4. Around the campfire

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Around the campfire
In which you
don't know shit

Around the campfire___________________In which you don't know shit*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

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Dinner was some apple-pie leftovers from yesterday. Not very healthy, but it tasted very good.

You were wearing your new clothing - which weirdly enough fit perfectly. It was very nice to wear something new for a change, even tho your purple, iconic color was nowhere to be seen anymore. You felt as clean as ever.

Tommy's and Tubbo's clothing was completely dry now - which was good since it was beginning to get dark.

All five of you sat in front of a campfire, in comfortable silence. You sat beside Fundy, and the two of you had just finished a long conversation - you had gotten to know him a little bit better, which was nice. Apparently, he was born in L'manburg. He had never known his mother (who you really, really hoped wasn't really a fox) and you weren't really sure if Wilbur really was his real father, or just like a father-figure to him. Wilbur would be the youngest father in history if that was the case. But you didn't dare to ask.

Fundy had also asked you about your parents, to which you hesitantly told the truth. Fundy's ears dropped, as he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. The three others, who had apparently been eavesdropping said they were very sorry.

You just smiled. Sure, it was hard to talk about, but it wasn't like you could remember your parents that well. Whenever you thought about family, about love, it was always his face that appeared in your mind.

You had just eaten the last bite of pie, when you decided to speak up. You wanted to ask a question, that's been on your mind the whole day. "So, what's the plan?" Everyone looked at you. "I mean, what are we going to do, and when are we going to do it? Capture Dream and his friends? Sneak attack them while they're sleeping? Surely we're not just gonna sit here until he makes the first move."

Tubbo and Tommy suddenly found the campfire really interesting. Fundy was very occupied playing with his tail. And that lead you to look at Wilbur. He looked like someone who thought very well of what to answer.

"Well, we haven't planned an attack of any sort. We want to settle the conflict with Dream as peacefully as possible. That said, if he attacks us, we'll defend ourselves at any cost."

"Have you tried just talking to him?" You asked. They all nodded.

"Yeah, of course, we have," Tommy said. "But that stupid son of a bitch is only interested in chaos. We've said that we don't want to fight him - that we just want independence. But his conditions for exactly that are just unnegotiable."

"I see," you mumbled. The more they talked about Dream, the more you disliked him. You haven't even met him, and yet you wanted to punch him in the face. "So... We're just waiting?"

𝒫𝒽𝒾𝓁𝑜𝓅𝒽𝑜𝒷𝒾𝒶 [Dream x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now