He walked passed Sakura with hurried steps. Seeing him walk passed, Sakura quickly glanced at his face and stilled in her steps for a second.

'Ah.... that expression. He really is just a kid."

Watching his steps full of unsurpassed elation Sakura eased up, however she quickly tended up when she saw a shadow up ahead.


She had to stop herself from screaming out to him so she doesn't alert those in front. She hesitated but quickly forced herself to toss her negative emotions to the side.

She grabbed Adaline and the other boy who was with them and had them hide behind a bolder. She didn't have time to explain bit signaled them to stay quite while she left their side and quickly reached out toward Azazel.

Her leg burn from the small jog and felt the repulsion of making contact with him but quickly gulped down whatever she felt on her throat.

She watches him turn in surprise and noticed how he was ready to say something but she quickly and quietly covers his mouth and dragged him to another boulder.

It didn't have enough space but she knew they had to make due since the shadow of whomever was entering was getting closer and closer.

She was getting sick from the contact but distracted herself by reminding herself the body is just the shell, whatever was inside was a whole different existence from the one who ruined her lives.

While she was having an internal struggle, Azazel was confused from her sudden action. And turn to where she was looking, he then quickly noticed the sound of footsteps and the shadow of a head.

Widening his eyes he quickly got the message. Seeing how little space they had he quickly worried about her being seen.

He apologized in his head and reached his arm around her. Wrapping his arms below her and holding her shoulders, he lightly lifted her to his knees and pushed her head to his chest while she sat in his leg and tucked to his stomach.

Sakura own eyes widen and she quickly covered her mouth to stop her gagging. Her eyes shut tight.

'Its not him. It's not him. It's fucking not HIM!! You weak fool, stop getting so scared!'

Feeling a light pat in her back she flinched in his embrace. He leans closer to her and whispers just inches above her head.

"Its ok. I'm here, I'll protect you. If they find us I'll distract them while you go and get away with the rest ok?"

Sakura couldn't hear everything he said because of the mental strain she was in caused her to just faint there with no way of her stopping herself.

He didn't wait for an answer and made sure to keep her hidden in his arms. His instincts to protect those compelled him. Especially since he was locked away with other children who were scared and younger than he was.

"We have to leave! The gate is inside."

"What about the rest? Shouldn't we wait for them!?"

"We don't have time to wait! The enemy is already inside our town. If we don't leave now then we would be taken too."

A group of 5 or so people entered and didn't even pay attention to their surrounding, they just entered and passed right by them without a second to lose.

The moment they couldn't hear their footsteps Azazel quickly tried to get up but noticed a strange occurrence.

Sakura didn't move and just seemed to have fainted in his arms.

"Hey? Are you ok!?"

He anxiously whispered to her.

Adaline heard the small whisper that was a bit too loud and didn't think twice to stand and run to their side.

She panicked when she saw Sakura limp in his arms. The only thing that reassured her was the small movement of the chest to indicate she was breathing.

"What happened!?"

"I-I don't know!?"

All of them where panicking but didn't know what to do at this situation. However Azazel knew that they shouldn't stay here. The moment those people notice that the gate was broken then they would return back and the place they hid are is in full view from them.

"We can't stay here; we have to go out now and then think what to do! Understand that Sa-um Saku? Wouldn't like for us to be caught just because we worried around here doing nothing."

Adaline wanted to say something but knew what Azazel meant. She had no choice but to nod and watch Azazel lift Sakura in his arms and quickly as possible leave the cave.

Azazel made sure to glance back to see if they were following his lead and was reassured that both Adaline and the other kid is keeping pace with him.

The moment they took that step out of the cave he still didn't relax and appreciate the outside air. He turned and headed into the mini forest while quickly looking for a hiding spot for them all.




The boy who was quietly following them called out and pointed at one area. Azazel  turn to look.

"Oh! That place isn't bad. Good job Amar."

The area the boy pointed at was has a few dense trees with large trunks and fallen trees on the ground. There a few trees were hallowed with enough space inside for a couple of malnourished kids and children who haven't even reached the age of 10.

Azazel was starved for days with the other children so it'll be harder for them to fight back. But from the very beginning when he was given to them, they haven't really fed him decent food so he was in bad shape and only had the appearance of a 10 year old boy rather than 12, yet surprisingly he still had enough energy to move so much with a person fainted in his arms. Amar was an orphan picked from the streets so he was even worse off.

With all that everyone was able to fit inside a hallow fallen tree and hide the opening with dry leaves.

The boy smiled shyly and did a light nod of thanks. If Azazel wasn't carrying Sakura he would have given a pat as a reward.

"Let's move quick. It already been a few minutes since they entered, they should be running out any second to find a way out."

Azazel had Adaline enter first while he handed Sakura to her. He then had Amar follow after and he himself went last. With that, all four are hidden from sight but they as well lost their sight to see out.

"We wait here till help gets here or when Saku wakes up and tells us what to do."

Azazel ended up in command and he knew since he was the calmest, well second to Sakura he has to call the shots for the moment.

Throughout the time they did interact or from what he saw, he was able to comprehend that she was mature for a kid her age. He was still in shock that she found them and even saved them all on her own. And that her quick thinking made sure no one was able to come back to grab them through the gate.

'For now we wait. For our next course of actions I'll wait for her to wake up so we can discuss what to do.'

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