Chapter Fourteen

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Meanwhile with the girls:

"So who's your roommate, Mikasa?" Zaara asks while walking with the trio. "oh, I only have one and her name is Sasha." Mikasa says. They stop at Mikasa's dorm and right when they get there the door opens to reveal Sasha. "OH HI MIKASA! WHO ARE THEY?" Sasha says with her mouth filled with potato chips. Mikasa looks at her in disgust while Emma, Ellie, and Zaara laugh. "Sasha, how many times do I have to tell you to not talk when your mouth is full?" Mikasa says in a serious tone.

Sasha swallows the remaining food in her mouth. "Sorry Mikasa." Sasha says looking down sadly. Mikasa sighs and says, "This is Zaara, Elyssa, and Emma." Mikasa points towards each individual in the trio. " come in!" Sasha says inviting Zaara, Emma, and Ellie into their dormitory. They walk in sit down in a circle on a nice rug. They get comfy adjusting themselves.

"Do you guys want any snacks?" Sasha asks about to head toward the kitchen. "we're good" Emma says smiling. The room was tense, unlike Jean, Eren, and Armin's room. Mikasa was staring daggers at clueless Zaara not knowing what she did wrong. It was obvious Zaara felt uncomfortable. Sasha walked bag in with a bowl of cheese itz. "So, do you guys like anyone yet?" Sasha asks sitting down and placing the bowl of cheese itz next to her. "Speaking of that, are you and Jean dating Ellie?" Mikasa asks curiously. "Huh? What?! Oh no I mean we are just friends..." Ellie says looking down and a soft blush spreads across her face.

The other girls each look at each other knowing that Ellie is lying. "I mean, it's kind of obvious you like Jean-" Sasha says stuffing her mouth with cheese itz. "That's what we've been saying!" Zaara says excitingly. "Yeah, you should just ask him out already." Mikasa says blatantly. "Hold on how did Sasha know Jean? We haven't introduced them yet." Zaara thought to herself. She shook the thought of her head and brushed it off.

"Well, I don't even think he likes me back." Ellie says still looking down. "Bruh-" Zaara says and everyone facepalms. "You know, I was expecting to get comforted by my friends like in the movies." Ellie says looking back up and crossing her arms in annoyance. "Well, this isn't the movies. This is a fanfic." Zaara says looking directly into the readers' soul. "What are you looking at?" Sasha says looking towards the reader confused at what Zaara is looking at with her mouth stuffed with cheese itz.

A/N: everyone is unaware that Zaara just broke the 4th wall smh

"Also, Emma, I've known Armin for a long time. I think he is very fond of you. I've never seen him so open towards someone, especially when he barely knows them." Mikasa says looking directly at Emma. Emma looks back at Mikasa, but turns away quickly, embarrassed. "I kind of just want to be friends with him. He's really nice and I don't want to move to fast. I want to focus on my grades for now." Emma says with a slight blush plastered on her face. "I never said he liked you like that." Mikasa slightly smirks. "Oh uh-" Emma gets cut off. "Well, we know who your guys' main love interests are." Zaara rolls her eyes. Emma and Ellie slightly blush, but look at each other and smirk. It was as if they had their own secret language with their eyes.

"Well then, who would your main love interest be Zaara?" Emma asked hypocritically. This seems to catch Mikasa's attention as she looked towards Zaara really fast wanting to know her answer. "Hm? Oh, idk." Zaara says blankly. "That's it?" everyone thought. "Damn, that was kind of-" Ellie was cut off. "Boring?" Zaara finished her sentence. "Well, it certainly wasn't what I think you'd say-" Emma says. "Well, it's true I don't know. And like Emma said I just wanna focus on my grades for now." Zaara gives an explanation behind her not expected answer. "I see-" Mikasa says releasing a relieved sigh.

~Time skip: 7:32 p.m.~

"Well, I think we should head back to our dorm for the night." Ellie says standing up from the floor and starting to stretch her legs. "Yeah, Ellie's right. We should get going." Zaara says standing up alongside Ellie. Emma, Sasha, and Mikasa stand up as well. "Night you guys!" Zaara says before heading out the door alongside Emma and Ellie. They all waved goodbye and headed back to their dorm to eat dinner. After dinner they all went asleep at 11:30 except for Zaara, who has insomnia.

"I can't sleep, maybe I should go take my pills." Zaara thought to herself before getting up from her bed and making her way towards the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Looking for the pills she needed, Zaara realized. "Shit, I didn't bring my melatonin pills-" Zaara thought as she closed the cabinet. Zaara let out a long, disappointed sigh. "Emma won't mind if I take the car to go to a pharmacy real quick right?" Zaara contemplated on this idea before deciding to go to a pharmacy. Zaara grabbed the car keys and the dormitory keys and headed out, after changing into some decent clothes of course.

A/N: always dress to impress 😉

She walked out towards the parking lot to see someone. It was...

A/N: leaving people off on cliffhangers is fun, stay tuned to find out who Zaara sees.

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