Chapter 28 - Back the Flip Off

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I woke to see that Oliver was next to me, his face was buried in my shirt. I couldn't help but to blush and smile. I gently ruffled his hair, before I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. I heard a buzz and I looked around the room for the source. It was coming my phone, which was hanging out on the counter. I went over to it and picked it up. I opened up the text and read it.

Hope you are considering to give up Oliver.

- Kaito

I wasn't even going to reply back and I didn't even care what he was thinking about. I quickly went to my apartment to change clothes and get a hoodie, since I planed on bring Oliver out. As I entered Oliver's apartment, I saw the cutest sight. Oliver was clumsily walking out of the room, rubbing his good eye, his hair was sticking in different directions, he was yawning and the blanket was clenched in his hands. I quickly pulled out my phone and took a picture. I put the phone away and went over to him.

"Well, good morning." I say, giving him a kiss.

"Morning Len.." Oliver said.

He said like he was going to fall asleep. I let Oliver get dressed while I got breakfast ready, which was something I haven't had in quite awhile. A Japanese breakfast. I was lucky was Oliver had most of the indigents and what not. Oliver came out of the room, wearing his Wings of Freedom hoodie. He went over to me and peaked over my shoulder to see what I was making. He seemed quite surprised by the different food. Once I was done, I places the bowls and everything on the counter, so that Oliver can see.

"Ohhh! Steamed rice!" Oliver said.

I smiled as I watched him take several spoonfuls of the rice. I watched him take a bite, before I started to gather my meal and eat. After we were done with the meal, we did the dishes and then we headed to the subway to go the city. We went to the Hot Topic store, only just to get out of the rain for a while. Then we went to the famous McDonlad's, I think it was only Oliver and I who thought if it that way. We stayed there for a while, since we got lunch. And when we walked out, I spotted Kaito walking towards us. Oliver noticed and took my hand.

"Well, isn't it Len," Kaito said.

He linked when he saw Oliver.

"You brought Oliver too."

I gave the blue-haired boy a glare.

"Have you found a way to give up the boy?" Kaito asked.

"Back to flip off," Oliver suddenly growled.

Kaito blinked and looked at the boy. I looked at him too, only to the that blonde was glaring at Kaito. Kaito obviously felt the threat in Oliver's voice and took step back. I blinked when Oliver began to pull me down the street, but once he stopped, turned around, stuck up his middle finger and walked on. I swear, never once have I seen such harsh body language from him.

Well, maybe Kaito will back off...

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