Chapter Forty-Three

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It was Dan who made the decision to sit up again, wrapping his arms around Phil's back that was as warm as his own. He pulled the older boy into him, holding him in an embrace before he kissed him, both of them aware his dick was against Phil's thighs, and Phil's was against Dan's abdomen. The younger boy was more than fine with it, so he gently asked, "Is this okay?"

Phil shook, nodding his head as he muttered, "Yeah. Definitely." he wondered for a moment if he was shivering because he was cold, however his skin was on fire. Dan's wasn't on fire, instead it looked as though it was rained on by tiny shards of diamond: a fitting luxury for the boy he cared so much for.

He let the younger boy slowly collapse against the mattress again, but as he let him go, he pressed his hand against Dan's bare length, "Is this okay?" he repeated, but the boy's shy grin as his eyes fluttered shut was enough to say that it was. He knelt between the curly-haired boy as his hand began to stroke upwards and down.

They were both awarely sticky, and the younger boy desperately wanted the grasp on his dick to tighten, so when Phil fearfully asked him, "Can I spit on my hand?" Dan didn't hesitate to agree. He quickly did so, making it a smooth movement before his hand was against his friend again.

They'd been waiting for so long that it wasn't long before the shaking boy whispered, "I'm going to come." he swallowed, "Stop for a moment." Phil obliged, watching Dan as he carefully sat up, "Uh..." the boy looked at the two of them and between them the desperate release they both wanted, "straighten your legs out. I'll put mine over yours."

Phil nodded, unkneeling and enjoying the sensation returning to his lower legs. He placed his legs on either side of Dan's curled up body, before the smaller boy lifted his legs over his thighs, wrapping them around his lower back, "Is this comfortable for you?" Phil asked, aware his best friend was slightly folded up.

"Yeah." Dan nodded, smiling as he still shivered. He subtly spat in his hand, taking hold of Phil and smiling when the older boy's head tilted back slightly. Dan buried his forehead into Phil's neck, letting them shake together as the adrenaline scratched through their veins. It took the taller boy a moment before he took ahold of Dan's cock, too, letting them gasp together as their bodies shook and they felt themselves relax into each other.

Dan looked down, seeing the mixture of their come sit against both of them, looking up as he quietly and timidly said, "I've got tissues under my bed." any tension suddenly broke and they giggled together, unfolding themselves and drying themselves off. It still didn't feel quite real to them.

Dan took his underwear from the floor and slipped them over himself again, passing Phil's to him as he shuffled under his bedsheets. He lifted a corner for his best friend, letting the older boy shuffle in beside him and hold his body closer into his own. Phil took in the scent of his friend's hair as he asked, "You stole my shampoo during term."

Dan chuckled, burying his head away as he mumbled, "But you stole mine, too." he lifted his left leg over Phil's waist, bringing the boy closer into him.

"I love you," Phil muttered honestly, initiating the words himself this time.

"I love you, too," Dan replied truthfully, his breathing settling as he felt fingertips dancing against his shoulder blades. They rested together, listening to the hushed breathing of each other's lungs until the room around them faded calmly away.


Dan took a breath in, the feeling of the warm air from his nose nestling on his hand. He mumbled to himself, holding onto the bundle he had gipped against his chest. He sighed through his nose, the scent he took in being one he was growing awfully familiar with, so he smiled.

"Are you awake?" Phil muttered, the younger boy feeling his strands of hair dancing on his forehead as his hair was played with.

"Mm." Dan confirmed, nodding his head and breathing deeply, "What time is it?"

Phil had heard his early morning voice before, when they were called up for breakfast before school and were in a rush for class. He'd never heard it as warm and comforting as he did now, and it twisted his heart into two, "Eleven." the older boy chuckled, closing his eyes as their heads rested on the same pillow.

Dan hummed again, stretching his arms upwards and rolling onto his back. He didn't feel the mattress beneath him, instead he heard the crinkling of material until his head slammed into the hard floor beneath him, "Fuck." he cursed, scrunching his eyes and rolling again. The duvet stayed wrapped over his body but barely muffled the slam accompanying his fall.

"Are you alright?!" Katherine called out as she walked down the hallway. She didn't hear an answer, so knocked lightly on the door before slowly opening it and warily peering in, "What just happened?"

"I woke up and fell out of bed." Dan's groan quickly turned into a cackle as he sat up, "I'm fine."

"How did you fall out of an air bed?" Katherine chuckled, shaking her head at the boy seemingly clumsier than her son.

"Oh, I was in my bed with Ph-" he cut himself off, his cheeks burning red until they were visible from a mile away. His heart paced beneath his ribcage as the three of them sat in awkward silence, "We...fell asleep while watching Wall-E." he tried.

"Did you enjoy the film?" Katherine whispered.

The two boys nodded, pulling the duvet so it continued to cover more than just their underwear -- that would raise more questions. Phil's mother nodded, shutting the door behind her before the two boys glared in panic at each other, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean-" Dan rapidly apologised.

"I don't care," Phil reassured him, offering the boy a hand as he pulled him back onto the bed, "You'll blow our cover." he giggled.

"Not the only thing I'll blow." Dan teased, his eyes sinking into Phil's with desire.

"Don't." the black-haired boy warned, pushing the sheets off of his body and feeling Dan's stare against him. He walked to his pile of clothes, taking out a clean set and rolling the t-shirt over his torso.

Dan groaned, sitting upright, but not moving his eyes as the older boy changed his underwear, "If you get changed into actual clothes, I do too." he pouted, crossing his eyes as he walked up to the fully dressed boy.

"Well you can stay under the knowing watch of my parents, if you want, or we can go to the park and town?"

"That comic book shop you took me to last time?" Dan asked, feeling the same gaze he held on Phil only moments ago.

"Okay." he smiled back, waiting until the shorter boy was changed besides his jeans and instead held them over his arm. Phil took the pause, wrapping his arms around Dan and holding his shoulders into his chest, "I love you." he quietly hummed.

He felt Dan's smile against his ear as the curly-haired boy whispered back, "I love you, too."

"I like your curls." Phil chuckled, feeling them against his cheek.

"You're the only one. They're awful." Dan pouted.

"But I doubt you were planning to straighten them today, now." the black-haired boy teased.

There was a pause before Dan pulled away, looking down as he mumbled, "Fine."

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