Chapter Thirty-Two

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They were back in school on the second week of January, with the snow settling on the rooftops of the school buildings and frosting up the pebbled pathways. Dan was in 3c, sharing with Chris again, whereas Phil and PJ were split into two different dorms. They realised very quickly that it didn't matter, though, because barely anyone said anything to Dan and Phil. They probably wouldn't have noticed because the four boys who hadn't missed their drama opportunities for a year and a half, now, weren't social creatures and much rathered keeping to themselves. However, they were used to being the laughing stock or in Phil's case, nothing far off punching bags.

"So I'm not the only one who's noticed it?" Chris sighed in relief, standing against the piano in the Great Hall as Dan absentmindedly played his examination pieces.

"Definitely not." Phil nodded, his arms crossed as he leant against the wall, "I've not been called 'fag' once. I'd be lucky if I passed a morning without that before mocks week."

PJ was resting his arm against the piano top as he scribbled down his notes for prep, "You don't think our year is...actually growing up, do you?" he spoke in a joking tone, but the question was entirely serious.

They'd been back for a week, so unless the packs of agitated teenagers hadn't had long enough to reform into something hostile again, then this really was their future. Phil piped up again, "I mean, it did die down after exams in November..."

"Everything did, though. It was coming up to Christmas and we'd finished the very things we were running ourselves out for. It's not like we're not stressed at all now, either, because we have our fucking GCSEs next term."

"You've got a point." Chris admitted, stepping towards his curly-haired friend to see what work he was doing, "This was due in last lesson." he pointed out.

"That's why I'm doing it now." the eldest boy smiled.


Dan was walking alongside Chris to their science lesson, with PJ and Phil running late due to handing in various overdue items of work, mostly on PJ's head. He was a brilliant student and hardworking, but he preferred to have his head in video editing rather than algebra or chemical equations.

He placed his bag on the floor and leant against the stone wall, facing Chris to bring up a conversation, when a boy named Isaac in their class stood to his side. They'd barely exchanged a word, but Dan knew he was a sheep to the ringleaders of Phil's issues for the past year, so he didn't hesitate to give the boy a snarl, "What do you want?" Dan snapped.

Isaac shrugged, looking slightly offended as he asked, "Nothing. Just wondering how Phil is?"

Dan furrowed his eyebrows, "What's that your business for?" he crossed his arms, standing upright and much taller than the boy before him.

"It's not." he admitted, "But he's not here, so I'm wondering."

"Ask him yourself, he'll be here shortly," Dan mumbled. They were called in shortly after. This wasn't the first time he was approached by students he'd barely shed a word to, all specifically asking after Phil. He shut them off every single time, feeling uncomfortable about how familiar his attitude towards them was from the first year he was at that school. Because, in their defence, they weren't doing anything wrong; they were asking, in good favour, about how his best friend was doing, but to Dan it all felt off.


"You don't think they were talked to, do you?" Dan asked Chris three weeks into the start of term as they sat on the tables in their drama studio, with two other boys from their year using the printer placed in the far corner of the room.

He shook his head, "I haven't heard of that, and anyway kids don't listen to talks like those. They're teenagers, they don't give a shit about others' wellbeings." Dan sighed, nodding as he watched Phil and PJ enter through the door.

"What ya talking about?" PJ began as he tossed his bag onto the floor and stole the teacher's office chair to wheel it into the centre of the studio.

Dan chuckled, "At how weird it is that for two weeks I've had students that I've, for the majority, never spoken to in my life, who are now asking about how Phil's doing."

PJ chuckled, "Phil's had the exact same thing for you." he admitted on the behalf of his friend.

"He's right." Phil nodded.

One of the boys from the printer walked nervously up to the group, holding a stapled stack of paper in his hand as he asked, "You've not heard the rumours?" he piped into their conversation.

"What rumours?" Dan growled.

"People-" he chuckled, "It's ridiculous if it's not true. But, people are saying you and Phil are going out."

"What?!" Dan cackled, shaking his head, "So they bully him for two years for 'being a faggot' and now they've set up a rumour we're making out after school, huh?" he shook his head, "They can assume what they want. I guess it's making your life easier." he directed towards Phil.

"That's actually hilarious." PJ grinned, "Hey and you two got rumoured about before me and Chris."

"That's because everyone knows you two are actually going out." the printer boy spoke again, "Right?"

Chris blushed, looking out of the window as he uncomfortably shifted in his seat, "How does that make a difference?"

"Well, everyone's on edge waiting for those two to confirm it. I won't tell anyone that you're actually not." the boy shrugged, smiling as he began to walk away, "And you're definitely not-"

"No!" Dan shouted amusedly, "That's actually hilarious. That is fucking hilarious." he nodded to himself. He saw Phil's uncomfortable, but entertained, smile that was much alike his own, "You know what? Say we are going out. Let's see who we can tease and how long we can shut off the homophobia, huh? It seems boarding school teenagers do have a heart after all."

"A singular, mouse-sized heart shared between them all," PJ remarked with a grin against his face.

"Who do you think started that rumour?" Phil asked, sitting crossed-legged on the desk.

"I have no clue." Dan shook his head, taking in a breath, "Fucking hilarious."

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