Chapter Fifteen

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"Is that Professor Ackerman?" Zaara thinks to herself as she sees Levi on his phone leaning against his white Tesla at 11:41 pm at night. He was wearing a simple grey hoodie with some sweatpants. He looked like a normal university student. "What is he doing here?" Zaara thinks to herself as she runs through all the possible scenarios that could be the reason as to why he's here. Zaara sighs. "I don't have time for this. Let me just get to the car and head to the pharmacy real quick-" Zaara thinks to herself as she walks towards the black toyota camry which she realizes, is right next to Levi's car.

A/N: all of a sudden they got a black Toyota camry

Zaara sighs, knowing she's gonna be seen by Levi. Zaara walks towards the camry and pulls out the keys and unlocks the door from a distance. Levi hears the car open and looks up. "Zaara, why are you up?" Levi asks. "I have insomnia so I need to get some melatonin pills from the pharmacy." Zaara says looking back at Levi's stunning moon grey eyes. "Oh, I kn- have insomnia as well. I have some pills in my dorm if you want some." Levi says taking out his dorm keys. "You have a dorm here?" Zaara asks curiously. "Yeah, remember I'm only two years older than you. Follow me to my dorm." Levi says starting to walk towards the dorms. Zaara quickly re-locks the Toyota and walks with Levi.

Suddenly, a cold breeze rushes through the air. Zaara shivers, because the dumbass didn't bring a jacket. "You should've brought a jacket. You can catch a cold." Levi says starting to unzip his hoodie. Zaara notices this, continuing to shiver. Levi stop and fully take off his jacket and hands it to Zaara. "You don't have to, you will get cold." Zaara says still shivering.

"I don't get cold easily, so don't worry about me." Levi said handing Zaara the jacket which she gratefully accepted. She took the grey jacket and put it on herself. It fit her perfectly, I mean, he was practically the same height as her. "Thank you, Professor Levi." Zaara said while quickly rubbing her hands together to warm them up. "When we are alone you can call me Levi." Levi said slightly smirking towards Zaara.

Zaara slightly blushes and says, "Well then, thank you, Levi." Zaara gives Levi a soft smile which causes Levi to slightly blush as well. Little did they know someone was watching them through the dorm windows...

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