the kiss . He put his cold hands under my myshirt on my back as i put one of my hands behind his head . Suddenly all we heard was the door open very fast but its shuts slowly . We didnt budge at all . We didnt really care .

"Can You Guys Breath!?" Some yelled as they gigled after . Harry pulled his hands out from the back of my shirt and pulled me off .  We both looked at each other with a smile while i bit the bottom of my lip . I looked up and saw Niall there and I admediatly rolled off Harry onto the floor . I looked at Niall and gave him a weak smile as he gave me a samll head shake and a smile and carried on with what he was doing . 

"I think that just made your world ."  Niall said gigling inbetween . I rolled my eyes with a smile and looked at harry as he flipped his hair to the side .  I smiled and got up and ran upstairs as i heard my phone go off . 


"Hey Its Brii! " My Friend shouted in my ear .

"Oh Hey Brii ."

"So I Heard You Went Back Home With One Direction! "

"No I Didnt . Who Told You That?" I said not wanting everyone to know .


"Oh Well She Lieing . Let me call you back ." I said hanging up and admediatly calling Ashley . ahley was My younger step sister that was really close to me and knew everything tht has happened to me .

"Hello?" She answered gigling .

"What wrong with you! I dont want anyone to kno that i went back home with One Direction!" I yelled getting so mad that i grabbed a glass on the dresser and squeezing it . 

"But that will make you popular ." She said geting softer .

"But im afraid that it will get back to Alex and he will come looking for me!" i yelled reaching my climax and squeezing the glass so hard that it broke into a million pieces and made a big shatter noise .

"Sorry and what was that ." 

"Why do you care . Your just gonna go tell everyone what i did cuz thats how mad i got at you for something stupid!" I yelled hanging up and throwing my phone as Niall came running up the steps and into the room . He looked at me ip and down when he sw the shattered glass around the floor and my hand bleeding till it dripped onto the broken glass and on to the floor . I looked at his facial expressions and they went from 'What happened?' To 'What did you do!' I didnt know how to react to this but just sit down and hide myself .

"What did you do hun?" Niall came up to me and said softly .

"Nothing i just got mad ." I said choking on my words . He took my arm and took me down stairs to the kitchen . We walked past Harry and Harry jumped right up from his seat and droping his phone on the coach . He ran up to us and huged me .

"What happened?" He asked in his slow British voice . 

"I just got mad ." I said not making eye contact with him or Niall as Niall put my hand in ice cold water . i jumped and fell into Harry as he wrapped his arms around me . NIall pulled my hand out and wrapped it in gaus . I looked at Harry and Just cried Into his chest as he played with my hair . Niall got what he needed and left, again , leaving us together alone . 

"You look so pitaful ." Harry said taking me over to the couch .

"I just want Hannah with me ." I said tightning my grip on his shirt . 

"Your gonna get Hannah then ." Harry said softly probably hoping i didnt hear it as he got up and went upstaris to his room . I was scared to see his reaction to the glass but nothing happened . He got my phone and called someone . Liam texted Harry on his phone so i answered it . 

'I dont think Danelle is right for me . Im coming home .'

I didnt know what to say back so i just locked the phone up . About 10 minutes later Liam walked in the door with his head to the ground . I got up and walked up to him .

"Whats wrong Liam?" I said taking his hand . He looked up at me and under his eyes were all red .

"Were you crying?" I asked . He didnt say anything but all he did was drop his things and brought my head in for a kiss . 'Wow i think Liam falling for me too! I dont know what to do! This is hard .' I thought to myself . I was in a situation that was considered a cheating fase . We both heard Harry come down as i tried to pull away but Liam wouldnt budge . I didnt hear anymore movmement so i think Harry just stood behind us the whole time . I mean Harry shouldnt get mad because im not dating anyone but i do like Harry , A lot . We had our relationship moments and i think it was about time to be confirmed . Liam finally pulled back and looked at me like that made his day . He had a smile on his face and  he was biting his bottom lip just how i did with Harry .  I looked at him surprised and shocked . I turned around and Harry was standing there starting to tear up like he liked me that much . I wasnt really close to any of the boys so i didnt know who i could go to about this so i just ran past Harry and up the stairs to the bathroom .  I ran in there and locked myself in there . I didnt know what to do . I was scared . 

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя