"We'll honor his memory." Blaise offered. "No matter who you are or where you stand, Diggory was an outstanding wizard and a great person. So, we'll honor him."

"Thanks for saying that, Blaise." Val smiled at him. He just nodded back. She couldn't stand the fact that Draco was just standing next to her. She felt so uncomfortable, trying to resist the urge to look over at him. She was exhausted from trying so hard to show him she didn't care anymore. It was tiring because she did, and it was a lot to put that act on.

They all went to their dormitories and began getting dressed in their uniforms so they could head to dinner. "So, did you talk to Draco over the summer?"

"What?" Val glanced over at Lolita, taken aback by such an absurd questions. "No, of course not."

"I don't think you should give up on him." Lolita admitted, and Val finished tying her tie and gave her a look. "I'm just saying, like you said, it's not like him to up and end everything after all he said and did. I'm behind you on that completely. Me and the others have been trying to figure out what's going on with him, but we haven't had much luck. Draco's closed off completely, he'll hardly talk to any of us at all. And with You-Know-Who being back, with his father being a Death Eater... I know what's going to be expected of him and I don't want him to go down that path. None of us do. I'm just saying maybe you're the only person who can get through to him, and be there for him. God knows he needs it right now. He can't resist you for much longer, I know he cares about you. I know he does, and I'm never wrong. So, please trust me on this. Just think about it and see if you can try."

"He hurt me, 'Lita." Val shook her head. "It doesn't matter what he does or feels. He hurt me. None of that answers the question as to why he broke up with me. None of that gives him an excuse to do me the way he's done, to make me feel how I've felt."

"Okay, okay. Maybe not, you're right. But, we all do stupid things when we're going through stuff. You have to learn to forgive and forget and just be there for your friends when they have these hiccups. I know it's going to be hard for you, but please. He needs us. And you're the only person he'll listen to."

"I don't know what makes you so sure." She dismissed her, going back to putting on her uniform. She pulled on the familiar, itchy, gray and green sweater over her white undershirt and green and white tie.

"You can't lie on Veritaserum. You know that, Val. So, why are you still doubting my assumption?"

"Because it's an assumption." She replied.

"But I know. Believe me, Val." She gave her a serious look, and Val sighed out.

"This whole summer I've been trying to just get over him, to feel okay again, and I come back to this. To you giving me more false hope."

"It's not false and you know it isn't. You're just scared."

"I don't like that you know me so well." Val admitted, and Lolita cracked a smile. They both shared a light laugh at that. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, too..." She paused. "And I know Draco did, too. He needs you, Val."

"I can't make any promises."

"Just try and see what you can do. We'll keep trying, too." She assured her, and Val just nodded. If an opportunity presented itself, maybe she would. But right now, she had other ideas.

"Hermione says I should have a casual relationship with Fred." She said, and Lolita's eyes widened.

"Well, it's good to know Granger's brilliant mind never fails her."

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