Goodbye Bryon.


* 7 Months Later * 

"Mama where are we going?" Parker asks me, while sipping his apple juice. 

I started the engine and before pressing my foot on the gas petal, I looked behind me at Parker who was strapped into his car seat and said. "Grandma and Grandpa's house."

"Will daddy be there? I miss daddy." He says, frowning.

I smiled at him, then rubbed his little legs. "I miss him too sweetie, but we're not going to see daddy's mommy and daddy, we're going to see mine."

Parker looked confused, which I'm not surprised about since he's only three and hasn't met my parents yet. For fives years I have hid away from them, I haven't seen them in so long. Two weeks ago they called me to make amends and finally meet Parker. And so that I could also meet my little sister, Anne. 

At first I was hesitant, going back home that is. However, my son needs to meet my family and besides everytime I visit Heather it's always gloomy. I'm not complaining but after seven months the last thing I want to do is visit a mourning mother who revolves around her sons death.

So Parker and I will be taking a road trip, get new scenery and take a vacation from everyday life. 

* Several Hours Later *   

During the ride we played multiple tunes and sang, well Parker tried to sing. It was cute as he tried to sing the lyrics but couldn't remember them and just mumbled some other stuff.   

We also had to stop a few times for pee breaks since Parker has a bladder the size of a pea. Then I had to calm him down whenever he threw a tantrum from the long ride or when I took away his apple juice. After a while he just dozed off, when I noticed I stopped the car and took some pictures of him.   Now it's night and I've been driving for hours and finally we've arrived in town.   

Twenty minutes of driving around and eventually I made it to my parents house. I parked my car next to theirs in the driveway, then took a deep breath and looked back at Parker who was rubbing his eyes.

We're here. 

I'm home.  

I opened my door and got out, then went to Parker's door and opened it. Once I unbuckled him, I picked him up and leaned his head on to my shoulder. He was still sleep but as soon as he gets inside, he'll wake up in no time. 

Gradually I walked to the door and felt anxious, the last time I spoke to them we didn't end on a good note. What if they judge me? Having a child at such a young age and living with a man who was ten years older than me. What if we get into a fight? I can't argue with them infront of Parker, he'll get worried and start crying.

Before walking up the step, I pause. There's one thing truly bugging me as I stand infront of my parents house and that's the man who lives next door to them. I stare at his house, it's still the same as when I left this place. 

My first love, the only man I've loved. 

Damien Black. 

It's been almost six years since I've seen him, since I broke it off with him to be with another man. The cruel ending to our love and a mistake sometimes I wish I could take back. However, as I look at Parker it's totally worth it, if I had stayed with Damien I wouldn't have ever had this experience. 

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