Chapter Twenty

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"What's there to talk about?" Emma says pulling her wrist away from Annie's firm grip. Emma rubs her wrist carefully, her wrist still stinging. "You like him, don't you?" Annie says staring daggers at Emma. "Not in the way you're thinking." Emma says still rubbing her wrist, the pain going away. "It's exactly what I'm thinking. So, here's what I'm gonna need you to do, I'm gonna need you to back away from him." Annie says in a bitchy tone. "And what if I don't?" Emma says no longer rubbing her wrist and staring daggers back at Annie.

"Then I don't think your friends will be looking too pretty." Annie says stepping an inch closer to Emma, making her seem more intimidating. "Not like that will happen anyway, Ellie and Zaara can practically step on you." Emma says emphasizing the word step. Annie gets agitated and pushes Emma to the floor. Emma quickly slides the car keys in her hoodie pocket. "Let me demonstrate what I can do on you." Annie says holding her fists up to her face, getting in a fighting stance. Emma quickly stands knowing she's about to throw hands with Annie. Emma's 7 years of karate was finally coming into play, although she was a tad bit rusty, she felt somewhat confident in her abilities.

Emma attempts to land a side punch to Annie's jaw, but Annie blocks with her forearm. In a flash, Annie grabs Emma and knees her in the stomach causing Emma to lose her balance. Holding her stomach to regain balance, Emma looks up at Annie. Annie, who was staring at Emma manically. Emma quickly regains her balance and swiftly kicks Annie on the side of her stomach. Annie coughs out in reaction, but grabs Emma's legs and throws Emma on the hard, asphalt parking lot ground, landing on her back.

Emma shrieks out in pain. Emma attempts to stand up but her back hurts too much to stand. Annie begins laughing. "That's your warning to back away from Ar-" Annie turns around to see Armin, Zaara, and Ellie furiously stomping towards Emma and Annie. Seeing this, Gianna and Emily run away. "Armin! This isn't what it looks like! I swear." Annie says stepping away from Emma lying on the floor.

Armin stares daggers at Annie. "She doesn't deserve you! She-" Annie says looking at Armin in horror. "You're crazy!" Armin says angrily walking over to Emma. "Emma, can you stand?" Armin asks. Emma nods in response and Armin puts Emma's arm around his shoulder and helps her stand. Emma winces in pain. Before Emma got up, Zaara walked over to shocked Annie and lands a solid punch on Annie right in the jaw.

Annie steps back and holds her jaw in pain. "She'll never be right for you! I loved you first!" Annie says starting to cry and runs away. "I don't feel bad for that psycho one bit." Ellie says shaking her head. Ellie and Zaara walk over to Emma and Armin. "Emma, are you ok?" Zaara asks worryingly. "It's not bad enough where she needs to go to the hospital, but she will need to stay in bed for a few days." Armin says trying to balance Emma.

Ellie sighs. "We will help you take her to the dorms." Ellie says. "No, it's fine. I'll go with her alone. If you're comfortable with it Emma?" Armin says looking at her with empathy in his eyes. "I don't mind." Emma says softy trying to save her energy. Ellie and Zaara look at each other and nod. "Ok, we'll see you later Armin. Get better soon Emma, we will see you after class." Zaara says. Ellie and Zaara wave goodbye and the two, leaving them alone.

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