Chapter Sixteen

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Eren was looking out of the dorm windows. The dorms were on the 2nd floor of the university, so he had the perfect view of the math teacher and his student. Eren quickly got up and away from the window. He was mad and sad, but he couldn't explain why.

A/N: ifykyk *cough* *cough* clone *cough* *cough* anyways-

Levi and Zaara make it to Levi's dorm. Levi pulls out his dorm key out of his front jean pocket. He opened
his dorm and headed inside. "Take off your shoes before you come in." Levi says starting to take off his shoes. Zaara proceeds to do the same. Levi turns on the lights of his dorm, which blinds Zaara for less than a second before her eyes re-adjust. Zaara takes a look around his dorm. "Oh wow, of course it's super clean." Zaara thinks to herself. Levi heads to the bathroom grabbing the melatonin pills, while Zaara continues to look around. Levi walks back towards the curious girl. "Here." Levi says handing the bottle over to Zaara. "What about you? You said you had insomnia too." Zaara asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, I don't use them anyway." Levi says rubbing the nape of his neck. "Thank you Levi. I'll see you tomorrow in class." Zaara says heading towards Levi's door and putting her shoes back on. "Looking forward to it Zaara." Levi says and waves goodbye to Zaara before she walks out the door and waves goodbye back. Once Zaara gets back to her own dormitory she puts all the keys back where they belong and locks the door behind her.

"Shit-" Zaara thinks as she realizes she forgot to give Levi's jacket back. Zaara sighs. "How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Emma and Ellie. They'll freak out about it-" Zaara thinks facepalming herself. Zaara sluggishly walks back to her own room and slumps onto her bed placing the pills on her nightstand beside her. "It smells like him." Zaara thinks and smiles and blushes to herself.

"Wait, what the hell am I thinking that's creepy-" Zaara gets up and carefully takes out the jacket and neatly folds it. She places it in her closet, a place Ellie and Emma don't look in. Zaara then proceeds to change back into some comfy, silk pajamas before taking her pills and heading to sleep.

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