Chapter Fifty-Four

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"Ladies and gents," Chris laughed, already intoxicated with another glass in his hands, "We've been here for approximately twenty-four hours. Some old, some new. But, to the new ones, well done, you're one of eight Crossings boys that lived on from Third Form to A-Levels. The rest suffered and starved, but I guess we will later, too." he laughed to himself, chugging back another gulp of alcohol, "To the new...yeah what I just said. To the old, we hope you like us! Let's celebrate to the sixteen A-Level boys in Crossings and let's get wasted!" the group of boys clapped as they sat slung against still-packed suitcases and already messy beds. Chris' speeches weren't as they used to be, but the boys supposed the humour was hard to keep up when you could barely stand on two feet.

"Go on." Dan grinned deviously, "Go onnn." he held a cup of vodka and lemonade under his boyfriend's nose, "It's gross, but it's fun."

Phil took it from him, rolling his eyes and chugging it back, "It's awful." he laughed, briefly burying his head in Dan's neck, "How drunk are you?"

"Only tipsy. Like...four out of ten on the drunk scale." he laughed, taking another sip, "Initiation rules!" he cackled to himself, watching Phil as he painfully gulped down the drink.

"Good holiday?" PJ asked them, taking a seat opposite in the dorm as he sipped on his own drink.

"Very so." Dan smiled with pink cheeks. He liked Phil. Phil was cute to him. He hummed, turning back to his other friend.

"It was good." Phil smiled, holding his drink between his fist, "How was yours?"

"Alright." PJ nodded, "Spent a lot with it with Chris." something hung in the air, but Dan didn't notice it as he flopped against his best friend. PJ smiled, "I'm going to go and find him and make sure he doesn't go downstairs drunk." the oldest boy laughed, refilling his drink on the way out of the dorm.

The two boys were sitting against the radiator with Dan's side against the bed. The floor wasn't the cleanest place to be, but they didn't feel like standing. The brown-haired boy grinned towards his friend, his eyes squinted and his teeth on show, "I want to kiss you." he quietly muttered.

"You're drunk." Phil laughed, finishing his glass of vodka. It was a cheap drink the boys in the second year of A-Levels could get ahold of in bulk with fake IDs and flashy smiles, even if it was disgusting. Sixteen-to-eighteen-year-olds weren't going to show that they hated the alcohol, though. That shame would go down with them in history.

"Barely!" Dan spat, shaking his head in amusement. He moved closer to the boy who seemed to be lit up with stars, and he pressed his lips to him, "See." he smiled, "Nothing wrong with that. Nobody saw."

Phil hummed at the floor, chuckling to himself. He wasn't sure if he pulled Dan onto his lap or if Dan climbed onto him, but he was aware that his arms were tied around the smaller boy and his tongue was down his throat. Sometimes it was nice to not have to think, "You taste like vodka." Phil mumbled, barely breathing through their kiss.

"So do you." Dan giggled, moving his lips to the older boy's jaw, "But I love it."

"Dan. Phil." they heard PJ sit down beside them. They coughed up a laugh before they stopped swallowing each other, instead flopping back to the floor with their drinks, "Anything I need to know?"

Dan lifted a finger to his lips and winked, a smirk climbing onto his cheeks, "As much as there's to know about you and Chris." he giggled, his words slurred. He rolled his head to Phil, "I want to fuck."

"You're drunk," Phil repeated from earlier.

"But so are you!" he whined, "Come on. The school building is empty."

The black-haired boy blushed as he exchanged a look with PJ, watching his friend raise his eyebrows and shrug. Phil stood up, taking Dan in his arms as they took the back exit out of Crossings and towards the school. He held the younger boy upright with his arm around his waist as they quickly stumbled towards the school. They thought they were walking normally, but they couldn't have been more wrong.

They turned to enter the West entrance when they stumbled across a lady with her brown hair tied into a rushed bun behind her scalp, and a friendly, yet exhausted, smile pressed onto her cheeks, "Dan." she chuckled, "And Phil, of course. How are you both?"

Dan stood up straight, stifling a laugh as he answered as normally as he could, "I'm doing good, thank you. Mrs Blackwell."

She eyed him suspiciously, raising and lowering her pupils against the sixteen-year-old. First school night, and he was in Crossings. It occurred to her and she took in a breath and nodded, "Good. We'll catch up another time, again. Just...don't break anything and if you do put it on my chair," she muttered, shaking her head at the two drunken teens and walking off. They could punish the Crossings boys, but the same thing would happen every year and if it wasn't on school grounds, it would be drunken fights on the streets - sending Auburn's reputation to ruin, not just the boys to hospital.

"That was so close!" Dan whisper-shouted, giggling into his boyfriend's neck. He couldn't stop cackling, so Phil pulled him into the history classroom and covered his mouth with his palm.

"Shut up!" Phil laughed, pressing their foreheads together as they shared a smile. Their eyes fell into each other and suddenly the room around them faded into a blur. No matter how sober, nor drunk, the two teenagers would love each other until they drank themselves insane. They'd more likely end up dead from alcohol poisoning before they got there, though.

"Fuck me." Dan spat, throwing his lips onto Phil's.



They wouldn't remember their hands against each other's bare chest, in the morning. They wouldn't recollect how Dan had his mouth around the older boy, before Phil had him pinned against the table with their trousers off and arms gripping tightly against the wooden desks. Everything from their sweaty palms to the orgasms that ran along their spines would be drunkenly forgotten into a mess of hangovers and dry throats in the morning. But, they would both know, and so would the rest of their school.

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