"Didn't you hear her? She wants you to stop touching her like that. She's not interested, so piss off." Draco narrowed his eyes at him.

Jack laughed at him, making Draco even angrier. "She's not your girlfriend anymore, Malfoy. Not everyone at this school bows down to you. I know I don't."

"It's not about me, it's about her and what she wants. And it isn't you." He spat.

"Are you sure about that? I don't think you know anything about her. I know she doesn't want you, so maybe you should stop while you're ahead. You're not good enough for her, Malfoy. You're practically worthless." He got in his face. Draco punched him in the jaw all at once, his rings not feeling too pleasant when they collided with the sensitive skin. Jack gripped his instantly sore jaw when he caught himself from stumbling back.

"You fucking—"

"I don't think so." Fred and George said at the same time as they came up behind him and grabbed his arms, holding him back from lunging at Draco.

"Merlin, you're all a bunch of idiots! Is she really worth all of this? She's just a whore." He shook his head. Val's mouth fell open slightly at that. Was that what people really thought of her? All the boys he listed off, the bet he spoke about... Draco grabbed the collar of his shirt harshly and got into his face, wearing a genuinely intimidating expression.

"Don't you ever say something like that again. If I ever even see you look her way again, I'll kill you. Do you understand me? I can have you expelled from this school in an instant, so watch yourself. Or I'll make sure your future is hell." He threatened. Jack was just silent. He jerked out of Fred and George's grip and just walked off. The others were standing around listening now, and the music had been stopped. "Val—"

Draco turned around to see her standing nowhere near him. "She rushed off out of the Common Room. I couldn't stop her. You have to go after her, Draco."

"I'll find her." He nodded. Fred grabbed his arm to stop him.

"She's in classroom 19. I don't know why, but she is." He showed him on the Marauder's Map. Draco nodded, giving him a quick look to say thank you before hurrying off. If she got caught by Umbridge, she'd be in big trouble. He didn't even think about what he was going to say when he got to her, he just rushed after her. When he got to the classroom, he carefully stepped in, trying not to make too much noise and draw any attention to them. A ray of moonlight shone in on her as she sat with her knees in her chest in front of what he recognized as the Mirror of Erised. And, he was reflected in it. He was what she desired most. He heard her light sobs, and it broke his heart. He stepped over to her, and she didn't move when she spoke.

"Get away from me." She choked out.

"Val, it's me." He said softly.

"I don't want to see you."

"Please, just talk to me." He begged. She inhaled sharply before sitting up and wiping her face quickly. She didn't want him to see her as such a mess. She sat cross legged, then, staring into the mirror. Draco's reflection was real this time as he stood behind her. He saw nothing different, and he knew it was showing his deepest desire as her. She realized that, too, as she thought back to what Dumbledore said. They were using the mirror as normal, because they had everything they desired at their hands. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say. I guess my words are evading me. I didn't think I'd get this far."

She stood up all at once to face him. "You hurt me! You put me through hell! You left me after you promised you wouldn't! After everything you said to me, after I opened up to you. You told me you didn't have feelings for me like I did you! You ruined my trust for you, you broke me!"

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