chap 4 Sensitive vs Insensitive

Comincia dall'inizio

The figure carried himself in attentive position, without any nudge he is listening all the charges that is throwing against him.

"Officer Advitya, I am asking you. Or I ask my officers to take you for the further investigation?"
Before Advitya could reply, another officer of senior rank stormed into the room. "I don't think this is needed Dcp."
The Dcp of police suddenly stands on his feet to salute the senior rank officer. "Jai hind sir."
"Jai hind ".
The senior officer moves to supposed guilty officer . Advitya salute his sir while thumping feet on ground. The body is stiff. Gaze is fixed .

"Sir, this officer has done something what we call inhumanly act".

"And may I know what is that."
"He killed a pregnant convict."
"Correction pregnant terrorist."
Dcp couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Yes the lady who was died actually a terrorist."
"Even if she was a terrorist, we could capture him alive."
"Ofcourse we could. But I know there has to be some solid reason why officer Advitya shoot the lady. I believe my officer", the senior gestured towards Advitya.

Advitya nods his head in approval, and start explaining.
"As you know sir we had an information that the supersonic mall was under threat. There was more than 200 People in the mall when we recieved the threat. I was told the immediate authority to capture as much area as we can. I asked them to rake up the security. I have been told they are doing fine & they are checking every person who is entering the mall.
But sometimes we are deceived by the enemies in disguise. After an hour, officer Shubhendu captured a terrorist alive who was implanting bomb in parking area. He told me that attack can be delayed but it is inevitable as man he captured alive is not the only one who is initiating the attack. They were suicide bombers. Advitya and  senior officer looked at DCP, who was embarassed of security breach.
Advitya continued ..

"Next moment terrorist engulfed the c***** and he died on the spot.
We have not much time left. We sealed the parking area. With so much people in the mall we cannot create stampede like situation.
With CCTV footage I saw the lady constable  let a pregnant lady to pass through without security check. After my conversation with lady constable agreed that she let that pregnant woman without security check. She said lady was saying she is in pain and x ray and metallic detector is harmful for child. She played her part in convincing the lady constable. Lady constable said she thought what harm could a pregnant lady do! . But sir here we go wrong always when we misjudge our enemies. Nevertheless I followed her traces and asked my subordinates to find the lady. We know she is the one. I reached the mall. Officer Shubhendu told me he captured the lady. But by then she was under labor. I asked one of the lady constable to check on her. She said she is in labor but child cannot be born at the moment as it still will take time. She was held by us. She was tight lipped. She had no emotions. No lady officer could make her understand. We are running out of time.
We had to find other two suspects. I said two suspects because there were three men entered with the lady . One was already dead. I asked forces to check each part of the mall. We have their faces. We cannot emptied the mall . With so much people those terrorists can escape too."
"You know if you think you are sacrificing your unborn child for the sake of your mission, then I must tell you you are the worst mother."

For the first time lady eye contacts. I know i need to play mind games with her to get the information. She was under pain but still showing endurance. She must be trained that way.
"I pity your child , he or she is the most unfortunate child . They cannot be born, their mother herself used them as a weapon."

"They are not unfortunate,  i was thrilled to get answer from her. She continued "they are sacrificing their life for goodness of our people. They will get heaven."

"Heaven"! I cut her words in between, "heaven is for those who are born, your child is not even born. He of she will die along with you without any heaven or hell."

She widened her eyes in shock , she never thought that way, her child was unborn, & may die in process. she was looking preety convinced.

I again told her we can help her if she tell me the details of other terrorists.
She was thinking deeply, as if anticipating what she should do. "Your unborn child will not recieve heaven as he is not born". I kept on repeating those words.
"They are inside the kitchen area." She said.
I am happy with the information, i hit the right nerve. Next moment
We captured the terrorist alive.
Within 15 mins he was taken into the Custody.

"I let her lay on the ground. She was not in good condition. Suddenly the room was under attack, with few bullet shots I placed myself behind the wall. I saw a terrorist aimed the lady in the ground. Before I shoot him he aimed at the lady. lady protect the womb with iron chair,but severely injured due to bullet shots. I eliminated the target next moment. I went to her, she was struggling. I checked her breath. I called the ambulance. They said it will take another 15 mins to reach the place.

She called and asked me to save her child. I saw her pleading. She said she cannot survive. But her child must live.  I know she will not going to make it. She said please. And I know what I had to do."

DCP senior officer listened my explanation with much enthusiasm. "As I said my officer cannot make mistakes. You called it devil's act, I say it is humanely act. He saved one innocent life. If he let her die, the unborn child would die along with her. Well done Advitya".

He turned to DCP and said "it won't happened if there was no security breach. You must thankful to us that we act in time. Who would be responsible if they get successful in their mission.?
Nevertheless, i need the detailed explanation why there was security breach from your side and want the copy of the detailed matter on my table by tomorrow. Understand?"

DCP said nothing. But nodded.
"Come on officer Advitya, we are leaving."
Advitya thump his foot and salute the Dcp. Both the officer lead their way to door.


Hello guys here is the new update. I need to build the background.please stay updated. Every chapter is interrelated. Please read and vote.

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