Chapter Eleven

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Hange kept going on about how she became a doctor and why she did. Everyone was bored out of their mind. Elyssa was looking around just to find SOMETHING entertaining. Elyssa spots a particular someone towards the front of the class. "Wait is that-?" Ellie think to herself. She leans forward slightly hoping to get a better view of the person. The man turns in a certain way which allows Ellie to see his face.

"No way-" Ellie whispers to herself. "Hm? What happened?" Zaara says turning her face 90° to face her friend. "Look down there, do you see that one guy?" Ellie says pointing down towards Jean. Zaara proceeds to look towards where Ellie was pointing. "Oh my god, is that really Jean?" Zaara says. Emma heard Jean's name and that seemed to catch her attention. "Jean? Where?" Emma says beginning to look around. Ellie points towards Jean again. "oh my god it IS Jean!" Emma says nudging Ellie. "We should talk to him after class." Zaara says turning back toward Ellie.

"Yeah sure, why not?" Ellie says leaning back in her chair. Eren then all of a sudden tugs on Zaara's hair. "Ow, what the he-" Zaara says turning back to see Eren. "Sorry about that, I wanted to get your attention." Eren says. "What's your name?" Eren asks shyly. "Zaara." Zaara says in a nice tone. His eyes go wide for a second and then asks, "and what about her?" Eren points to Ellie. "that's Elyssa." Zaara says turning back. Ellie heard her name so she looked in Eren's direction and quickly looked back towards the front, not expecting Eren. "thank you" Eren said quietly, but just loud enough for Zaara to her. Zaara turns back around the face the front. "Eren, what were you asking her?" Mikasa says slightly tapping Eren's shoulder. "I was just asking for their names." Eren says turning his eyes to look at Mikasa. "Oh, what were their names?" Mikasa asks curiously. "That one is Zaara and that one is Elyssa. Armin knows that other girl, Emma? I think that was her name." Eren says place his hand on his chin. "Those are nice names." Mikasa says. She recognized one of the names though.

~Time skip: physics class ended~

The trio along with Armin, Mikasa, Eren, and Jean begin packing up. "Hey ellie, go catch up to Jean and talk to him." Zaara says slightly pushing Ellie in Jean's direction. "Wait, you're not coming with me?" Ellie says looking back towards Zaara. "I wanna talk to Armin for a bit. He said he was going to introduce me to his friends." Emma says pointing towards Armin and his two friends. "Oh-" Ellie says. "You just go talk to Jean for a little but, catch up with him. I'm sure he will be happy to see you." Zaara says. "Yeah I'll go talk to him now. I'll see you guys later." Ellie says before heading off towards Jean's direction.

"Now then, let's go see-" Emma says before turning around and getting startled by Armin, Mikasa, and Eren standing there. "oh, sorry did I scare you?" Armin says worryingly. "Oh no, I'm fine it's ok." Emma says shyly rubbing the name of her neck. Zaara slightly giggles when Emma shoots a annoyed glance towards Zaara's way. Zaara stops laughing and slightly finches. "Well, let me introduce you to my friends. This is Eren and Mikasa." Armin says pointing to them. "Nice to meet you Mikasa and Eren say in unison. "Nice to meet you, I'm emma and this is Zaara." Emma says pointing towards Zaara. "Oh yeah, I know." Eren says and smiles innocently. Emma gives Zaara a confused glance and Zaara just shrugs her shoulders.

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