Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Zaara recognized that voice, it was "Professor Levi?!" Zaara and the mysterious drunk guy say. "You should know better." Levi says gripping on the drunk man harder. The drunk man winces in pain. "Fine! I'll leave her alone. Jesus Christ." The guy says rubbing his hand and walking back inside the party. "Are you ok, Zaara?" Levi asks walking closer to Zaara. Zaara, currently, is freaking out in her head. "I'm assuming this is why you couldn't come review with me today. I'm surprised, I didn't think you were a partier." Levi says looking at Zaara slightly smirking. "Oh I-" Zaara says, but then gets cut off. "It's fine. I've noticed you have been really stressed lately, anyway." Levi says rubbing the nape of his neck.

*Streets by Doja Cat starts playing*

Zaara notices what Levi was wearing. It was a nice white button up with a black coat and black pants.

 It was a nice white button up with a black coat and black pants

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She blushed slightly and looked away. "I could've handled it myself." Zaara says placing a hand on her hip. "Is that sass I hear, Ms. Govind?" Levi says with that deep, husky voice of his. Levi steps closer to Zaara, while Zaara steps back. She's stuck in a trance, looking at his deep, grey eyes. He looks right into Zaara's brown eyes. He smirks, because he noticed Zaara blushing. "Don't you think that outfit shows a bit much?" Levi asks sarcastically, whispering in Zaara's ear. His deep, husky voice, along with his hot breath against her ear made her shiver. Zaara heard the music and suddenly felt something, while looking at Levi. She got butterflies, standing there next to him, with Streets playing.

Levi carefully grabbed her hand. Zaara's breathed hitched in response. Levi was checking her out, eyeing her up and down. "It looks nice on you though, so I'll make an exception." Levi says going back to whispering in her ear. Levi steps back and stlightly chuckles at wide-eyed Zaara. How the hell was she supposed to react to that? She calms down as Levi lets go of her hand. She wanted to hold his hand longer, it was warm. Zaara got butterflies just thinking about it. She looked at Levi and noticed he was staring at her. "I should thank you." Zaara says looking at Levi. "For saving you?" Levi asks straight faced. Zaara nods. "Well, it was nothing. After all-" Levi leans into Zaara. "It's a teachers job to protect their students." Levi whispers into her ear once again, this time with a semi-seductive voice.

Zaara knew Levi was teasing her, yet she still got butterflies and got stuck in an unknown trance. She couldn't describe what she was feeling. Levi takes a step back to give Zaara, who was blushing, some space. It suddenly came into her mind. It's been a while since Levi and Zaara were alone like this, with this atmosphere. The last time it was like this is when Levi gave Zaara the melatonin pills. Zaara's breath hitched thinking about it. She also hasn't touched the hoodie since.

"Levi?" Zaara says trying to catch Levi's attention who was now leaning against a wall looking at his phone. He looks up in response to Zaara saying his name. He didn't want to admit it, but he liked how Zaara said his name. He slightly bit his lip, but not enough for Zaara to entirely notice. "Hm?" Levi hums out in response to hearing his named called. "Quick question, that day you gave me the pills. What were you doing outsi-" Zaara was cut off when she saw this beautiful ginger in a red dress walk over. "Hey babe." Petra said kissing Levi's cheek. That's when Zaara realized, Levi was waiting for Petra that day. He was also waiting for her today. Petra went wide-eyed when she saw Zaara. Petra shivered at the thought of Zaara. She quickly regained her composure though. "Who's this?" Petra asked Levi, pointing to Zaara. "Oh I'm-" Zaara gets cut off. "She's just one of my students." Levi says. "Ouch." Zaara thought to herself.

Zaara didn't know why, but being called "just one of his students" hurt like hell. Zaara clenched her fists, but quickly relaxed. "Oh. Well, we should go now. Right, Levi?" Petra said looking at Levi. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow for review, Ms. Govind." Levi waves goodbye at Zaara and walks away hand in hand with Petra. Zaara knew well who Petra was, she was the English teacher. Sasha, Mikasa, and Jean took English together, while Eren, Armin, Emma, Zaara, and Elyssa took Math. "Tch." Zaara says quietly. She was mad, and she didn't know why.
It's not like she and Levi could start dating. I mean, they were teacher and student. It would be weird anyway.

She had this weird feeling in the back of her throat, like she wanted cry, but she couldn't. Zaara deeply inhales and exhales, then calms down. She heads back inside the party, and heads to the drinks, where she sees Eren serving drinks. "Oh hey, Zaara senp- ahem! You were out for a while, you ok?" Eren asks smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine." Zaara says rubbing the nape of her neck. "Well that's good to know, you want anything to drink?" Eren asked. "Yeah, can I have like 2 shots of tequila?" Zaara asks trying to not remember what just occurred a few seconds ago. "Um, sure. I didn't think you were like that." Eren says, cautiously grabbing 2 shots for Zaara. "Well I did come here to de-stress-" Zaara says. Eren carefully hands her one shot at a time. He was worried for her. The tequila burned down Zaara's throat, leaving it dry. Soon, she was drunk.

Eren noticed Zaara was drunk and started looking around for Emma. He couldn't find her, though. Eren sighed and walked over to drunk Zaara who was hanging out with some random guys. "Oh hey Erennnn, how about you hang out with us. We are having sooo much funnnnn." Zaara says with her words slurring. "Come on Zaara, follow me." Eren says grabbing Zaara's hand forcing her to stand up. "I don't want toooooooo." Zaara says trying to push away. Drunk Zaara was not a very strong Zaara. Eren sighs and picks up Zaara bridal style. "Now I know never to give you alcohol again." Eren says looking at Zaara. "That's no funnn." Zaara hiccups. Eren ignored the comment and started walking toward his room. Zaara was flailing in his arms for a bit, then she stopped. She quickly passed out in Eren's arms. Eren carefully set her on his bed and locked the door on the way out of the room, making sure no one would come in while she was sleeping.

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