Chaprer 54

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Lunox’s Point of View

“Remember our deal back then? It’s still on,” said Gusion while he wrapped my wounded leg with a cloth.

“Yes, I’ll be the one to take his head,” I said.

“No, I’ll be the one,” he replied.

“Everyone thought you were a traitor!” I changed the topic. After he finished to wrap my wounded leg, he stood up.

“There are more coming!” Odette shouted. We prepared ourselves and get in position.

“Leo has his own plans while I have my own. I didn’t tell you because it will be risky. I will not forgive myself if anything happens to you. As long as you’re with Leo’s side, he can protect you,” he said. “When you’re with me, I can’t make sure that you’ll be safe,” he added and smiled. I punched his chest gently.

“I can protect my own,” I replied and smiled sweetly. He messed my hair. I missed his touch. I’m relieved that he’s not a traitor. It was the right choice to put my faith in him. He didn’t let me down. Now, I can trust him again. I feel guilty that I doubted him. Next time, I’ll trust and never doubt him again.

“I know but you’re not immortal,” he said and triggered his gun. “Let’s finish this quickly. In a moment, Leo will need our help,” he added. I also triggered my gun and placed the dagger between my teeth.

“I will go ahead, Gus. Guard me,” I said.

“Okay. We got your back, Lu,” I rushed to the opponents. They’re about 30 approximately. I glanced at their collar. “Grade 11 and 10,” I gritted my teeth. As their senior, we should be a role model to them. They need to wake up and know the truth that what they’re doing is not right. They’re siding on the wrong side. I don’t care about the tactics Steel Douglas used to these students to side with him but as their senior, I will let them realize what they’re doing is against the law.

While I approached them, I raised my gun and shot three of them on their legs. A student dashed at me. “Change,” I said. Then, the gun changed into a boomerang. I hurled the boomerang to the student in front of me. She tripped. I dashed at her and hit her nape using the dagger. Then, the boomerang flew back at me. I caught it. Quickly, the boomerang turned back to a gun. I shot the students, who is on their way to my directions, on their legs.

“Don’t kill them!” I shouted. Then, they stopped for a second and gave me a questioning look.

“They can kill us but we can’t kill them?” Odette asked. Oho. Her bvtchy attitude is showing.

“I have thought that they don’t deserve death because they’re victims too. All of us deserve a second chance,” I stated. Odette kicked her opponent. She went behind him and strangled him.

“Second chance, my a$s,” she said. After five seconds, she let him go. Her opponent kneels down and catches his breath. I shook my head. She listened to me and she didn’t kill him. She kicked his head and he fell unconscious.

“Tsk. Then, we’ll just torture them. In that way, we won’t kill them but instead they’ll feel immense pain,” she said and winked at me.

I focused on the people in front of me. I am being surrounded. I will not make the same mistake again. I triggered my gun. They suddenly pointed their guns at me. As I thought, they’re guarding my moves. I just noticed that they’re tense. Steel Douglas warned them about me. Even though they tried to hide their fears, I can see through them. Tsk. I won’t be needing Gusion’s help earlier if I take the fight seriously. I took the knife. They locked their eyes on the knife.

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