He reported everything to her and can hear her sigh in disappointment.

'So no one came to search around here huh.'

Thinking about what to do, she was overcome by shame and disappointment in herself when she woke up realizing that she fainted because of her trauma of Azazel, even if he isn't the one she knew. His body just causes her too much PTSD even if she wasn't the victim of his sadistic behaviour, she held the memories and experience they went through when bit by bit those moment enter her head.

'Right now I can't let it get to me again. We have to find a way out to survive. And from what I heard when I woke up, we need to find a food and water source soon. Maybe even going out back to the town to see if help are still there.'

She frown at the tasks and regret a bit for taking so long to wake up and get this over with.

'Walking around in the dark is dangerous, especially since we don't know what type of nocturnal creatures roam around this location. We are too close to the Fallen Knight forest. A place were so many has fallen isn't a good place to be close. Especially at night.'

"We will head toward the town, but we won't use the main path to walk back. We would use the cover of the trees and bushes beside the path and head toward the town."

She knew walking at night was dangerous, but knew that staying still is worse.

'They may still be searching around but didn't think to search in the forests for a bunch of kids. If they still can't find us them they may even leave thinking the enemy got away with us. Then what will we do if that happens? So right now I have to take the least dangerous risk and head out following the path through the forest and finding help.'

"Do you guys agree with the plan."

"Anything Saku says I will trust."

Adaline was the first to agree then was followed by Azazel and lastly Amar.

"Even if I knew you for just a while, I trust your judgment more that those of other adults."


Sakura warily smiled and wondered how she can be so mean with such a good kid like him. She learned that he still carried her away and protected her when she fainted and even waited for her to wake up to make any important decisions when througout their meeting she kept giving him the cold shoulder. A warm sense filled her when he hasn't judge her for her attitude and still trusted in her judgment.

'See? Right now he isn't that person, he is the boy that was a victim like me. This time he was saved too so we may not ever see that other bastard again.'

She wanted to chuckle but held back since this wasn't a situation she can laugh at.

"Then let's begin moving."

Azazel exited first while moving the leaves and twigs from their way. He helped Amar get out and then stretched out his had to help Sakura. She hesitated but took a deep breath and reached out to grab his outstretched hand. The feeling of revoltion came but it was weaker. Sighing in relief she was pulled up and he help pat away a few leaves and dirt that was on her.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

Azazel unconsciously patted her in the head and stretched out his hand to help Adaline next.

Sakura touched her head that was patted by and felt his kindness from the touch. Not knowing why, but she couldn't describe the feeling she had, it wasn't the usual disgust and dislike she felt from his touch, but a warmth spread from his light touch.

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